Listening Answers for Blue Foot Bird Exercise

Questions, Answers & Transcript: Blue-footed Bird Listening Practice

Do not look at the answers until you have finished the listening lesson.

If you have not finished this listening lesson, please click here: Blue-footed bird listening practice


These boobies live off the western coasts of Central and South America. The Galápagos Islands population includes about half of all breeding pairs of blue-footed boobies. They are aptly named, and males take great pride in their fabulous feet. During mating rituals, male birds show off their feet to prospective mates with a high-stepping strut. The bluer the feet, the more attractive the mate.

All half-dozen or so booby species are thought to take their name from the Spanish word “bobo.” The term means “stupid,” which is how early European colonists may have characterized these clumsy and unwary birds when they saw them on land—their least graceful environment.

Like other boobies, blue-foots nest on land at night. When day breaks, they take to the air in search of seafood, sometimes fishing in cooperative groups. They may fly far out to sea while keeping a keen eye out for schools of small fish, such as anchovies. When their prey is in sight, these seabirds utilize the physical adaptations that make them exceptional divers. They fold their long wings back around their streamlined bodies and plunge into the water from as high as 80 feet. Blue-footed boobies can also dive from a sitting position on the water’s surface.

Blue-footed boobies also use their webbed feet to cover their young and keep them warm. When a typical brood of one to three chicks hatch, both parents feed and care for them.

It is a good idea to read the transcript and listen to the recording at the same time. Below:


Questions: No more than two words and/or a number.

  1. Strutting and showing off feet is part of the mating …………
  2. When a male boobie has very blue feet, he is considered ……………..
  3. Their name comes from the Spanish word for …………..
  4. On land, blue-footed boobies move  in a ………. manner.
  5. Blue-footed boobies fish in ……………….
  6. They eat small fish, for example ………….
  7. Their bodies are ………..  which is advantageous when diving.
  8. Adult boobies warm their chicks with their ……………….
  9. They usually have a maximum of ………. young.


    1. You can have either plural or singular for this answer. It isn’t common that you can have both – usually in IELTS you must choose carefully and writing the wrong one will mean it is marked wrong.
  3.  STUPID
    1. “to take their name from the Spanish word “bobo.” The term means “stupid”.
    2. This question is really testing your ability to spot the words “this term means…” We use this phrase when using a foreign word in an English communication and we wish to explain in English.
    3. The question “Their name comes from the Spanish word for …………..” means that you are listening for the English translation, not the Spanish word. This is again a test of your English to understand “the Spanish word for…” which means a translation.
    1. Some people had difficulty with the pronunciation of “in cooperative groups”. This is due to the pronunciation features of linking sounds.
  9. THREE / 3
    1. Notice that the question asks for the maximum number.  Always underline key words in the question on your listening question paper.




  1. Please, is it okay that I used SLIM instead of STREAMLINED in question 7?
    And why did you use CLUMSY instead of LESS GRACEFUL in question 4?

    • For question 4, the recording says “…European colonists may have characterized these clumsy and unwary birds when they saw them on land—their least graceful environment.”.
      This part of the recording is about how the Boobies are on land and they are described as “clumsy” which is an adjective about movement. The word “graceful” is also about movement, but your answer of “less graceful” actually doesn’t exist in the recording because the recording said “least graceful” and that doesn’t fit in grammatically to the sentence in the question, so it isn’t possible to have as an answer.

      A) the words must be taken precisely from the recording and not changed.
      B) the sentence must be grammatically correct when finished.

      For question 7, the answer cannot be “slim” because that word isn’t given in the recording.

      • Thanks a lot for taking out the time to respond. I truly appreciate. I hope I get the hang of it. I don’t like missing even one number 😁

        • My website is for learning all about the test so that you can reduce your errors in your actual test. Try not to worry too much and enjoy learning – enjoy developing awareness of the test.

  2. Itzel Sofia Falla Moran says

    Hello Liz. I wrote the word “bobo” in the third word completion question hahaha. Hope it is ok.

    • I put this question in to challenge your English. The question is:
      “Their name comes from the Spanish word for …………..”. The words “comes from the Spanish word for…” means the sentence requires the translation of the word that is given in the recording. If I was to paraphrase the question, it would be “What is the English translation of the word Bobo”?
      So, that means it is not possible to have the word Bobo as an answer. It must be the English equivalent based on the grammar and vocabulary in the question.
      Glad you enjoyed it though 🙂

  3. Dr.Mona says

    I now realize that reading the questions prior to taking the practice test makes a great difference. I am so grateful to Liz ❤

  4. Obinna Chijindu says

    Hello Liz

    I trust this message meets you well.

