This IELTS diagram appeared a number of time in Writing Task 1 (academic). It is typical of many diagrams that are used by IELTS. There is also a model diagram answer given below. The model answer is estimated at band score 9. Note that diagrams are also known as processes.
Note that as in all Writing Task 1 (academic paper), you must have an overview. Pay attention to the summary of key stages in the process in that statement.
IELTS Rainwater Diagram
Reported Diagram from IELTS candidates. This diagram has appeared over a number of years, most recently in 2024.
IELTS Diagram Model Answer
The diagram illustrates how an Australian town processes rainwater to use as drinking water.
Overall, rainwater is collected from houses and then passes through a filter into storage where it is then treated with chemicals to make it fit for human consumption.
Initially, the rain which falls on the rooftop is collected by the gutter and then runs down the pipe at the side of the house into the drain at the bottom. Each house collects rainwater in this way and the rainwater is then passed along underground drains to the water filter.
The rainwater passes through the water filter to remove any impurities. Once it has been filtered, it continues along the pipes to a storage tank. From this point, the water goes from storage to the water treatment. At this stage of the process, the water is treated with chemicals in order to make it fit for consumption. When the water is ready for drinking, it travels along pipes that lead back into the houses in the town where people can use the water for daily consumption.
179 words
Other IELTS Writing Task 1 Model Answers
Hi Liz,
Could you please read through my task 1 attempt and give me a bit of feedback?
The illustration displays how rainwater is collected to be fit for consumption, in an Australian town.
Overall, rainwater collected on rooftops are drained down the pipe that leads underground. This water is then filtered and treated to be used as drinking water.
Rain is collected in the gutter and cascades down the pipes. The pipes lead to a drain and the water flows underground, where there is a self-working system used to treat rainwater.
The system used is simple, yet effective. Firstly, it goes through a water filter before being poured into a large tank used for storage. Filtered water from the neighbouring houses are also connected to this same tank.
The filtered water then travels to another similar tank, where chemicals are used for the treatment of rainwater. This is where bacteria, microorganisms, and possible pathogens are eliminated.
Lastly, this water travels upwards and comes out of taps as clean, drinking water.
It appears that you have four body paragraphs. This isn’t usual. It is best to have two body paragraphs, an overview and an introduction. Also make sure your paragraphing is very clear to see by leaving an empty line between the paragraphs. This helps the examiner when marking. Also avoid putting information into your report that doesn’t exist in the diagram. The diagram does not mention microorganisms etc. You would be marked down for this. You can find all these tips and more model answers on this page: It is best to always learn first before attempting to write something.
Hie Liz , thanks so much i enjoy your videos , they are quite helpful and easy to understand . ❤
hello . i will so appreciated if you see my writing .
The process illustrates how drinking water is provided from rainwater in an Australian city in five stages, including water filter, storage and water treatment. The whole process is automated and mechanical without involved by any human.
The process starts when rainwater is drained to underground pipes of houses and accumulated before filtering by means of a water filter machine. Then it is reached to next stage via another pipe. After being stored in a storage tank, it is lead through a pipe to a water treatment tank that let this to mixed with some chemicals and became healthy to drinking. The process ends when rainwater is pumped up through new pipes to the houses to used as drinking water by people.
Please refer to my model answer to learn how to tackle a writing task 1 diagram. Pay close attention to organisation. You will be marked on your use of paragraphs. Also note the length and how to expand your writing.
thank you
Hi ma’am Liz
thank you so much, I got band score 7. i only used your tips.
Soon I will be in the UK, i really appreciate how your information helped me pass
That’s a great score!! Very well done! I hope you enjoy the UK 🙂
Liz,please do help me to have a quick review on my report, I really need some advices and a roughly band score, to know that if I am able to sit for the ielts exam.
The diagram illustrates the specific way to recollect the domestic rainwater in an Australia town and make use to it so that it’s safe for drink in daily life of residents.
Overall, the rainwater will be collected from drain and pass through the water filter and lead to a storage tank.The rainwater will undergo water treatment process and send it back to houses.
Initially, rainwater that collected from a downpour will went through the drain from every house and assemble into a bigger pipe under the ground and pass through an opening that lead to water filter to filter out large excess substance such as leaves and plastics.
After that, filtered water will be gathered in a storage tank and undergo some chemical treatment to remove odour and kill the microorganism.Then the totally cleaned water which is safely for drink will be send to the house.
Please help me, I just want to make sure i will not waste my money for the test and able to get in my favourite uni.
Although I don’t offer marking and don’t give band scores, I will give you a couple of comments. Be careful with your vocabulary. The word “recollect” means to collect again for a second time. The rainwater in this diagram is collected, not recollected. Each time you choose a word, make sure you are 100% sure or you will incur more errors which lower your score. Grammar is vital for diagrams because they are all about using passive voice. In one sentence you wrote “will went”. Will is a future form and went is a past tense – this is a grammar mistake that should not happen if you are aiming for band score 6 and above. For that sentence, you should have written “will go”. You made a number of errors with verbs. And in your first body paragraph, you’ve written one only very very long sentence which you’ll be marked down for because it should be two or more sentences. So, my advice to you is … if you are aiming for band 6.5 or above, review all your grammar step by step. Start with reviewing sentences and verb tenses for diagrams and then review all other tasks. Use my model answers and other tips for help. My model answers are there to learn from. You can learn how to use vocabulary, how to structure sentences, the right grammar etc etc.
thanks for your reply.I truely appreciate it.Lastly I want to know about can this type of mistake guarantee a band 5.5 or lower
It’s possible. But my comments were mainly about vocabulary and grammar, which together count for 50% of your marks. For Task Response, you’ll be marked down because you added false information. There is no information given about the water filter filtering out leaves or plastics – likewise with the water treatment, you added more false information. You can’t add information that isn’t given nor can you add your opinion. So, you’ve got issues with three of the four marking criteria. Coherence and Cohesion (paragraphing and linking) was good. You certainly have the potential to get band 5.5 and higher, but you need to learn about IELTS writing task 1. It is the most basic knowledge that you can’t add information that isn’t given so it is clear that you haven’t prepared properly. I would never encourage anyone to enter the test without proper preparation because the chances of very bad errors is too high. Go to this page and click on every single link:
The other more serious issue is that task 1 only counts for about 33% of your marks which means task 2 is worth more and you potentially could be more off track with that. If such types of errors transfer to your task 2, your score could be seriously impacted. So, you must review your understanding and approach of task 2 as well before your test. See this page for my free task 2 lessons, tips, model essays etc: and click here for my paid advanced writing task 2 which take you step by step through detailed training: Go into the test with complete awareness, making the right choices and being very careful with language to maximise your score – avoiding language errors helps your score much more than trying to impress, which actually can result in serious errors if your language isn’t accurate.
thanks again for your responce.Have a nice day!
The diagram illustrates how a certain Australian town uses rainwater by collecting, filtering, storing and treating it to make it fit for consumption.
Overall, the rainwater is initially collected through pipe channels which in turn pass down for filtration. Subsequently, it is stored and treated in different tanks, and used as drinking water in various households.
In the beginning, the rainwater falling on the roof is directed down the drain via pipes attached in the corner of the wall. Similarly, many houses collect it and pass it down through the same channel to one drain and then flows through a filter. Following that, the filtered water accumulates in the storage tanks, where solid particles settle at the bottom improving the water quality.
In addition, when drinking water is required in the house, some stored water is then transferred to the water treatment tank. In this tank, some chemicals are added to kill any contaminants making the treated water more suitable, which is eventually supplied to the house as drinking water.
Hi Liz,
Happy New Year! I hope you’re feeling refreshed and enjoying life, even with all the amazing help you’re giving to IELTS students.
I have a quick question about the writing exam, specifically Task 1. I’ve read quite a few examples, and I noticed that the overview paragraph almost always starts with the word “overall.” It’s surprising that I haven’t seen any other options used in model answers.
Is this the only acceptable way to start the overview, or are there alternatives?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks so much, and have a wonderful day!
Shao from Paris
The examiner is specifically looking for an overview and the best way to indicate it is with the word “Overall”. Report writing isn’t about being creative or different. It’s about being precise, informative and clear. “Overall” is the most logical and therefore the best way to signpost an overview. Of course, this isn’t a rule, it’s a recommendation that I will always give. Other words such as “In general” do not indicate an overview as precisely as the word “Overall”. The other thing I will say is that there is so much to learn for IELTS that focusing on one word rather than other isn’t a good use of time. If one word is the best to use, use it, and then move on to learning more about the content of the overview paragraph for each type of task. Be strategic with your time and your focus. But I’m glad you asked because so many people have this concern and now people can learn from this comment.
Happy 2025!! Good luck this year 🙂
Cheers Liz,
I just took the IELTS exam and right before I read this page: It happend to be exactly what was given to us!
You really saved me!
Thank you so much..
That’s great. I hope you did well 🙂
hello liz , so glad for your comeback kindly give me feedback on my first attempt for the diagram
The diagram illustrates the process by which rainwater is utilised for safe drinking in a town in Australia.
Overall, the rainwater is collected through pipes and then goes through a filter to be collected in a storage unit. then it goes to a water treatment unit to become safe for drinking.
First, The rainwater goes down through pipes from the rooftops of the houses to an underground system starting with collecting pipes, then through a water filter which is the first stage of water purification.
Later on the filtered water goes down to a storage unit, and on to the next step of water purification which is water treatment by chemicals, after this last step water is now considered safe for drinking and daily use.
If you see this page:, you’ll see information about the word count aims as well as more model answers and tips. At no time, should you write under 150 words. Use my model answers and tips to learn how to expand your writing for writing task 1. And also how to contract your writing when there is a lot of information given. Your aim is to produce something very similar to my model answers.
The diagram illustrates the process of collecting and recycling rainwater to make it fit for consumption in an Australian town.
Overall, rainwater is collected from each household through the drainage pipes and further undergoes 3 steps that result in the purification of water. This is then supplied back to each household for consumption.
Firstly, the rainwater that falls on the roof of each household flows down through the pipes into the common underground drainage system. The collected water is then passed through a water filter, which removes all the impurities before getting stored in a storage tank.
The tank then empties itself in a water treatment appliance, where a second level of filtration happens by adding chemicals, to make sure that the water now becomes fit for consumption. This recycled, uncontaminated and cleared water goes back through the drainage pipes into each household where it is used as drinking water.
Please review my answer. This is my first ever writing for task 1
Although my website does not offer a feedback service, I do have time for a quick comment today.
