IELTS Reading Tips: How can I improve my score

Below are some IELTS reading tips about how you can improve your score. The tips include developing both IELTS reading exam skills and also improving your English level. Even if your English language is at a native speaker level, you still need to get used to the test and be familiar with it in order to succeed.

IELTS Reading Tips: How to Increase your Score

Below are many ways you can boost your IELTS reading score. Take a look at the list and see which things you need to focus on for your IELTS reading preparation.

Develop skills for each type of question in IELTS reading

There are around 14 different types of IELTS reading questions and you need to find a strategy to tackle each one. Some question types have answers that come in order and others do not. This type of information will help you not only save time but also locate the right answers. Follow the link to learn about the IELTS reading question types. Most students struggle with True False Not Given questions, see this IELTS TFNG video to learn how to approach this type of question. You can find free practice reading lessons for different types of questions on this page: IELTS Reading Practice Lessons & Tips

Skimming and Scanning Reading Skills

You should be able to skim and scan passages to do well in IELTS. Skimming is reading a passage to get a general idea of the content. This is recommended to do before you tackle the questions. All types of questions, except one, are given after the passage because it is recommended to skim read the passage before the questions. This does not mean you try to understand the passage. It’s just a chance to get a sense of the topic and layout. You should skim read the full passage in 2 to 3 minutes – not longer. At the same time, you should underline any key words you see. The only types of questions which comes before the passage is matching headings, for those, you don’t need to read the passage first. Scanning is your ability to locate information quickly and has no relation to comprehension of the passage.

Develop your speed reading skills.

IELTS has a strict time limit which will really challenge your ability to complete the questions in time. You must develop speed reading skills to be able to find your answers quickly. This means you must be able to scan the passage quickly to locate information. Always keep your eye on the clock in the test. For the paper test, there’s be a clock on the wall, for the computer test it is given at the top of the screen.

Don’t try to understand the full passage

Your task is to locate answers only. Most questions test your ability to locate specific information given to you and then to comprehend the sentence or sentences which contain that information. There are only two types of questions which will require a more detailed understand of the whole passage – matching headings and choosing a title. All other questions are based on locating information. For more tips about reading techniques for IELTS, follow the link.

Developing vocabulary

This is one of the key reasons why students don’t get the score they need. Learning vocabulary is not just about learning the meaning of a word, it is about learning when you can and can’t use a word. It is also about what collocations can be used with words, for example verbs and match nouns.  You should write words lists that include common paraphrases and also any problems you had finding the answer. You can do this by learning vocabulary from practice reading passages. There is not set vocabulary list to learn for IELTS reading, unlike IELTS writing and speaking. For IELTS Reading, it is about broadening your vocabulary by reading on many different topics and learning to navigate through different language.


Each IELTS reading question will have keywords to help you locate the information in the passage and to spot the right answer. You should learn to spot keywords and use them correctly. You should also check whether the keywords can be paraphrased. You will soon learn to use keywords correctly when you review your answers in practice reading lessons. Some keywords are obvious, for instance names, dates, numbers, places etc. Other keywords are more subtle.


Question types such as summary completion and sentence completion require that the sentence is grammatically correct when you have put the answer in. This means that grammar can help you to spot the right answer. Many students post question on this blog asking me why one answer is correct and the other is not – the reason is often grammar related. You will see this when you do practice reading lessons.

