Camping Topic: Vocabulary with Pronunciation

Camping is a topic which can appear in IELTS speaking part 1. Learn some useful words to be able to talk about this topic. Listen to the recordings to improve your pronunciation.

Camping Vocabulary

Basic camping equipment

camping vocabulary pictures


Listen for the missing word

Listen to the recording below. There is one word in the recording which is not in the picture – what is that word? Words will not come in order so write them down as you listen. Answer

More Camping Vocabulary

  • bug spray = insect repellent
  • compass = equipment for navigation
  • backpack = a bag which you carry on your back
  • air mattress = a bed mattress that is filled with air
  • hat = for protection against weather, particular the sun or rain
  • raincoat = a jacket which is waterproof
  • wildlife = wild animals
  • campground = the place for camping
  • path = a track or way to walk (people follow paths in the forest)
  • firewood = wood used for campfires
  • cramped  = not enough space, too small
  • being close to nature = spending time near wildlife and in natural areas
  • camping gear = a collection of camping equipment

Listen to the recording below to improve your pronunciation.

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  1. afaf salman says

    Hi Liz,

    My IELTS general training exam is on 30th November and although I have practiced a lot of writing tasks and made a vocabulary list, the problem is ,whenever I write about a new topic, I am short of ideas. it takes me a lot of time to compile ideas and jot them down. Moreover, i still struggle with vocabulary. Although , I have made a list and bought IELTS writing task, grammar and Vocabulary books and practiced all of the tests, but I am freaking out ,what if I am not able to plan essay within 5 to 10 minutes.

    Please suggest some tips. Moreover, ananlysing each question and then tailoring the answer is quite an art and requires great skill. How do i manage that? For instance, in discussion essays that make comparison between two objects by asking for advantages weighing more than disadvantages, then do we need to focus only on one side of opinion, like advantages of one object is greater than the other or discuss advantages & disadvantages of both items/objects/ideas?

    • I suggest you think about getting my Ideas for Essay Topics E-book. It covers over 150 common essay topics with ideas for each topic. Obviously no one can predict the essay question that you will get in your test, but memorising ideas and refreshing your memory of vocabulary related to that topic will help. IELTS like to recycle topics each year. Also, if you struggle with your approach to essays, planning, structuring the essay etc, I suggest you get my advanced essay writing lessons which cover different types of essays that appear in IELTS, such as the Opinion Essay and the Adv/Disadv Essay. You can find all this in my store:

  2. Many, many thanks Liz
    Your lessons are so useful )

  3. Thank u mam…u r really great.when i losten to Liz ielts, really i feel that u do all with great trust.

  4. Hi Liz

    I really appreciate your simple and in detail guidance for self learners but I didn’t find any page for writing task 1 for GT candidates on your website.

    Could you help me for this!

    • Please go back to the main writing task 1 page and look for the Essential Letter Writing Tips link which is further down the page.

      • Mariyam Abbas says


        I have my speaking test on 8th May, 2019. I have prepared all the topics from your website, thanks to God that I found it. I’ve followed all tge guidelines which you’ve prescribed in this blog.

        Thanks again.

  5. Tayyaba says

    Thnx liz!

  6. Md Omar Faruk says

    Dear Liz Madam,
    I am highly grateful to You, for your well published topics on IELTS.
    Sincerely Yours
    Md Omar Faruk
    University Of Barishal, BangladeshBangladesh

  7. Niraj Patel says

    Hey Liz,
    is there any difference while we refer to Floor Location in American English & British English?
    Is Ground Floor in American English = First Floor in British English true?

    • It’s the opposite way round. Ground floor is in the UK which is First floor in the US.

  8. Sunaina Vishwakarma says

    Fee month ago I joined a institute where teachers everyday changed & they teach different different way or method where I was really confused & now leave that institute.i didn’t join any where .

    Now I plan for self study but didn’t get idea where to start my self
    I know there so much stuffs but how I should start please guid me

    • Get a free practice test and do it at home. Make a list of all the aspects of the test that confuse you. Also make a list of all the question types in each part of the test – review and practice each type. That will give you a very clear understanding of IELTS. You can access the main pages of my site through the red bar at the top of my website.

      • shareef mohammed says

        hello Liz,
        yes i made a list of different type of questions where i am confused. among them identification of heading and true or false or not given in reading module confusing me a lot. please help me to get ride off the problems because i have only problem with reading module.

  9. Hi liz ,
    Can I use British slang language in speaking test or not ?

    • The speaking test is informal so you can use informal language but you must always be polite.

  10. Hi Liz,thank you for your wonderful teaching.ln speaking is it ok to call the examiner as madam or sir.

    • No. Using “sir” or “madam” is incorrect use of English.

      • Harpreet says

        Hi Liz..If it is not okay to use Sir or Madam then how should we address the examiner? Please tell..

        • You use normal language. For example: “Can you repeat that please?” There is no title given. You just use the informal “you” without a title.

  11. hi liz

    • It will not alter your score at all. Particularly, when your compliments show mistakes in English or are learned phrases which are not appropriate for the situation.

  12. Mahmoud says

    Very helpful, thank you

  13. Hi Liz,

    I’m thankful to you for guiding me through..I’m trying to go through all your work although I do not have time to like or comment each topic. Do we need to get western examples or using our own eastern examples is fine. Which we can we score high marks? My favourite movie, favourite novel or person..etc.

    • The examiner is not interested in your ideas for speaking. All the examiner wants is to hear your English. So, you can give any ideas you want and have any views you want. Just relax and be natural and chatty.

  14. g. mahdi jamro says

    G.Mahdi jamro
    hi mam
    thank alot very good guidance for ielts to get required bands score

  15. Ali Jawad says

    Thanks alot Liz for your vocabularies.

  16. Hi Liz,really this is the first time I keep my eyes skinned on what one of the IELTS teachers post.Anyhow,your work is very distinguished so well done and I do believe that yours lessons would be of benefit ,that is to say ,keep it up and I`m so eager to read more and watch more videos .Best of luck and warm regards.

  17. Anna says

    Thank ielts speaking test is on tomorrow.wish me goodluck😊

  18. Marwa says

    really great thanks to you Liz .. my exam will be this Friday, i hope i will get high score

  19. Amit says

    you simply are the best Liz..!!
    please keep doing it.

  20. This first time I wrote to you and I would like to thank you a lot for your helping hand, I want to inform you I have just start following your lessons to get good score in ielts exam but the main aim for me is improvement my self than to get result in the certificate.

  21. Hi Liz
    Firstly, may I thank you so much and be sure that we owe you too much for all your helping hand and efforts. Actually, it would be much appreciated if you explain more and post tips about the reading technics (I mean the best way to answer the questions of reading section).

    Kind regards

  22. Wonderful Liz, You are doing what others abhore and that is training us for free. Thanks. Please can one go in with his table clock, considering that the whole exam is about time management.

    • Unfortunately, you can’t even take in a wrist watch. You can only take pen, pencil and eraser. There is a clock on the examination wall which you need to keep checking.
      All the best

  23. Liz,
    I salute you for your these rewarding work for us who are in need of good band score in IELTS, please keep it up, may God bless you.

  24. qusay says

    Dear Liz
    firstly, may I ask thank you for your helping hand to us to climb this mountain I mean learning English. actually I just want to ask you how can we get some of the essays to improve our skills in the writing side.
    and please if you can make your list of vocabularies as PDF to get them easily.
    finally, make sure that we owe you.

    kind regards

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