Your writing is strong. It is well organised, with good linking and you’ve identified the key features. However, make sure you write over 160 words if possible. Most writing task 1 will be between 170 and 190 words. Compare your writing to my model and see how the sentences are slightly more expanded. Also note that drainage pipes are designed to take water away, not to put water back into houses. So, use “drainage pipes” relating to the rainwater and “pipes” in relation to water going back into houses. It’s a really great report for your first try.
The diagram illustrates the process of rainwater that is accumulated for consumption of pure drinking water in an Australian town.
Overall, it is apparent that rainwater is drained from the houses by which it passes through the filter in order to fill the storage and then add some chemicals for liquid treatment to cultivate the drinking water.
At a glance, rainwater is collected from houses in the way of drainage pipe fitted right side of the households and runaway through filtration machine for water purification to aggregate into the storage tank. Afterwards, it is connected to the treatment process.
At this point, the chemicals have been added to the treatment process for a flavorful taste to cultivate the drinking water. In the final step, it kept in the water supply pipe, where it flows to the sink in the houses. In conclusion, the number of people of Australian town then use the pure and hygiene drinking water.
The picture demonstrate the way, Australian town manage rainwater for the purpose of drinking water.
To sum up, the rain that fall on the roof of every houses are collected through the pipes, which is then store after passing through the water filter and then undergoes chemical treatment before it return back into each home for utilization.
Initially, the rain water is collected from the one corner of rooftop through the pipe of each house to the drain system underneath the house. The drain lead the water through the water filter for the purification before it store in the storage compartment.
From this point, the water is drawn in the water treatment chamber, where its chemically treated to make is drinkable. The treated water is then passes through the pipe back in the house for the use of different purposes.
The diagram illustrates how an Australian town collects rainwater and effectively converts it into drinking water.
Overall, rainwater collected from each house is directed through a drainage system into a water filter, followed by storage in a tank. The water is then chemically purified before being returned to the houses for consumption.
First, rainwater collected from the roofs of each house flows into the drainage system. From there, it travels through an underground pipe to the water filter for purification.
After filtration, the water is stored in a tank for further processing. At this stage, the stored water is piped to a treatment facility, where it undergoes chemical treatment to ensure it is safe for consumption. Once the water is deemed potable, it is transported back to the houses in the town via a pipeline for use as drinking water.
Hello Liz!i ve given 3 attempts of ielts with even 8.5 bands but i fail to gain 7 in either reading or writing and overall i fail.
The given process depicts the collection of rain water and its utilization for drinking purposes in a given Australian town.
Overall, the rain is that pours on the houses is collected by household drains and is treated through various methods including different chemicals to eventually be made fit for drinking.
The rain that falls on the houses is collected by the drains and it is then passed to water filteration plant to be made pure. This is then kept in storage tanks until furthur needed.
Afterwards, the water is pumped to water treatment plant where it is treated with various chemicals. Consequently, the pure water is provided to the homes to be used for drinking.
It would be impossible to hit band score 7 or above with such an approach to IELTS writing. You are asked to write over 150 words and you have written only 115. This means your writing is underdeveloped. You should be aiming for between 170 and 190 words depending on the task given. If you are approaching the word count in the wrong way, you might be approaching other aspects of writing task 1 and writing task 2 in the wrong way as well. See the pages below to develop your understanding of IELTS writing and to learn the right approach:
IELTS Writing Task 1 Free Tips:
IELTS Writing Task 2 Free Tips:
My advanced writing task 2 lessons paid:
Take your time to learn everything possible – leave no stone unturned.
The diagram illustrates the process of collecting rainwater in an Australian town and its usage as drinking water.
Overall, the process involves several steps but it is not complex. Initially, as the clouds burst and it rains, the rainwater is collected from rooftops and directed through the drains to a water filter. Subsequently, the filtered water is then stored in a large storage tank before undergoing water treatment process where chemicals are added to purify the water.
Once the above process is treated, the purified water enters the household for safe consumption. Interestingly, the unused water does not get wasted or discarded; instead it is redirected to the system again to be filtered and purified.
Kindly comment the mistakes and the bands i would get, thanks mam in advance!
Although my website does not offer a feedback or marking service, I will give you one single pointer …
You are told to write in IELTS instructions “at least 150 words” which means over 150 words. You should be aiming for 170-190 words on average. When you use my model answers, not the length of the overview compared to the body paragraphs – pay attention to everything and try to produce the same. See this page for all tips, lessons and model answers: Read all tips, then review model answers, then review lessons – after that practice your writing. Learn first.
Thanks for your guidance.
The diagram displays the processes involved in collecting and treating rain water for drinking in an Australian town.
Overall, rainwater is collected from houses and then it undergoes water filtering into the storage, where it is taken for chemical treatment in order for it to be safe for consumption.
First of all, the rain that falls on the rooftop is being collected into a drainage. The water is then passed directly through pipes into a water filter. After filtering, the water goes into a storage.
In the next stage water treatment is carried out using chemicals to ensure that the water is free of any impurity. After it has been completely treated, the drinking water is taken back through the pipes to houses for consumption.
Don’t forget your aim is to write over 150 words, not under. Most writing task 1 will be between 170 and 190 words, although slightly below that and slightly above that are possible depending on the task given.
thanks for your guidance ☺️
Hello Liz,
This is my first attempt practicing the diagram.
Will it be possible for you to evaluate and provide your feedback on where I should be improving?
Thank you.
The diagram illustrates the process of rainwater collection and its usage as drinking water in an Australian town.
Overall, the process is not very complex. It starts from collection of rainwater dripping from the roof. There are two major processes involved namely, water filtration and chemical treatment. Post the chemical treatment, the water is supplied back to the houses as drinking water.
To begin with, the rainwater dripping from the roofs of the houses in the town is collected into the drain. The drains of the houses are interconnected. The rainwater in the drain collectively passes to the water filter to remove impurities. Following water filtration, the water is then collected in a storage tank located underground.
Next, the filtered rainwater from the storage tank is passed into the chemical treatment plant. The water is treated with chemicals to make it suitable for drinking purpose. Finally, when the water is ready for drinking, it is then distributed back to the houses where people can use it for consumption.
My website does not offer a feedback or marking service. But I do have time for a quick comment.
It’s great. Each paragraph has a clear focus and is very functional. This is how an IELTS writing task 1 should be. And well done with your use of passive / active voice. The only thing that will limit your score will be your English language. If you are aiming for band 7 or 7.5, then this is fine. Here are a few corrections:
1) “Post the chemical treatment,” – no article (no the)
2) dripping “this isn’t really about drips of rainwater, but just about raining water falling onto the roof and then flowing into drains.
3) “… the rainwater dripping from the roofs of the houses in the town is collected into the drain. The drains of the houses are interconnected. ” you should connect these sentences: “the rainwater falling on the roofs of town houses runs into the drains, which are interconnected.”
4) This diagram does not show above ground and below ground. We really don’t know where the storage tanks or water treatment are located. Be careful with presenting information.
5) don’t use informal language such as “not very complex” – the word “very” is an intensifier which isn’t really suitable for a diagram. As a comment about this diagram – it is neither complex nor simple. So, it’s best not to mention/highlight anything about that.
Hello Liz,
I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you took to review and share your comments. I understand this is not something you typically provide. Thank you for providing the feedback. It was very helpful.
The illustration depicts the conversion of rainwater into the potable water in one of the urban areas of Australia.
Overall, the process starts with the collection of rainwater into the drainage system and completes with the production of clean drinking water which is then conveyed to houses through pipes. This is achieved by the treatment of rain using various methods including filters and chemicals. The process consists of 6-steps approximately.
The procedure begins when the rain goes to the drainage pipes and finally to the underground drainage system. After that, the rainwater passes through the water purifier which removes the larger contaminants such as rocks, paper, stones, clothes etc. In the next step, the filtered water is stored into the large container which is connected to the treatment plant.
The treatment plant treats the water coming from the container using different detergents. The chemicals purify the water by removing dissolved particles such as dust, sand as well as microbes. Afterwards, the potable water is transferred to homes through pipes which is now available for drinking.
On this page: you’ll find a lesson about how to write an introduction for writing task 1. Review it before you continue with your task 1 preparation.
The diagram illustrates how an Australian town processes rainwater and reuses it as drinking water.
Overall, the process involves collecting rainwater from individual houses, passing it through a filtration system, treating it with chemicals, and then distributing it back to the houses for consumption.
Initially, rainwater falling on rooftops is collected by gutters and directed down pipes to a common drain. This water is then filtered by a water filter connected to the drain. After filtration, the rainwater is stored in a storage tank.
Next, the stored water travels to a treatment chamber where it is treated with chemicals to ensure it is safe for human consumption. Finally, the treated water is distributed back to the houses through a network of pipes. In this way, rainwater is effectively recycled and reused for drinking.
Your writing is really good, but remember that you really need to aim for over 150 words, normally a task 1 report is between 170 and 190 words. Some tasks have less detail and some more, but it should always be over 150 words. Take a look at my model answer and see how sentences are connected and stages fully written so that the writing is expanded.
Hello Liz
Please in Ielts writing on computer, when typing and you leave space between the words, are they counted as part o the 150 words? thank you
IELTS is about the word count, not the character or space count.
Hey Liz. Here is my take on the diagram.
The diagram illustrate the process of harvesting rainwater for the use of drinking in a town in Australia.
The process involves six crucial steps from harvesting the rainwater to distribution of the treated rainwater to the households that is fit for human consumption.
The first step aims to collect the rainwater and direct it from the roof to a system of interconnected pipes using drains. The collected rainwater is then, sent to water filters that purify the rainwater and get rid of colloidal particles. This filtered water is then sent to a storage unit via network of pipes that collect the filtered rainwater.
Once the storage container has the required amount of filtered water, it is transported to a water treatment plant, where the water undergoes different stages of treatment to get rid of disease causing bacterias. It involves addition of external agents like chemicals to filter out micro-organisms that cannot be filtered with a physical filter. After the water is treated and is tested for consumption, the chemically treated water is distrbuted to households via pipes.
Each house can access the drinking water through their sink.
Hi Liz, hope you are doing well. I have my Ielts exam tomorrow can you please read this essay and give me any tip for tomorrow.
The diagram illustrates the procedure followed in a town in Australia about harvesting rainwater and then recycling it to make it drinkable.
Overall, the rainwater which is collected from the roofs of the houses, flows through the drainage pipes, where it is filtered and then moved to the storage tank. The storedwater, periodically runs to the water treatment chamber in a pipe, where it is chemically treated in order to be drinkable.
Initially, the rain which fall on the roof top is collected by the gutter and then runs down the pipe, at the side of the house into the drain at the bottom. Each house collects the rainwater in this way and the rainwater is passed along the drains which leads to the water filter.