    I would like to ask about number 7 in the listening example. If choose “Streamlined bodies” as heard in the audio, will that be marked correct?

    • You are asking if the completed sentence could possibly be:

      Their bodies are streamlined bodies which is advantageous when diving.

      We avoid repetition of words in English. So, in mean you would be correct, but grammatically we wouldn’t repeat the word “bodies”. Therefore the answer should be just the adjective, not both adjective and noun.

  5. Hello Liz
    Thank you very much for the valuable materials in your website, it is very helpful
    I have a question about writing the answers in capital letters in listening and reading sections,
    In Cambridge book answer sheet, it is mixture between both capital and small, the TRUE, FALSE and NOT GIVEN are written in capital while other answers are in small, is that acceptable in test??
    thank you for help

    • What it means is that if the word is correct, it doesn’t matter if it is written with or without capital letters. However, these are my recommendations. 1) if you take the paper based test, you will be writing answers by hand, so use all capital letters to keep your handwriting clear. 2) for the computer based test, this isn’t important. 3) if the speaker in the listening recording specifically says “lower case”, they you must write that word or information using lower case. 4) for the reading test, just write it as it is shown in the passage.

      • thank you, Liz, so much for your recommendations!
        yes, Iam going to take the paper-based test after few days.
        So if I answered the listening section all in capital
        and for reading, as it is shown in the text, this will be OK.

        • Sure, but the advice still stands, if your handwriting is not great or difficult to read, use all capital letters at all times to avoid the person marking from misreading. But certainly you can do as you have decided, it’s ok.

  6. Maryam Tariq says

    Hi Liz
    thank you for the helping material, i have been studying for the IELST exam for 2 months now and could never find something with answers. Thank you


    Hi Liz
    Thanks for your help.
    Can we use synonyms if we didn’t get the word while listening but understoood the idea?
    I used desirable instead of attractive for question 2.

    • For listening and reading, you either get the word 100% correct or it is wrong. You can’t paraphrase answers.

  8. Thank you Liz. This lesson was helpful. I got 8 out of 9. Number 7 tripped me. I answered folded instead of streamlined.

  9. Hey Liz,
    Really great lesson, I had a 7, I didn’t spell *ANCHOVIES* correctly so I failed number 6😔(7 is still a good score🙂). Well it was😊fun learning about the blue footed bird😊. Thank you so much ma’am.

  10. Amrinder says

    I got 7/10 correct .is this a good score?

  11. Himali says

    Hi Liz,

    Thanks a lot.
    Your lession is very useful and worthy. However I would like to have your support on following my few concerns,

    1 Shall speaker spell some of hard words such as answer 6 – Anchovies?
    2 Time will be given to read questions before audio starts?

    Thank you in advance.

    • 1. Yes, usually difficult words are spelled out.
      2. You always have time to read the questions first. Go to the BC IELTS website where you can find one full practice test for free. This will give you an idea of the speed of the audio and the time you have to prepare questions etc.

  12. jonathan says

    It’s quite tricky when comets words you haven’t heard before like the number 6 answer “anchovies’ I scored 8/9. I was equally skeptical about the number 3 answer between bobo and stupid. I had bobo first my gut chose “stupid”. All the same this is really helpful.

    Thanks Liz!

  13. Yasmine says

    Are your lessons more difficult than the real ielts test ? Because I just started entertaining and I get everything wrong 🙁

    • You should be using my lessons to develop skills and awareness, and using real IELTS tests to get used to the real IELTS level while you practise at home. Get the IELTS Cambridge test books, number 14 is the most recent – they are real IELTS tests published by IELTS for you to use.

  14. Guvvala Pradeep Reddy says

    It was told they are clumsy on the land so they are clumsy to move.

  15. Deepali says

    Hi Liz,
    I am still not able to relate to the answer of question#4. In the audio they never said anything similar to “Boobies move in clumsy manner”. Please help me to understand.


    • The audio says “…their name from the Spanish word “bobo.” The term means “stupid,” which is how early European colonists may have characterized these clumsy and unwary birds”

  16. Manpreet says

    I got only 3/9 how I can improve please mam help me

  17. Answers came quickly for this one, I got 6/9 for this one.
    I missed and put Bobo but it really wanted the English translation and i missed two answers

  18. Bridget says

    Hi Liz
    Please will there be transcript for us in the real test?because if not for the transcript I wouldn’t have gotten anything.

