Answers for Listening Diagram Mars Insight Probe

The answers are now available for this lesson.

Please go to the original page, to see the transcript, answers and useful vocab which have been posted under the diagram. Click here: IELTS Listening Diagram Exercise

I hope you found this lesson useful 🙂

All the best




  1. Avtar Singh says

    It’s working like a 🔦 💡 in dark thanks mam for supporting

  2. Dear Liz,

    Hope you are always doing well.

    I am thanking you for your efforts to share your best knowledge. They are really interesting & I really found useful in my listening practise. Keep posting 🙂

    Thanks a lot! Cheers 🙂

  3. Thank you soo much mam🙂

  4. great help! keep posting!

  5. Hai Liz thank you very much
    I did this task .excuse me,
    I’m a slow learner

  6. Dear Liz,

    Thank you for sharing this. Now i know better not to make errors as pointed out above.

  7. Hiral Chaps says

    Dear Liz,

    I would like to say “thanks” to you from bottom of my heart because I am regular follow your lesson and also it was really help me lot.

    I have a question that if I will write answer like “Temperature & wind”! Would it be right or wrong?

    Please advice me.
    Thank you

    • It would be marked wrong because you use “&”. Also try to write your answers using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

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