The drained water passes through filter to remove any impurity. Once it is filtered it is transferred along the pipe to a storage tank. Here water is kept temporarily and then send to the treatment chamber. At this stage of the process the water is purified by carrying out several procedures and one of them is chemical treatment in order to make it fit for consumption. When the water is certified for drinking, it travels along the pipes that lead back into the houses in the town where people can use it for daily consumption.
You should go into the test with confidence tomorrow. Your writing has all the right structure, content, focus and details needed for a high score in IELTS. Certainly, there are small errors in language, but they are few and that is acceptable for a high score. But you should leave one line empty between paragraphs to make the paragraphs easier to see. If the examiner ever doubts where a paragraph starts or finishes, your score will suffer, so make them very clear. Good luck tomorrow!
The diagram shows the process of harvesting rain water in an Australian town to use it for drinking
Overall, the rain water is collected through the rooftops which is then passed through 4 different stages namely: filtration, storage , treatment and at last supplied back to home to use it for drinking.
The rain water passes through a series of pipes attached to the rooftop of various houses, the pipes directs the water through a filter which filters out impurities from the water after which the water is then lead to a underground storage unit where all the harvested water is collected.
Once the water reaches the storage unit, the next step is to go through a water treatment tank where the water is treated with chemicals after which it becomes safe to drink this water is then transported back to houses through pipes to be used for drinking purposes.
hi liz, can you please go through essay and tell me where should I work more aiming for 7 and higher
The diagram shows the process of harvesting rain water in an Australian town to use it for drinking
Overall, the rain water is collected through the rooftops which is then passed through 4 different stages namely: filtration, storage , treatment and at last supplied back to home to use it for drinking.
The rain water passes through a series of pipes attached to the rooftop of various houses, the pipes directs the water through a filter which filters out impurities from the water after which the water is then lead to a underground storage unit where all the harvested water is collected.
Once the water reaches the storage unit, the next step is to go through a water treatment tank where the water is treated with chemicals after which it becomes safe to drink this water is then transported back to houses through pipes to be used for drinking purposes.
Hello Liz, pls read what I wrote from the Rainwater diagram;
This diagram explains how rainwater s collected and processed, for the purpose of drinking in an Australian town.
Raindrops are collected through pipes on the roof into the gutter then down the drain. The rainwater is transferred to the water filter through more pipes, overtime the filter separates dirt and impurities (sand particles, iron fillings) from the rainwater.
After filtering process, the rainwater moves into the storage tank which acts as a reserve for the collected filtered water. The water stored is transferred to a treatment tank. Chemicals are added to make the rainwater more suitable for drinking , and this process is called water treatment. After sometime, the water is moved through pipes back to the houses in the town.
On this page:, you’ll find a link about paragraphing and structure of a writing task 1 report. Take a look carefully because you’ve missed the overview which is the most important paragraph and essential for a good score. Once you understand the structure, review all model answers given on that initial page.
I’m having problem with the start of the reports. Like I’m taking so much time to write the Intro and the overview part & after completing, it could not bring satisfaction on me!
Can you please help me with that?
You can find a free video lesson to learn everything about writing an introduction on this page: By the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to write the introduction very quickly. For the overview, take each type of task 1 at a time. Start with line graphs – review the model answers on the link I gave and then repeat the content. After that, move to diagrams etc. Do not move to the next type until you are clear about the overview paragraph.
The diagram gives information about how people in Australian town get drinking water from rainwater.
Overall, it is clear that the rainwater collected on top of the town houses goes down through tubes to drain then it passes to the filter and goes to storage tank. After what gathered water enters to treating tank, where with chemical additions will be responsible to populations’ use in their own purposes.
First of all, felt water from clouds gets to the roof then it passes though tubes to the drain and enters to the filter and this process repeats in all houses in the town. The water which have been cleaned collects in the storage tank.
The rainwater gets to the tank, where it treats and cleans with some chemicals then the water be ready to the human consumption. So the ready water goes back through the pipes to the homes. When livers get the water they can use it for their own purposes.
Is it necessary to explain each and everything given on the bar chart when there are two bar charts given for a single writing task-1. And also are we supposed to write with pen or pencil on the test day? Plz help Liz.
It depends on how much information there is to present in each bar chart. If there is too much information, you would get a lower score for Task Response if you got lost in detail. To avoid this, you would need to group categories together rather than writing about each individually. You can see multiple tasks on the main writing task 1 page:
About writing with pen or pencil, all details of test regulations with extra tips can be found on this page:
The diagram illustrates the process of collecting and treating rainwater for drinking purposes in an Australian town.
Overall, the system involves several stages: the collection of rainwater from houses, filtration, storage, and treatment before it is supplied as drinking water.
Initially, rainwater is collected from the roofs of houses and directed through drains attached to the houses. The water flows through a series of pipes and is gathered in a central filtration unit. The filter removes any debris or impurities from the rainwater, ensuring that only clean water passes through.
After filtration, the water is channeled into a large storage tank. From the storage tank, the water is transferred to a treatment facility where chemicals are added to purify and disinfect the water, making it safe for human consumption. Once the water has been treated, it is distributed to the houses through pipes as drinking water. This systematic approach ensures that the rainwater collected is effectively purified and suitable for drinking.
A good report but avoid writing your overview as a list. The overview can be two complex sentences. It is the most important paragraph in your report. Avoid the use of colons in IELTS writing and use complex sentence structures with clauses instead.
The diagram exemplifies how an Australian town collects and processes rainwater to use as drinking water.
In summation, rainwater is collected by the gutter along a house which then passes through the filtration system and is later chemically treated for consumption.
To begin with, rainwater that falls onto the roofs of each house is collected by the gutters along the roofs edges then flows downwards through pipes beside each house and into the drainage system below them. The rainwater then passes through the water filter which helps in eliminating impurities and moves into the storage tank once done.
The now purified rainwater flows through a smaller pipe and into the water treatment tank where it undergoes chemical treatment to allow for human consumption. Form there, the water travels upwards through a main pipe and into smaller linking pipes connecting to each house from which people can excess the water for everyday usage.
The given illustration depicts how rainwater is preserved, processed and recycled for drinking purposes in a town in Australia. A multi-step process is implemented in order to meet the quality and transform the rainwater to make it fit for human consumption. This procedure involves 5 distinct steps, including collecting rainwater, filtration, storage of filtered water, chemical treatment and supply.
First and foremost, rainwater is collected from the channels attached to the roofs of each house, from there, the water travels down the drain and accumulates into a gutter, which is connected to a water filter. After filtration of sediments and macro-particles, the filtered water channels down to a storage container, which is attached to the chemical treatment system through a connecting duct.
In this treatment system, various chemical compounds are used to further improve the quality of water to make it satiable for human needs. Finally, after the whole process, the drinking water is supplied back to the town’s citizens through a designated supply for each house.
I don’t offer a feedback service, but I have time for a quick comment. Your overview is the most important paragraph in the whole report. Make sure it is well signposted using the right linking word: “Overall, “
The diagram illustrates how rainwater can be collected from houses and reused into drinking water in a small region in Australia.
Overall, the main principle of this process is collecting rainwater that falls on the houses’ roofs by utilizing drains and then running the water through a process of water filtration, treatment, and redistribution as drinking water.
First off, all the water that falls on the houses is collected by water drains. Said drains are installed on the roof of the houses, leading downwards deep underground. The rainwater from each house connects to a main pipeline and moves further down the system through water filtration installations where it is stored until it is needed.
Once the water is moved out of storage containers, it travels through a pipe into a water treatment unit, where it is processed using chemicals. After this, the rainwater is suitable for human consumption and can be pumped from underground back to the surface, into the houses where people can use the water for their daily needs and consumption.
A quick tip – be very careful with your paraphrasing. A town is not a region. So, saying that the diagram is about a region in Australia is incorrect information which lowers your score. This free video uses this diagram as an example: And remember to be as precise as possible – it is not water that falls on houses, but rainwater. This means you will probably use the word rainwater more than once in your writing. It’s fine to do that. Otherwise, good writing.
Please note to others using my website. I do not provide writing feedback as a service. But if I have time, I sometimes drop a comment depending on my workload.
The diagram illustrates how rainwater is harvested in the town of Australia for drinking purposes.
Overall, rainwater is an essential source of drinking water. The rainwater is collected through a process; likewise, the raindrops from the terrace move into the pits with the help of drain pipes and move to the treatment plant.
First of all, the rainwater stored at the terrace; moves through the drain pipes and accumulates at the storage pits, but before the storage pits, water has passed through the water filter, from where debris, plastic, and other pollutants separate from the water. After water was stored in the pits, it was transferred to the water treatment plant, where it was treated with different chemicals to maintain the water’s PH level and alkaline nature. By the end of treatment, water can move to the houses through the pipelines, and people can now drink the rainwater.
A number of points to consider:
1) never put information into your writing task 1 that isn’t given in the task. For example “rainwater is an essential source of drinking water” is not given in the task and is your opinion – all opinions will lower your score.
2) Make sure your overview contains all key features. For a diagram, this means all key stages. Your overview isn’t complete.
3) keep your language more accurate – rainwater is collected from house roofs by the means of drainpipes.
4) because this diagram doesn’t contain much information, you should not combine stages because your writing will be too short. Explain fully about rainwater, houses, roofs and drainpipes in one full sentence. The next sentence will be about the storage.
5) divide your body into two paragraphs
6) It is very short. Aim for around 170 words
the diagram illustrates the procedure of collecting rainwater for households usage in Australian town.
Overall, as seen in the picture, rainwater used by households is drained to water filter where it undergoes some treatment with chemicals, making it reusable as drinking water in this town.
first of all, rainwater falls onto the households roofs is drained down and when it has been filtered, it goes along the pipe to the storage tank ,and it undergoes some chemicals treatment.
at this stage, the refined water is pumped up through the pipes to be used by people in this town at their houses.
Take a look at how I expand the body paragraphs. You must write over 150 words. A good report for writing task 1 is usually between 170 and 190 words.
The diagram illustrates how rainwater is collected, processed, and supplied as clean drinking water to the households in an Australian town.
This process involves collecting the rainwater, filtering by passing it through a water filter. Later, it is stored in tanks and further added chemicals in another tank to remove the impurities. The Clean Drinking water is then collected and supplied to households individually.
Initially, when it rains the water is collected from the roof tops. The collected water from different houses is passed through a pipe and then filtered with the help of a water filter. The Filtered water is then stored in a Tank for further processing.
In the next step of cleaning the water, the chemicals are added to the filtered water which will make the water useful for drinking purposes. The Clean Drinking water is then supplied separately through a different pipe which are connected to their houses. Thus, the clean drinking water is now used for drinking purposes.