    • Of course there is no transcript in the test. IELTS listening is a listening test, not a reading test. The transcript is given above so you can understand how to improve, so you can develop vocabulary, build awareness etc. My lessons are not tests, they are lessons for learning.

  19. Hi Ms Liz,
    Amazing test prepared by you and not so easy to answer. It really helped. keep up the good work. Thanks

  20. Hi Liz. Is there time allotted for reading the questions in each section of the listening test or all the questions have to be read before the recording is played? How many minutes in each case?

    My test is on January 19. Thanks.

    • Get the IELTS Cambridge Test Books which are real IELTS tests published by IELTS for you to practice at home. That way you will get used to the time allowed and how the test works. You should be doing at least 4 FULL practice tests at home before you do the actual test.

      • Yes mam, can u tell me which book is preferable among these – Cambridge ielts academic 11 or 12 or 13.

        • There is no such thing as “which is preferable”. They are in order of date. Number 13 is the latest. The test hasn’t changed and they are all relevant.

          • Sancia Norman Dsouza says

            Do Ielts tests also include spanish words which we need to translate in english?
            Just as the word bobo

            • As you see, you do not need to translate. You require NO knowledge of Spanish to provide the English answer. You require only to understand English to answer that question.

              • Blessing Alohan says

                Hi Liz, Thanks for your helpful site. my concern regarding to this bobo translation to english, how does ielts anticipate candidate to know the English meaning of spanish word. since candidates are not tested on translation. Thanks

                • You are not required to know the translation. You are required to listen to the recording and answer questions. The translation is given in the recording.

    • Thanks a lot. I find your lessons very helpful. Is it okay to write “very attractive” in question 2?

      • Liz says

        You don’t need to write intensifiers when you write the answer for short answer questions. Just the simple information is enough.

  21. Danielle says

    Its quite difficult isn´t it? I know we have some easier and some harder listenning but acctually Listening is the wrost test for me 🙁

  22. Thank you so much Liz for the good work you are doing. May God continue to bless you as you touch more lives. I just started practicing from your blog.

  23. Joy Agagwu says

    Thanks Liz, I just started my listening practice and have found these really helpful. Thanks once again. I scored 7 points

    • Audom Ou says

      Thanks you so much for your valuable time sharing such an effective tips and plenty of essential lessons for us to practices before taking the IELTS test.

  24. Ahmed Hassan Cheema says

    Hi liz.. 🙂
    I am just new here and today i am going to start my prepartion of ielts from your listeniing excersise its lil bit difficult but i will try my best… once again thanks for the tips. 😊

  25. Hi Liz,

    thank you very much for all these useful lessons.
    I would ask you do I have to memorize the name of fishes like “anchovies” ?.
    thanks in advance,

    • No. Most answers in the listening test will be more simple words. However, spelling will always be important.

  26. Francis says

    Great practical experience Liz! Awesome

    • Beloved says

      HI Liz i find your website very useful and facinatig for me.thanks o lot 😙

      • Beloved says

        But i m preparing only by myself using internet materials and your website what do you think can i manage without a teacher

        • Each person is different and requires a different amount of help. Use the free materials and then see if your practice score is increasing. If it is not, then possibly think of a teacher. Also make sure you use authentic tests published by IELTS for your preparation – IELTS Cambridge test books from 1 to 13. You can buy the online or in educational shops. I also offer Advanced Lessons to buy for writing task 2:

      • Thanks 🙂

  27. Hi Ms. Liz,
    I would like to let you know that I am preparing hard for my upcoming test in two weeks. I am learning a lot through your informative website. Thanks loads for all your efforts. I have a question please with regards to writing the answers of the Listening test, and I would deeply appreciate it if you could give me the accurate answer to avoid such mistakes in the real test:
    I was practicing a Listening test, and the speaker mentioned the date – First of February.
    The instructions given were – write no more than two words.
    Which one would be the correct answer:
    1st of February (is it considered two or three words) OR
    February 1st OR
    1st February

    Thanks in advance

    • I’m sure you know that in English we never write “1st of February”. That isn’t correct in English. Although we say the word “of” it is never written. You can write the number before or after the month – one is US and the other is UK English.

  28. Shweta Bhatia says

    Hi Liz,

    I took very first test of Boobies today and realized how good exercise was. I mean because of your Qs I understood that we need to read question thoroughly because small words like ‘For'(Q3) and ‘Maximum'(Q.9) can make us loose our marks.

    Thank you once again.