The diagram illustrates how rainwater is harvested in an Australian town and how it can be further used as drinking water.
Overall, The whole process is divided into 2 major steps, beginning with the collection and storage of rainwater and ending with the treatment of the collected water for drinking purposes.
Initially, the rain which falls on the rooftop is collected by pipes and leads to an underground drain. Each house collects rainwater similarly, the underground drains pass the harvested rainwater through a water filter which separates the impurities.
Once the water has been filtered, it continues to flow through the pipes until it reaches a storage tank. The storage tank is connected to another tank where water is transported and treated by the introduction of various chemicals which frees the water from impurities, making it fit for consumption. Finally the treated water is transported to the locals using a different set of pipelines.
Hello Liz,
I want to make sure that while practicing writing tasks, I write my own response first and then compare it with the ideal answer to check for correct structure. Would it be beneficial to rewrite the ideal answer a couple of times instead of just reading it?
Yes, of course. You should use this website as a tool to learn on your own. You can rewrite your answer as often as you want, as long as you are also analysing and learning.
Thank you Liz Ma’am…
I found this website is very useful for preparing ielts for my own…
Explain everything in simple words that can be easily understand for anyone….
Hello can i ask if this is right to be written is the exam (The illustration depicts the process of gathering rainwater and transferring it for drinkable water in an Australian town.
The steps in the diagram start with gaining water through a tube connected with the house and end by producing water that can be drunk by people.
The rainwater that falls in the roof gathered and goes through a drain which takes it to a machine that filters water, after the water has been cleaned it is stored in a large bowl then it goes through a tube to another square.
That square has a bottle which saves chemicals inside it this product will be pushed into the water which makes it cleaner and healthy to be used by people then it goes and separated equally to each house then when people open the pump they will receive filtered water. This cycle will be done again and again to help residents benefit from the rainwater. )
I don’t usually comment. However, I will say to remember your aims. The overview is the most important paragraph in the report. You should help the examiner find it quickly by writing “Overall” as the signpost and it should be well written with all key features. Be careful making it too short.
The diagram illustrates how people in an Australian town collect rainwater for the purpose of drinking water. Overall, it can be seen that people in the town collect rainwater from the installed drains on top of the houses and using water filter and chemicals to ensure water being safe to drink.
In the first stage, the rainwater is collected from the installed drains on top of the houses. After that, rainwater is conveyed to water filter for cleaning process. In the second stage, the filtered water is stored in the large container for future use. In the following stage, the filtered water is transferred to water treatment. In this process, the filtered water is purified by various chemicals to ensure water being safe to drink. Lastly, purified water is conveyed through a network of pipes that connected to every house in the town for essential purposes.
In conclusion, the process of collecting, filtering, storing and treating rainwater ensures a safe source of drinking water for every house in an Australian town.
** Please score for me. I’ll try my best.****
Thank you for your service
The given graph illustrates radio and television viewing routines of the UK population from October to December 1992.
Overall, television had consistently achieved a higher total viewership than the radio. The TV reached its peak viewership in the nighttime slot. While the radio had its peak listenership in the morning slot.
The radio’s listenership was at the lowest from midnight to 6am with fewer than 5% of UK population tuning in. Afterwards, it quickly rose in the morning reaching its peak at 8am by attracting about 25% of the people. It could be that the audience enjoyed hearing radio in the morning while having breakfast, travelling to their offices, and performing other chores.
Similarly, UK’s television viewership was also at its lowest in the midnight. It began to rise from 11am. Afterwards, it quickly picked up viewership and reached its peak at 5pm to 9pm. Post evening time, it engaged 45% of the population in their after-work leisure hours. This viewership fell quickly to almost 15% of the total after 9pm with the arrival of resting hours.
Lastly, when listenership of the radio began to decline, viewership of the television started to rise, showcasing the shift in audiences’ preferences with the changes in time slots.
The given diagram showcases an Australian town’s step-by-step procedure of making rainwater safe enough for drinking.
In a nutshell, rainwater from houses is collected through a drain and is then filtered through different procedures to be converted into water safe enough to drink.
In the Australian town, when the rain falls, rainwater from the roofs of each house passes through water pipes and is collected in inter-connected drains. Secondly, this water is passed through a water filter and is then collected in a storage tank. From this storage tank, the water is transferred into a water treatment tank. Here the filtered rainwater is treated with chemicals. Lastly it is transferred back up to the houses as the rainwater is now successfully converted to drinking water. This whole process is carried out with the help of connected pipes, helping the water to flow efficiently from the first step to the last.
I don’t usually comment on writing, but I will make a point. “In a nutshell” is inappropriate for a formal piece of writing in IELTS. The word “overall” is 100% what you should use and nothing else. Even though you might feel that you want to make your writing different, that is the wrong direction to take for writing task 1. A report is a report, not creative writing. You should use the appropriate linking words at all times.
Thanks liz
i really love the way that you explain the requirements for improve our skills in the exams
Than you!
You’re welcome 🙂
The diagram describes the process of supplying clean drinking water in an Australian town from the rainwater. The process explains in majorly six stages.
Overall, the rainwater is accumulated in different tanks through gutter and then get filtered with the help of water filter and then it is stored at a storage tank and transferred in to the another tank containing chemicals with the help of pipes and finally the water is treated with chemical and water got purified and supplies in to the homes of American town.
Initially, the first step includes collection of rainwater into the large number of tanks with the assistance of gutter. Then, the collected rainwater is passed into water filter to get purified and collected in another large storage tank with the help of pipe. Additionally, the purified water is treated with some sorts of chemicals in order to confirm the purification of water. Lastly, the pure drinking water is supplied in the home of Australian towns Daily.
The diagram illustrates the process by which an Australian town collects rainwater for drinking purposes. Initially, rain falling on rooftops is channeled by gutters and downpipes to drains at the base of each house. This collected rainwater is then directed through underground drains to a central water filter.
At the water filter, the rainwater undergoes a filtration process to eliminate impurities. After filtration, the water continues through pipes to reach a storage tank. From the storage tank, the water is further treated with chemicals to ensure it meets safety standards for consumption. However Once the water is treated and deemed suitable for drinking, it is distributed back to the houses in the town through a network of pipes. Residents can then use this processed rainwater for their daily consumption.
These adjustments aim to enhance the flow and clarity of the description while maintaining the accuracy of the information provided.
Always remember that the overview statement is the most important paragraph for writing task 1 academic test. It needs to be highlighted using the word “Overall” to make it easy for the examiner to locate. This is a separate statement to the introduction statement.
The chart illustrates the process of collecting rainwater so that it can be utilized as drinking water in a city in Australia. However, it can be said that this is a linear, man-made, multistep process that starts with collecting rainwater from the roof and ends with providing drinking water to houses through modern pipes. It is apparent from the graph that water is collected from the roofs of four houses through an underground pipe that is connected to every house. Subsequently, rainwater is stored in a large storage tank after flowing into a filtering process called a water filter. However, stored water is moved to another section where it is treated with chemicals and prepared to be usable as well as drinkable in the penultimate stage. Finally, water flows through a pipe to every house, from where rainwater was collected in the first stage, and water can be utilized as drinkable.
The diagram demonstrates the process of accumulating rainwater for drinking water in an Australian town.
Overall, it is a 6 stage, man-made, and cyclical process, beginning with the collection of raindrops and, finally, turning into drinkable water.
First of all, rainwater on the roofs of homes flows down metal pipes installed on these houses. After that, drained water goes through these pipes and enters the filter to dispose of some other trash. It is shown that this filtered water is retained in an enormous storage tank. There is another pipe connecting two tanks, and filtered water moves through this pipe for the water treatment process.
Following that, filtered rainwater is heated up to high degrees to remove additional chemicals by boiling water, and these chemical gases are confined to small storages. Ultimately, purified rainwater is transported through pipes to people’s homes for consumption.
The diagram depicts how an Australian town gathers rainwater to provide drinking water in a continuous cycle. It involves six main stages, starting with rainwater collection and ending when clean drinking water is delivered to homes. This cycle repeats itself indefinitely, ensuring a constant supply of safe drinking water.
Firstly, rainwater is collected and directed into drains. From there, it travels through pipes to a water filtration system, where it is cleaned. The purified water is then stored for further processing. Next, it moves to the water treatment section, where it undergoes treatment using chemicals to ensure it is safe for drinking.
Finally, the treated water is distributed to houses through pipes, allowing Australians to access and use it for drinking purposes in their homes. This entire process forms a loop, where the last step seamlessly leads back to the first, ensuring a continual flow of clean drinking water to the community.
This diagram illustrates the way of an Australian town collects rain water for the use of drinking water.It is a cycle diagram which means when the last part finishes the first part begins again.The diagram repeats itself over and over.
Overall , diagram has six stages to get complete.It starts with collecting rain water to drains and the diagram ends when drinking waters are safely delivered to houses. Water flows both ways from houses to water treatment section and back.
In the first part , rain waters are collected to drains after that it goes thru pipes and gets to the water filter. After the rain water is filtered, the filtered and clean water is stored in storage section.
Lastly , filtered water flows to the water treatment section. The water is treated with chemicals and when treated water is ready to drink , it is delivered to houses via pipes so Australians can drink the water in their home.
The diagram gives information about rainwater, which is being filtered by an Australian town, for the purpose of drinking. Overall, It shows the total process of how the rainwater is being filtered and transported to the households.
Firstly, the rainwater which has fallen on the rooftops is running down to the drainage system. From that instant, it goes across the water filter, as shown in the figure, water is being filtered at three points which helps in the efficient filtering of water. After that, it travels across some pipes and settles down at the storage tank, thereby, It moves through a pipe to undergo water treatment.
At that point, the rainwater is treated with some chemicals to make it ready for consumption, thereafter, The filtered and ready-to-use water travels through some tunnels and thereby reaches the town’s main line of water supply. From there, it will go through the individual pipelines of residential houses, serving the purpose of drinking.
The Diagram shows information about Water That is collected in the form of rain and its processes of becoming drinkable in an town situated in the island country called Australia.
To begin with, Rainwater accumulated through pipes that are fitted to the roofs enters water filter and to a capacity that holds the water from there the processes involves some chemicals then again to the houses for usage.
Here the detailed explanation for converting rain water to drinking water. The whole thing starts when the rainwater falls onto the roof of the houses and starts dripping towards the pipes that are fitted for the purpose goes into drain from where all the rainwater comes from other individual homes to a water cleaning facility and then to a huge capacity which holds it, eventually the water is treated with certain chemical compounds for removal of impurities that brings harm. by completing all the different stages then it goes straight to whence it came for usage
I’m SAGOR, a fan of you. I really respect you. Now I am preparing for my IELTS exam in upcoming 01 January exam . your writing samples are helping me with full of advanced vocabulary and useful information.
Thanks a lot. Never forget it. You have a fan boy in Bangladesh. If you have a chance to travel to somewhere you should choose Bangladesh which is located in the southernmost of the Asia.
One day I would love to travel further and Bangladesh is known to be a beautiful, friendly country. I wish you lots of luck in your preparation and test!! 🙂
This flowchart illustrates the typical notion of procedure adopted for transforming rainwater into drinking water. The systematic cycle of water treatment consists of several stages wherein each particular stage has its own mechanism of treating the water resource. Having this convenient process, the anticipated outcome would be to obtain pure water which is compatible for drinking purpose.
The initial stage involves storing and draining the rainwater which flows directly onto roof tops of many residential and commercial buildings in the town. Further to this, the water is fed into filtering chamber through a sequence of pipelines during which many solid ingredients are isolated from further processing. The primary goal here is to store the rainwater which is extracted without impurities. This may require installation of storage tanks or carriers depending on the capacity or the intensity of rainfall in a particular region.
Following above stages, the next immediate step is to ensure the water needs to be treated with chemical reaction plants. During this stage, the water undergoes bacterial removal operations along with elimination of other impurities.
Ultimately, the overall methodology of this treatment cycle yields pure drinking water which can be certainly supplied to household requirements.
I don’t usually comment on writing. However, I will say a couple of points to help you:
1. A diagram is a diagram – don’t change the name.
2. You should not have two overviews because you’ll get a lower score in Coherence and Cohesion. One overview, no conclusion. The overview is actually the most important paragraph in your entire writing task 1 so make sure you highlight it with “Overall”.
3. Don’t repeat information. This is the problem when you put both an overview and a conclusion. Your report should have no repeated information. You’ll be marked down for it.
4. Rainwater only flows on land, it falls from the sky. Be careful of your collocations.
5. Never add information that isn’t given in the diagram including your ideas, your evaluation, your opinion or your presumptions.
If you pay attention to these above points, you can do well.
The figure illustrates the procedure for collecting rainwater to be used for drinking in an Australian town. The diagram shows a detailed description of the various steps involved in this process.
Broadly speaking, the rainwater from each house is collected through drains and is passed through a number of treatment procedures before being pumped to the houses for drinking purposes. The figure shows three main aspects of the rainwater harvesting process. The water flows through pipes connecting the different stages.
Firstly, each house collects rainwater from the rooftops and this flows down the drain. There is an underground pipe connecting all the houses so that the rainwater from the drain flows into the water filter. The water filter is then connected to the storage unit where the water is ready to be sent for treatment.
The stored water then flows into a water treatment plant which treats the water with chemicals to make it safe for consumption. The final stage involves pumping the water to the houses for drinking purpose. The water is then accessible from taps.
could someone please score this essay? Thank you.
Hi Liz, Can you please evaluate this and let me know.
The diagram illustrates how rainwater is harvested for drinking purpose in an Australian town. The rainwater collected from houses can be used for drinking on being filtered and treated properly.
Initially, the rainwater is collected from all the houses through a drainage system. Rain which falls on rooftop is collected by the gutter and then runs down the pipe at the side of the house into the drain at the bottom. This collected water is then filtered through a water filter where impurities are taken care of. The outlet of this filter is connected to a storage tank where filtered water is stored. It is then followed by water treatment.
Water Treatment is the process where chemicals are used to treat water and make it more portable. Filtered water is then processed chemically using water treatment plant. Once the process is completed the treated water is then supplied through pipes to all the houses in the town where people can use the water for daily consumption. – 166 words
Hi Assalomu aleykum Lizz.whatʼs up?
I am. Omina and fan of you.I really respect you.Now i am preparin g for my IELTS exam in upcoming 29july. Your writing samples are helping me with full of advanced vocabs and useful informations.
Thanks a lot . never Forget it You have a fan girl in Uzbekistan..If you have a chance to travel to somewhere you should choose Uzbekistan where is located in the center of Asia.
I’m glad you are learning from my site. Lots of luck in your test! And best wishes to all in Uzbekistan 🙂
Thanks for being so clear and concise with your valuable advice, Liz.
You’re welcome 🙂
I have found the best strategies and materials on your websites only, during my preparation for IELTS exam. Thank You as it helped me to improved my vocabulary and got many practice questions. Keep posting…..
I’m really glad you’re enjoying my site. I want to keep posting but I am sick at the moment so posts will only be when I can write them. I’ll try to get a couple of posts up a month if possible.
Hello Liz,
I hope you are at a stage of a good recovery. Get well soon and l want to thank you for your suport in my preparation for the IELTS exam.
Thanks. I’m still very weak and not well, but hopefully things will improve later this year.
you have done great work and people around the globe are benefiting from your teaching lessons. I I hope you are already doing great. Wish you a long, pray for you to get well very soon. healthy and prosperous life.
Thanks. Wishing you well in your test!!
Hello liz, I just read your story.. and you have become my hero. How are you feeling now are you able to do your daily activities normally and how is your overall health?
Thanks for your message. I am still battling my illness but each year promises the possibility of improvement.
Thank you Liz, I find out your web site in the 2 days before the test day. I spend few hours surfing in the topics, hints and tips, that was a great help to me in getting the score which I want. I found at the you are on the top of the few whose provide real information in the free material.
ThNk you and well done
Thanks. That’s a really kind comment. Glad to hear you got the score you needed. Very well done 🙂
Hi, you are helping a lot of people around the globe. can we also have feed back form you on our tasks. I would love to know if there is any kind of possibility for it.
I’m sorry. Unfortunately, there are just too many people using the site to offer such a service.
Hi Liz
I am a dentist by profession and planning to settle in UK. To get a job in UK. I need to clear ielts exam with band 7 . I am planning to give ielts exam in September last week. In mock test I got only 5 band score. Is it possible to achieve 7 band score if I opt for one on one session within limited period of time.
There are two main reasons why you don’t get the score you want in IELTS.
1) The level of your English is too low for the band score you want. IELTS is testing your language, so your score will reflect your level. If you make some mistakes in your writing rather than only few mistakes, you are not likely to hit band 7. If your speaking ability is limited to more familiar topics and you struggle with less familiar topics, you might struggle to get band 7. So, the only answer is to improve your English language in all areas.
2) You have not got strong enough IELTS exam skills and don’t fully understand the test, your aims, the band score requirements etc. If this is the problem, it is quicker to learn than it is to develop your English to a higher level. There are hundreds of pages of test information, advice, tips and exercises etc all for free on this website – it was made for the purpose of helping people understanding IELTS and ace the test.
So, you must think carefully about which of these above issues is your main problem. Then focus on it. how long it takes for you to learn is something only you know. Everyone learns at a different pace.
Thank you Liz. I will work on it.
The diagram illustrates on how people from Australia recycled water from the rain and make it as a potable drinking water.
Overall, there are four major processes on how to recycle water from the rain, the collection, filtering, storing and treatment using of chemicals.
Initially, the water from the rain that dropped in the roof of every houses will passed by to the gutter which is connected to the drain. This big and long drain is located under the house and it is directly connected to the water filter.
Impurities from the rainwater will be removed as it passed through the water filter, however this is not yet ready for human consumptions. Once it has been filtered, the water will run again to another smaller tube which is directly leading to a big storage tank. From this point, the water will undergo treatment using different chemicals that will help the water to become cleaner, clear and be ready for consumptions. After the treatment has been completed, it will again pass to a tube which is connected to every house, and only then the water is safe to drink by the Australian people.
Thank you so so much LIZ. I’ve prepared for Ielts from your channel. You are really a great teacher. You are helping millions of people around the world with your free lessons and sites.
Lot’s of love : )
I’m so glad you found my lessons useful 🙂
The above figure illustrates that how rainwater is collected from the roofs of houses and used for drinking in an Australian town. Rainwater falling on the roofs can be stored and used for drinking purposes if filtered and treated well with chemicals.
Initially, rainwater striking the roofs of the houses are collected in the gutter. Gutters are the horizontal pipes that are fixed beneath the edges of the roofs of every house in the Australian town. This water is then flown into another pipe located vertically at the sides of the houses. These vertical pipes open into the drainage system which moves the rainwater to the filters where major contaminants including dust and other visible impurities are removed from the water. The filtered water is then collected into the storage tank where it is stored for some time. This storage system probably makes sure of the settling of large impurities at the bottom.
To further purify, the stored water is then treated with different chemicals to remove any odor, germs, and other contaminants from it. The purified water is sent back to the houses to be used for drinking purposes. (188 words within 20 minutes).
The diagram illustrates the conversion of rainwater to drinking water process in an Australian town.
Overall, the rainwater is collected through the roof drainage of each house. The rainwater will run to a pipe and this will undergo filtration and chemical treatment so that people can safely consume it.
Initially, houses in an Australian town has a gutter which collects the rainwater; meanwhile, the collected rainwater will flow to the drainage that is connected to an underground water filtration system to remove impurities. Once it has been filtered, the water will be stored in a large storage underground.
From this point, the rainwater from the underground storage will pass through the water treatment process. The water treatment process includes chemicals to make it fit for consumption. When the water is now ready for drinking, this will travel to a pipe that is connected to every houses in Australian town.
The diagram portrays the process of making sugar out of sugar canes. Overall, from the beginning up to end there is actual 7 stages until it meets normal usable condition.
First part of stages includes 3 agricultural processes like growing, harvesting, and crushing. For growing sugar canes, it takes precisely 12-18 months up to it becomes harvested. Where it is harvested both by tractor and human labor. After that, sugar canes get juiced through Crushing machine.
2 part of stages majors itself like purifying, evaporating, centrifuging, and lastly drying and cooling. Well, after sugar canes juiced, it needs to be purified by Limestone filter. Later, juice will be poured into the pot in order to make the juice into syrup under the heat of gas. And it goes through the process of centrifuging to separate crystals from syrup. Lastly, it is let to be dried and cooled as it is ready for normal public consuming.
The diagram illustrates the rainwater harvesting process with workflow diagram in Australian town where rainwater in converted into drinking water.
The water poured from the clouds trickling on the roof top of the house is collected from the saucer drainpipe which relates to series of the houses within the society is rushed towards the filtration unit to remove all the impurities.
After all the impurities are removed the water is pushed towards the water treatment plant for further treatment. The water is then purified by adding necessary chemicals so that the water is portable to drink. After the water is tested, the purified water is pumped towards the house for the domestic use.
tested (Who tested?)
the House (it should be the houses )
In my opinion these words are not accurate in this context.