  29. Sai Neelesh reddy says

    Hi Liz,

    In blue foot bird listening exercise i got confused and written a wrong answer for this question “THERE NAMES COMES FROM SPANISH WORD FOR _________”. Actually i have written “BOBO” but you explained that we have to translate it into English. How could i know Spanish, I thought this is an International English test. Please revert back to me.Thanks for your Lectures.

    Neelesh Reddy

    • The audio very clearly explains which word is English and which word is a Spanish name:
      “take their name from the Spanish word “bobo.” – it states clearly that the word “bobo” is a Spanish word.
      “The term means “stupid,” ” – it then clearly states the translation of the word.
      This is an English language test and the recording very clearly explains in English the name of the bird from the Spanish word to the English translation.

      It is very important that you read the transcript very carefully to see why you didn’t understand the English explanation. Every time you do a practice lesson or a practice test, you MUST read through the transcript and check each answer – it is up to you to learn.

  30. Akhil H Gada says

    VERY IMPORTANT SUGGESTION – Hi Liz, would be so good if you could add time in the start of all audio to read questions just like in real IELTS test. Thanks.

  31. Hi Liz
    I am so confused with this question

    Insomnia is not defined by the number of hours you sleep every night .The amount of sleep a person needs varies .While most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night ,some people do well with less ,and some need more

    Some who only gets four hours sleep a night must be suffering from insomnia .?

    • Try thinking this one out for yourself. However, my advice is based on the information you provided – you have not presented the whole paragraph and often the answer can relate to more than one sentence.
      A true answer = the statement is correct. A false answer = the statement is opposite or wrong. A NG answer = we have no idea if it is wrong or right because there is nothing in the passage about it.
      Passage: Insomnia is not defined by the number of hours you sleep every night.
      Statement: Some who only gets four hours sleep a night must be suffering from insomnia.

  32. Rawia Obida says

    Thank you so much, Liz, it is a really helpful lesson.

  33. Eman Al-Chalabi says

    Dear Liz,

    Thanks a lot for proving Free preparation materials. I looked at different IELTS websites , they are all not detailed or well organised the same as yours.
    Please Liz, could you tell me what is the idea of using all answers in Reading and Listening in Capitals is it just to be in a safe side?
    How about using all Lowercase or use Capitals just in the beginning of the names?

    The idea of my question is writing in all capitals take longer time also, I tried using them but there’s no enough space in answer sheet particularly with sentence completion listening questions.

    I checked the other student’s comments and your comments regarding that but didn’t find an answer to my specific question.

    Wish you all the best Liz because you deserve it.

    • I usually recommend using all capital letters because it’s easy to read. If your answer can’t be easily read, it could be marked wrong. If you don’t want to use them, just use all lower case.

  34. Rajwinder says

    Thanks mam,ur lessons are so is very helpful tip to listen the recording as well as reading the same script.

    • I’m glad you tried that. It’s a great way to hear the way sounds and words link together. You can also use it to improve your own pronunciation.

    • Elizabeth says

      Dear Liz, thank you so much. I need to know if this will be applicable in the real ielst test. I mean the recording and the script together?

      • It is not a listening and reading test together. The script is for practising at home. Of course you can’t see the script in a listening test.

  35. Maureen says

    Thank you,I took the speaking test on Tuesday in Lagos and I was asked the kind of job I will like to take it,why,the qualities required
    I was asked if I do put on a wrist watch
    If I get to a place on time
    Why I do get there on time
    What skills are required for students in secondary school in other to be successful when they get a job
    And many more questions.
    I am preparing for the reading,listening and writing test. And also hoping I get over a band 7 because what is required of me is a band score 7.Thank you ma for your help
    God bless you.

  36. Thank you for your free open lessons They were very useful and educative .
    I was able to obtain my required band score.
    God bless you.

  37. Mueed Jamal says

    THanks for posting answers Liz ! It was a tough but good exercise and I scored 8/9. Question # 6 was tough cause I never heard of such species and I was unable to think of the spellings as well. I am looking forward for more such practice exercises 🙂

    • I’m glad the lesson was useful 🙂 If you want more practice lessons, go to my main listening page = click on the RED BAR at the top of the website.

  38. Suhana says

    Hi Ma’am,
    Thanks for the above listening chapter.
    But why can’t we write “bobo”?
    That means if there’ll be any such kind of questions we need to write the meaning but not the name?

    • This has been explained on the page above. The grammar in the question statement CLEAR asks for a translation of the word. The preposition “for” means you need the English word. ALL IELTS listening questions are not just about listening – they are about grammar – understanding prepositions and the type of answer needed. So, this isn’t about guessing, it’s about knowing your grammar.

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