The diagram illustrates the collection of rainwater for drinking purpose in an Australian town.
Overall, it can be consider that in order to purify rainwater for domestic use, how water is filtered and treated with the help of chemicals has been work.
Initially, the rain falls on top of the roofs of houses and then goes through pipe into the water filter, which is called as draining. In the water filter process, water is purified or remove impurities in order to make it drinking water.
Following this, water goes to the storage tank to ensure further process. Then it comes into the water treatment tank where the water is purified with the help of chemicals to ensure that, it becomes clean water, which can be used for drinking purpose at houses.
The diagram portrays the process of rainwater collection for its use as drinking water in an Australian town. Overall, rainwater is collected from houses, and after being filtered and chemically treated, clean drinking water is available to them.
At first, rainwater is collected on the roofs of the houses, where it trickles down to the sides of the ceiling, and lands on the side pipes. It then travels through the pipes to go underground, where it flows through a water purifier which removes all the dirt or unwanted particles. The water then runs into the storage tank for the next process.
Finally, the water goes into the water treatment tank, and at this stage of the process, certain chemicals are used to kill viruses/bacteria that might be present. After this procedure, the water is pure and safe to drink. So it travels back to the houses through underground pipes and is available to use in their basins or toilets.
The Diagram above illustrates how rainwater is converted to potable water for drinking by a continous meticulous process of converting it from its impure form to a consumable form in an Australian town.
Overall, the rainwater collected from the rooftops of all the houses are collected by the gutter which is then passed down from the side pipes through a main channel into a water filter.
In this process of filteration impure rainwater is cleansed from all its impurities and dirt and transferred down into a storage chamber.
Another pipe connecting the storage chamber passes the filtered water into a water treatment tank where the water is chemically treated furthur to make it consumable for humans,
furthur on pure water is passed into pipes which connects houses to provide good drinking water.
The process chart furnishes the information regarding the stages of converting the rainwater into drinking water in an Australian town
In an overall,tha process of convertion of rainwater collected from houses into usable edible water is complex and continuous. There are several steps are involved in this process.
An in-depth analysis of the chart reveals that the first step involved is the collection of rainwater from many houses followed by the circulation of water through the water filter where the dust particles are removed .
Besides,the filtered water is then collected in a storage container which is then transferred to a water treatment container.
To continue with, while the stay at the treatment container,chemicals are added from the top of the tank for disinfection purposes. Finally,the purified water is then pumped up towards the houses for kitchen uses and for drinking.
The picture above illustrates how an Australian town has drinkable water from rainwater. Overall, drinkable water is produced by rainwater through the filter and treatment process.
Initially, the water is collected from the roof by the gutter and flows the water to the pipe at the side of the house. All the pipes from each house are connected to a big pipe to be entered into a water filter. After the water passes this process, the filtered water flows to the big storage to be ready for the next process.
At this stage, the big amount size of water will be pushed to another tank by pipe to be treated by chemical. This is the last process for the rainwater to become drinkable water. When the people need the drinkable water, the water will be distributed to each house by pipes under the house to each tap water.
The diagram illustrates how an Australian town collects rainwater to reuse as drinking water.
Overall, rainwater which is collected from houses can be used again for drinking purposes in Australia by following four stages procedure.
At the beginning rainwater falls on the rooftop is collected by gutter and then the water runs through pipes to the drain at the bottom of the house. Each house collects the rainwater in the same way. By underground pipes network water goes to the second stage which called filtration to remove any impurities and dirt. After filtration water is collected in a storage tank for awhile to be ready for the next step which is water treatment. In water treatment chemicals are used for many purposes for example to kill bacteria or to add minerals to make the water clean and healthy to reused again as drinking water.
Finally, with underground pipes the clean water back again to the town to be used as drinking water.
The diagram depicts the cyclical process of rainwater transformation into drinking water in an Australian town. Overall, rainwater passes two main procedures to make it fit for daily consumption (filtering and chemical treatment).
In the beginning process, rainwater that drops on every house’s rooftop is collected through each pipe towards the big pipe which distributes the water into a filtering machine. The water which has been cleaned from dirt and harmful material then flows into storage for the next process.
In the second procedure, the water is given a purification treatment with chemical components. This procedure is conducted as a double filter attempt to ensure that the water is clean and safe for drinking purposes. This is the final step of the whole process, and the water that comes out of this procedure is ready for direct consumption by every resident in the town. This process will repeat on and on.
The diagram illustrates a water collecting system used by an Australian town, that collects and treat rainwater and make it drinkable.
Overall, rainwater collected using drains is canalized through a system of pipes to a reservoir passing by a water filter. The stored rainwater heads back to the town houses after going through a treatment phase using chemicals to reach it’s final from as a ready to use drinking water.
With regards to water collection, a system of drains installed in every house and connected through pipes is used to collect rainwater, the collected water passes through a water filter before ending in a storage reservoir.
In the following stage, the reservoir water goes to a treatment unit where chemicals are applied, the resulting water is a ready to use drinking water, after that, the treated water led by pipes goes to the town houses to be used for daily consumption.
To Liz and all the ones who have taken the IELTS academic test over the last two years, how probably is that I could be given a diagram for part 1?
It is possible. While it isn’t the most common type, it does appear quite regularly. You must prepare for all types of task 1 unless you like gambling.
The diagram provides an information regarding the collection of precipitation to get pure water for drink in Australia town.
Overall, to get a clean water in Australia, they needs four stages from assembling water fall to the drink water.
Firstly, the constricted roofs are gathering the rainy water in to a single pipe from each roof. In the second stage, that collected water passes through a water filter and trapping some residues if there is a junk materials. However, it collected in a big tanker, it passes to the third stage of water treatment. At this stage some chemicals are added to the water perhaps some dangerous insects might present, therefore it used to kill them.
Finally, the pure water accumulated in a house to provide for drink.
The diagram provides information regarding the collection of rainwater for processing into drinking water in an Australian town.
Overall, to get clean drinking water from rainwater there are four stages.
Firstly, pipes which collect rainwater from the roofs of houses, drain into a common pipe. In the second stage, the water is purified by being passed through a water filter. In the third stage, the filtered water is collected in a storage tank. In the fourth stage, the water from the storage tank is sent to another chamber to be chemically treated. The purpose of chemical treatment of the water is probably to kill off or inactivate any remaining pathogens that might render the water unsafe for drinking.
Finally, the chemically treated water is sent back to the houses for consumption as drinking water.
The diagram depicts how the rainwater is collected and converted to make it fit for drinking in an Australian town.
Initially, the rainwater is collected at the roof level, then it is allowed to pass through a pipe which leads the water to the filter unit via drain situated underground. In the filter unit, basic filtration of removing unwanted particles is done, and then the filtered water is stored in the storage units. Then, the water stored in the storage unit is conveyed to the water treatment unit. Water treatment is done to remove the impurities present using chemicals to ensure that it is fit for drinking and finally it is pumped back to the houses.
Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink, thus to save the future generation from scarcity of water, rainwater harvesting should be made mandatory in all newly constructed houses and this method of filtration and storage aids to convert it to drinking water.
The given diagram explains the method used to collect the rainwater and how it is transformed to a drinking water in an Australian town. Overall, rainwater can be used for drinking after being filtered then processed with chemicals.
At first, the rain is collected from the rooftop of each house then it runs down through a pipe that is fixed on the side of the house until it reaches the drain. All drains are connected through a network of underground pipes that accumulates all the water to the inlet of the water filter.
At this stage, the rainwater is filtered to remove residuals and contaminants to be stored in a huge underground water tank. After that, the filtered water enters the chemical treatment stage at which chemical substances are added to the water to make it suitable for drinking.
Finally, drinking water is transferred to the water network of the town to make it available for residents to consume safely.
The diagram illustrates the how system of rain water collected and proceed into drinking water for Austrailan town.
Over all, rainwater gathered from different houses in australian town and filtered rain water into drinking water with mixture of differnt chemicals.
The rain water drops down at roof top every house and collected water through gutter pipe and then gutter water turned down to drainage pipe through downspout . Each house collects rain water in this way and rain water passed alomg the underground drains to water filter.
Rain water passe through water filter to remove impurities in the water and then it continuosly go to water storage tank.From this point ,the water goes from storage to water treatment plant ,here some adding chemicals to consumption of drinking water. After All the water head back to Residential houses in the town to consumption of drinking water via Pipes.
The diagram illustrates how water from rain is being gathered for the purpose of consumption in a particular town in Australia.
Overall, rainwater collected from various houses is being made fit for consumption after it has being filtered and treated with chemicals.
Initially, rainwater that falls on individual rooftops passes through the pipe by the side of each house and then flows into a drain beneath each houses. Subsequently, water from the drain is gathered into an underground pipe from which it flows into the water filter.
At this point, impurities are removed from the water and then stored in a storage before proceeding into a water treatment tank where chemicals are added. At this stage of the process, the chemical kills off germs and make the water suitable for drinking. Afterwards, the water is distributed back into various houses in the town via the pipes.
The diagram below illustrates the system of how the rainwater is collected and processed to gain drinking water in an Australian town. Overall, process of collecting water ,which is ready to drink at homes has 3 main steps such as filtering of rain drops, storage and finally water treatments with special chemicals.
Each houses have a settelled pipe system underground. Initially, rainwaters drops to roof of houses. In the following steps, rainwater flows down on the roof and reaches to pipe system on roof and walls outside the houses.These pipes connected to filter sytem which is located underground, so rainwater reaches to filter system. After filtration of unwanted particules in accumulated water, system countinues in storage tanks. Filtreted water enters big tanks underground for storage.
Storage tanks is connected to another similiarly big tank with pipe for water treatment. In this tank chemical reaction starts for people to drink a healtier and cleaned water in homes. After chemical treatment steriliazed water flows back to homes with pipe system. Filtered and chemically sterilized rain water reaches to faucet of homes.
Please leave one line after every paragraph.
The process chart depicts how the rain water was collected and converted to drinking water in an Australian town using filtration and treatment process.
Overall, the picture indicates the various stages of conversion of rain water to potable water using various filters and chemical treatment of the rain water.
During the first stage, rain water which falls on top of the houses is collected in a drain through piping arrangement. Drains of all the houses were interconnected using a common pipe so that the collected water was passed through a water filter and stored in a storage tank. Secondly, water stored is passed through a Water Treatment tank where various chemicals were added for purification purposes. Both the storge tank and water treatment tank were interconnected through a piping arragement at the bottom of the tanks. Chemicals were added from top of water treatment tank where they get mixed with water inside the tank.Further, after purification, recycled water was sent to various houses in the town for drinking purposes.
The diagram illustrates the process of drinking water from the rainwater as the source in the city of Australia. Overall, the process started by compiling the raindrops from the rooftop then filtered and treated by the chemicals to become drinking water.
When the rain comes, the houses in Australia are initiating by collecting the water by their pipes. The rainwater will continue the journey by touching the drain site located on the ground of the house. The water is filtered inside the water filter and keep it on the water storage below the filtration chamber. After that, water will continue the journey to the next tank called the water treatment tank, where it is treated inside of it. The water is purified by using some chemicals to remove some components into the edible water to drink. The pure water continues the journey through the pipes whose Australians will drink it by their tap waters.
Guys can you please tell me your opinion The diagram depicts the different steps facing the rainwater from collection until the use for drinking in an Australian Town.Overall ans as we can analyze from this diagram, while the rain fall conspicously take a several steps by passing inside Drains and Pipes to be useful and healthy for communitie of the Australian Town. According to what is shown and to begin with this important mission first of all the rainwater begin to fall and down inside Drains,following this the water know a significant step by being filtred ,Next this water undergo inside Pipes and all the quantities stocked in the storage device , Meanwhile this faxinated amount of water following again the same procedure as the past by passing inside Pipes for the treatement and begin one of the most necessary steps , water merged with chemicals to remove the impurities. Finally this quantity of water and undoubtedly after all this steps is now ready to consume by people of this Australian town without any problems.
In the process diagram, the introduction and the overall are in a single paragraph while in other type, they are written in 2 different paragraphs. Making them a single paragraph, will that be an issue in the IELTS exam?
It won’t be an issue. As long as the examiner can find the overview – that is all that matters.
The diagram above illustrates a process followed by an Australian town by which the rainwater is collected and processed into drinking water. The water is collected from each house and through various process is made available as drinking water.
The rainwater which falls on the shed travels through the pipes located in the right side of the house into the drain. The rainwater is then collected in the Water Filter whereas the water is getting filtered. The filtered water after the filtration process are accumulated in the large storage tanks.
The filtered water from the Storage tanks move across towards the Water Treatment section. There is a chemical chamber which is attached to the top of water treatment chamber. The water is further treated using the chemicals to remove the left over impurities. Post the treatment the water is made available to different houses. The water available here is clean from every impurities and safe for drinking.
The diagram illustrates how a small town in Australia is conserving rain water and processing to safe drinking water.
Over all rain water from all houses are collected, filtered , stored ,processed to safe drinking water and re circulated to all houses.
Rain water falling on all house roofs are flowing through pipes in to a drain by gravity,
This water collected from all houses is flowing through a common filter where the water is being subjected to first filtration to remove impurities.
Filtered water is being channelized to a large storage tank. This is the crucial step for conservation of rain water. Most of the rain water collected are stored in these large storage tanks before they are made fit for drinking .
Water from Storage tanks Is flowing into Water treatment tanks and is getting treated with chemicals which makes them fit for drinking
Purified water is finally being re circulated through pipes into houses for drinking.
This is how a town in Australia is conserving and converting rain water to pure drinking water, making a sustainable living.
Hello Liz, this is what I wrote concerning the task given.
The diagram demonstrate how rainwater is processed for drinking in an Australian Town.
Overall, it is seen that rain water is being filtered, then purified with chemicals, after which the water travels through an underground pipe into the house for drinking purposes.
It can be seen that rainwater falls on the roof top which passes through a gutter into the drain which is situated by the side of the house. The rain water passes through a pipe which then flow into a water filter.
Its filters the water and removes impurities, after which the water is passed through a pipe into a storage tank. After the tank is filled up, the water moves for purification. When this process is finished the water returns back to the houses for consumption.
Overall, there are stages to this process that is collection, filtration , treatment with chemicals.
The flow diagram depicts the rainwater recycling system for drinking in an Australian city.
Overall, it is evident that it is a simple cycling system consisting of six steps; commence with draining and end with drinking where the water is undergoing some chemical and mechanical treatments.
Looking at the diagram in more detail, first, the collected rainwater runs down into the draining system using a pipe. Then, this water is passed through in a unit called a water filter where water is filtered through a device to remove the any impurities. Once it has been filtered, the water is stored in a large storage tank.
Next, the water is passed into a water treatment unit through a pipe. While the water is stored in the treatment unit, it is treated with some chemicals to make sure the purification whether it is drinkable or not. Eventually, the treated water is supplied into another unit through a long pipe. This unit is known as drinking water where the tape is used to collect the water for people.
The diagram illustrates how an Australian town collects rainwater and the whole process of converting it to a drinking water.
Overall, the conservation of rainwater from all houses can be used for consumption by undergoing several stages: collection, filtration, and chemical treatment.
The first stage is collection. The downspouts are collected through the gutters on the roof from each residence. And from the gutter, it goes down the pipe, which is usually located at the corner of each houses. Then, it goes through the underground tube to the water filter.
From the water filter, the harvested rainwater undergoes filtration, the second process. In this stage, it is being cleaned out from debris and other impurities. Once filtered, it can now be stored in a storage tank. At this point, the decontaminated water will go through the last step.
The last stage of the process is the chemical treatment. Wherein the filtered water is treated with certain chemicals to make it safe and drinkable. When it is ready, the water will travel back to the residential tubing for daily consumption.
Word count: 179
Can anyone like to rate it?
The given diagram illustrates how drinking water is produced by accumulating the water received from the rain in a town in Australia.
Overall, the water from the roof of houses is collected and then filtered by using some filtration method which then transferred to a storage tank. Then, the chemical process is taken out to make the water suitable for drinking and then it is directed to the houses again.
The rainwater collected from the roofs is transferred using drainpipes, which then goes down through the wall of the house to the main grounded gutter pipe. The inlet of water filter present in the plant takes in the water coming from the gutter pipe which then filtered out through some filtration method and the water received on the outlet is then stored in a storage tank.
Several chemicals are used in the chemical process to remove the impurities from the water which it receives from the storage tank. After eliminating such impurities, the water becomes suitable and graded with all its micro-nutrients to drink. Then, this healthy water is channelled back to the houses for their drinking purposes.
Word count – 188
Thanks so much ma.
The diagram illustrates how rain water is being collected to process in order to use as drinking water in an Australian town.
Overall,rain water collection from the house begins from the rooflevel of the house, undergone chemical processes and end at drinking. It comprises of 4 stages.
Initially, the rain water which falls on the rooflevel is being gathered by a gulater,then passed through a pipe at the side of the building, into a drain system. Each houses experienced this process when ever it rained. After that, the water passed underground into the water filter.
Following this,the rain water passes through the water filter for cleansing. Then passed through the pipe into the storage unit. Next,the water goes from storage unit to the water treatment. At that point, water is being treated with chemical ready for use. When the water is nowready for consumption, it will follow a pipe that aid back into the houses where it can be use for daily activities by the residential people.
The diagram illustrates in an Australian town how rainwater is collected and what are the stages
to undergo to utilize as a drinking water.
Overall, the rainwater collected from the rooftop and passed through the series of pipelines to water filter section to purify the rainwater.
Later on, the chemicals added to utilize the rainwater for drinking purpose.
Firstly, rainwater collected from the rooftop of houses through the gutter and
passed through the pipelines, which situated at the sidewall of the house. Each house collects the rainwater in the same process then these pipelines are connecting to the
underground drain, which is furthermore, connected to the water filter section, where the process of filtering the rainwater takes place.
This filtered rainwater then runs through the pipeline to the storage tank, where the filtered water stores, after that, this stored rainwater sent to chemical treatment through the pipeline.
Finally, in the chemical stage, the chemicals added to the rainwater, to utilize it for consumption. When it is ready for drinking purpose, then the water is sent back to the houses of the town.
Can you please check my writing style and comment please.
The diagram illustrates the process of collection and treatment of the rainwater in order to use as consumable water in an Australian town using different stages, which involves the collection, filtration, storage, and chemical treatment.
The collection of the rainwater by using the gutter at the rooftop of the home in which the drainage pipe installed at the side of the each housing unit and connected with each other in a drainage network. It passes through the pipe to the central filtering unit installed at the basement, which clean the water from the dust. Furthermore, the clean water is store at the storage tank using the direct connected pipe between the cleaning tunnel and the reservoir.
The clean water transfer to the separate water treatment container from the water reservoir where it is being processed chemically in order to make fit for drinking. Finally, the successful treated water supplies to the housing units available at the Australian city for their drinking usage.
Great teacher liz
What would you rate this explanation?
The diagram represents how a town in Australia uses a rooftop water collection method to utilize rain water for drinking purposes.
In summary, the method works in four steps, firstly, rainwater falling on house rooftops is collected using a drain, after this, the water passes thorough a series of pipes, gets filtered and stored, and finally, it gets treated to be fit for drinking purposes.
A more detailed outlook of the process is as follows, when it rains, the sloped rooftops of the in the Australian town houses allow water to get slide down the drainage system. This network of several drainage systems connected by a main pipeline redirect the rain water towards the water filter to filter out the impurities. Next, collected rainwater accumulates in a storage tank. From this storage tank, the water is transferred using a pipeline to a water treatment plant, here the rainwater gets treated with chemicals to make it fit for drinking purposes. Lastly, drinkable water is directed to the houses. (168 words.)
The diagram clearly illustrates the chain of events about how an Australian town collects rainwater to be utilized as drinking water.
Initially, as rainwater falls on the rooftop of houses it will be collected by each of their respective underground drains through a waterpipe that can be found on the side of these houses. From each of these drains, it will be delivered to an underground water filter to remove particles and impurities from it. Next to the filtering process, it will then proceed to the water storage. Once the storage is filled, at this point, the water is now being led to a water treatment area where a chemical or two is used for it to finally become a drinking water. After undergoing such treatment, it is now ready to be distributed for all households to consume by coursing through pipes, to complete the process.
Overall, rainwater can be converted to a drinking water by the following process in sequence such as collection, filtration, and chemical treatment.
This digram illustrate that how the rainwater transform into drinking water in Australia Town.
First of all , rainwater collected from roof and runs though pipeline for the filter process.
After that water is treated with chemicals for consumpations. At the end when water ready for drinking again though pipe line distrubated back to pipe line.
The diagram illustrate that how the australian town treats rainwater and converts it into drinking water with the help of advance technology.
Overall, diagram gives the knowledge about the process of collecting and converting rainwater to drinking water with the process of passing the water through drain pipes, water filter unit and chemical process plant.
During rainy days, rainwater is collecting from rooftops with help of drain system which transfer the rainwater into water filter units which removes impurities after that water is store in storage tank.
From the storage tank water send for water treatment process in water treatment unit with the help of chemicals after that water is ready for consumption. The pure water is then supply to houses through the pipes and ready to use in daily routine .
The diagram demonstrates how people in Australian towns collect rainwater processes to use as drinking water.
First of all, the rain collected by the gutter on the roof and runs through the pips down the every house. Then runs to the storage bypassing the water filters. After that water is collected to the water treatment process through the pips where the water is treated by chemicals for consumptions. In the end, water will be ready for drinking and distributed bypassing the pips to every house back.
The digram illustrates the methods for collecting rainwater for the purpose of drinking by an Australian town. Overall, the rainwater collected from the houses can be used for drinking after it has been filtered and treated with chemicals.
Firstly, the rainwater collection starts from the rooftop of the building and the runs through ta pipe at the side of the house into a drain at the bottom. Each house collects rainwater this way. The rainwater collected is passed along underground drains to be filtered.
The rainwater passes through the water filter to remove any particles and impurities, and continues along the same path to drain into the storage, from where it goes for treatment with chemicals to make it safe for consumption. After treatment, the water goes back into the houses through the pipes, where it can be used for daily consumption.
Hi Liz !
I saw your video about task 1 , but there you mentioned to write 1 para for introduction , 1 for overview and 2 for main bodies .
But here you have only written 3 total paragraphs instead of 4 . Is it a correct way ?
It is fine to put the overview in the same paragraph as the introduction as long as they are two very different and clear statements. I only usually do this for diagrams if the introduction statement is very short.
hello Liz,
are there any videos on line graph description or pie chart? i am unable to find them
any suggestions would be appreciated.
I don’t have videos, but you can find lessons on this page: Always use the RED MENU BAR at the top of the site to access all main sections of the website.
In your first paragraph. Is it grammatically correct to insert word “it” in the sentence part “use it as drinking water” instead of ” use as drinking water”?.
Both are correct.
Hello ma’am
Can we write i.e in our real test.
Is it formal to write?
You should show a range of linking words: for example, such as …
You can find a list of linking words on this page:
Hi Liz,
I want to ask do i have memorize the model answers for the writing task 1 in order to improve my band score in this task or should i just go through it and get some ideas ?
What will you recommend which is the best one to go with ?
IELTS doesn’t accept memorised answers. These model answers are to help you understand technique.
Hello Liz mam
Thanks for new red bar
It is really beneficial for everyone.
Dear mam, I want to clarify that is it right now that we can write overall after introduction?
My exam is tomorrow.
Sure, the overview can do with the intro, after the intro or at the end. Good luck tomorrow !
OK mam 😊
Thank you so much mam 😍
God bless you always .
The diagram illustrates the process of rainwater and its distribution to the household in one city of Australia. Overall, rainwater collected from houses follow 3 main steps including filtering, storage and treatment.
Firstly, the rainwater is collecting from rooftops houses, and flows to the pipeline beside the houses. It flows by the gravity when the water drops run into the pipe and drain. Drain should be bigger than house pipe.
Secondly, all the collecting waters are filtered to remove unexpected materials like leaves, dust and etc. Therefore, the waters then sent into storage tank for the next steps.
Continuously, after the storage, the water is flowed to the water treatment tank. Here, chemicals are used to make sure the water is drinking able.
Finally, after harmless water produced, it will send to the house back again and daily it may be use for drinking. It sent through the small pipes to the houses.
Hi Liz, This Fahad from Bangladesh. Your post is really helpful for me as well as all.
Good day ,would like to write essays to you so you can read through and correct my mistakes ..I don’t know if you offer those kind of services at a fee ..had a low band writing score in my first attempt and due for a second attempt on the 29th of June ..
Thank you
Sorry, I don’t offer that service.
For this diagram, the overview and introduction are written as single paragraph. can we write the overview as separate paragraph for diagram type questions too.
Yes. As long as your overview is easy to find and all your key features are located in the overview.
Hello Liz
I read your website before taking IELTS and did well on the exam day
I sincerely thank you
Well done 🙂
it is usually passive voice is the grammer of writing a process, how it is possiple to write it by present tense? \
A diagram requires both passive and active voice – all present tense. That means you use the present passive voice and the active present simple.
Dear Liz,
Can I use present continuous passive voice in my description? For example, can I write “After being collected, water is…”.
Thank you for your site and valuable tips!
Yes, it’s good to use that.
The diagram shows collection and conversion of rain water into drinking water in an Australian town. The process involves three steps. The first step is where the rain water drains down into the common collection system below each house, which is then connected to a water filter by the help of a main pipeline. The second step involves the filteration of water. The filter has three sieves where the water is purified from large sized particles and macromolecules. The other end of the water filter is connected to a large storage tank where water is stored for a particluar amont of time. The third step is the treatment of water. The water storage tank is connected to the water treatment plant which has three ports. The first two ports are situated at the top from where the chemicals are processed to clean the water from invisible microrganisms. The final third port is connected to a long pipeline extending from the water treatment plant which delivers fresh water to each house. This water is then used for the purpose of drinking.
Words 180
In most of the cases in here,why you used present perfect continuous tenses except using present perfect tense
Why don’t you write a list of the present perfect continuous used in this model and post it in this message thread.
Hi Liz,
This is my first IELTS test and I am very excited. I tryed to write an answer for the above diagram,could please tell me if it is good? Can you guse what would be my score?
The given picture shows how an Australian town collects rainwater for the use of drinking.overall,all the rainwater collected should be go under some processes to purify it before it is used for consumption. First, when it rains, the rainwater on the toproof of the house comes down through the drain into the water filter. In that stage, the water is purified and it goes to a hoge storage. Then, the clear water is moved through pipes into another storage where it is treated by chemicals in order to be suitable for human consumption. Finally, the water is ready to be be drinked.
I don’t offer marking or feedback. However, I will say that your report must be over 150 words. Your overview must be extended. The body of the report must be divided into (usually) two paragraphs.
Hi Elizabeth! “A glance at the bar graph provided reveals … ” Can i start my Task 1 like that?
You are not supposed to “glance” at a bar graph. You are supposed to analysis it. So, no – you shouldn’t use such expressions.
Hi liz,
How big is the mistake if you write 25$ billions instead of of $25 billion. And it is written multiple times.
It is one systematic grammar error.
The diagram gives information about the various steps which an Australian town made drink water from rainwater.
It can be clearly seen that, the rainwater has pass through a lots of machines and chemical materials before being drunk.
the rainwater is collected from roof of house. After rainwater has been dropped to drain.
Hello, Liz
I’m perplexed to write 3 paragraphs or 4 paragraphs for task 1 because in your process sample answer there are only 3 paragraphs where as in this pie chart sample answer there are 4 paragraphs. In addition you told in your bar graph video to write 4 paragraphs.
So, this is just moving around my head, what to do.. Pls REPLY to me..
Do you think there is a set number of paragraphs? Of course, there isn’t. You are being tested on your choice of paragraphs and your choice will depend on the information presented in the graph or chart. Go back to all my model answers and make a list of all the possibilities – that doesn’t just mean the number – it means what information is put in which paragraph.
Is this compulsory to overall in diagram task 1
Yes. 100% compulsory if you want a good score.
Thank you so much Liz , it was very helpful going through these examples.
Hi Dear,
Indeed, I admire the way you wrote that passage.
Hello Liz, I wrote the introduction and overview another way.
How about this?
The diagram above illustrates how a town in Australia collects rainwater for the sole purpose of drinking. Overall, the rain water falls into a gutter and passes through a filtering and chemical treatment stage which is later being dispensed into various/several houses for drinking.
I don’t know which is more appropriate “various or several”.
It’s a good intro and overview. You definitely can’t write “various/several” in your test – you would need to choose one only. If you are unsure, don’t use them and write “..which is later dispensed into houses for drinking”.
While starting the task 1 we can use this statement…”The illustration illustrate ……..
A diagram is a diagram – it does not need to be changed.
I got the exact question when I took my academic IELTS on October 20th. I just got the scores today. I scored 7.5 in writing.
Liz, I had only followed your website for 2 weeks and scored an overall band score of 7.5. I scored less in reading (6.5) as I panicked at the end of it and had to do some guesswork.
Being a working professional, I did most of my studying while commuting to work and in the early morning for 2 weeks.
Thanks a lot! You are the best English Tutor!
Amulya (from Hyderabad, India)
I’m really pleased to see your results – well done 🙂 Good use of commuter time 🙂
Hi Liz,
I am from Pakistan.
I wanted to inform you that this question was a part of IELTs Writing Task 1 exam held on 20th October 2018 in Lahore, Pakistan.
Thankyou so much for the information, tips and videos. I have recommended all my friends to watch your videos instead of joining an academy and save your money.
I had the exact same diagram in the IELTS today! 🙂
Hope you did well 🙂
you didnt use linking words for example then,afterwards,following this to describe various stages .will it be fine to use these words to describe the different stages in this diagram? actually i have a habit of using these words in diagrams
Yes, you can use them whenever there is a process or diagram with clear stages which follow a set order. In the model above, the linking words are : initially, then, when, at this point. The key to a high score is using linking words flexibly which means not using them in a mechanical way and not over using them.
Yes! But I hadn’t seen this one on your website before I took the exam. It went very well anyway, I got the score I needed for working in the UK as an emergency physician.
Thank you, Liz, for your accurate information and training you provide here. It’s invaluable and I wouldn’t have gotten these scores without you!
Overall 8 – Listening 9 / Reading 8,5 / Writing 8 / Speaking 7.
Well done with your results 🙂 Glad my website was useful 🙂
me too!
hello Liz
thank you for your huidlines .They are really very helpful to improve our mark in ielts
Hi Liz,
I noticed that you combined your introduction and overview in one single paragraph.Why didn’t you write them as two separate paragraphs?
Love your website,it’s really helping me out.
There are no actual rules about this in IELTS marking. As long as the examiner can easily locate your overview it’s fine. When the introduction is very short, I put my overview in the same paragraph.
Why overall is attached with introduction?? Is this important in diagrams mam??
Is it important to use present tense n passive voice for diagram,life cycle,process and flowchart??
It is an option to put the overview with the introduction when the introduction is short. Please note that the two are not written as one statement. They are still two separate statements but in one paragraph. Diagrams, processes and flowcharts often use passive voice.
Hey Eliza!! Huge fan. LOADS OF LOVE (:
hi, can we replace divorce rates with people took divorce while paraphrasing ..
The verb “take” is never used with the word divorce.
So we can’t use ” PEOPLE TOOK DIVORCE ” but actually it is the information between 2011 to 2015 … will u please tell me what is the paraphrase for divorce rate ..
I said, you need to change the verb. Please use a dictionary. I do not offer English language services.