More Tips to Improve your IELTS Reading

  1. Practice makes perfect. Unless you practice regularly, you won’t improve. Here’s a link to all my reading lessons for IELTS. The lesson are useful for students taking both the GT test and academic test because they are aimed at building skills, understanding of question types and also vocabulary.
  2. Getting used to difficult passages. If you have time before your test, you should be widening your reading skills and familiarity of complicated passages on a range of topics.  read the bbc news, the new scientist, the economist etc. Here’s a link to a page with useful websites for IELTS which includes links to websites useful for reading.
  3. IELTS Practice Reading Tests. You can find practice tests online for free (see my useful website page for links)or you can buy the IELTS Cambridge Test books (number 10 is the most recent). You should use IELTS practice reading tests for two purposes:
    1. To develop your skills, practice different types of questions and enhance your vocabulary
    2. To test yourself under exam conditions to check your score and check if you have developed or no
  4. GT Test. The first two passages in the GT test are different to the academic test but the third passage is similar. To practice the first two types of reading passages, you can practice reading materials such as instruction manuals, schedules and employment terms. You can find practice tests in the IELTS Cambridge books. The same skills and question types apply to both the GT test and academic test so all lessons on this blog will be useful to Gt students.
  5. Know your weaknesses. Unless you know your weaknesses, you won’t know how to improve. You must check the reasons why you are getting your answers wrong or right. If you are getting answers wrong due to your understanding of the passage, then you know you must improve your English language. If you are getting your answers wrong because your couldn’t find the information or you didn’t understand the question or you ran out of time, then the problem is your technique and strategies. Spend time reviewing your performance.
  6. Be realistic. If your level of English is not strong, don’t expect to get band score 7.
  7. Plan your training for IELTS reading. You should spend time
    1. developing vocabulary and paraphrasing awareness through broad reading practice
    2. practicing particular question types
    3. developing speed in locating information
    4. doing practice test not under exam conditions so you can work on skills
    5. doing practice tests under exam conditions to test your score and improvement
  8. You must prepare. Like all tests, you need to prepare. Even native speakers need to prepare by learning about the different types of questions and developing the right skills.




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  1. Niher Talukder says

    Hello Liz, I am Niher Talukder, writing from Bangladesh. Hope you are doing well, Thanks a lot for all your help. I’m just starting to prepare for my IELTS.
    And, I pray for you so, you become normal as before.

  2. Dear Liz, Thanks for your great tips and strategies. I have practiced reading from Cambridge books 10 to 13 and I managed to have around 32 to 35 correct answers, but as I will take my exam 2 month later, I want to save my Cambridge readings for the final days, and so I have ran out of material. British Counsel and IDP have only one or two test, is it correct to use books? What do you suggest for more practice. If I stop practicing reading for one month, would it cause a drop in my score?
    Thank you and best wishes.

    • There are a total of 18 books and there are materials on my website for free as well. Your preparation for IELTS should not be just about doing one practice test after another after another etc etc. It should be about doing one small part and then stopping to analyse your errors, analyse the questions you got right, making a list of paraphrases and challenges that appear etc. Use the materials wisely, not just to practice, but to learn and develop.

  3. Winifred says

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you very much for your assistance during my IELTS exam preparations. I wrote the exam on Dec. 2 and received my result today. Your site gave me the confidence I needed for the exam, considering that I had just 2 weeks to prepare for the exam. I got my desired score!!!!

    Overall band score – 7
    L. 7.0, R. 7.0, W. 6.5, S. 8.0
    We love you alot in Nigeria 🇳🇬

  4. Hi Liz,

    I prepare for the exam in the last 2-3 days even if it is 3 months away, this is my disadvantage that I can’t study. I got 7 bands because I didn’t practice writing, speaking and reading sections (L7.5, R7, S6.5, W6).

    I think if I spend a small amount of time on the other 3 sections, I can easily get a 7.5. But, my question is, is it worth it?

    If the minimum requirement is met, would it make any difference between having a 7 or a 7.5 in the university admissions process?

    Thanks a lot.

  5. Xuan Minh says

    Dear Liz,
    I have one question related to writing answers on the READING and LISTENING ANSWER SHEETS.
    Can I cross out/ delete one answer and write a new answer next to that?
    (because I don’t want to erase the wrong answer by using a given eraser, it will take some of my valuable time).
    P/S: I took IELTS once and am going to take another to improve my last IELTS score.

    Thank you so much.

    • Yes, you can do that. As long as your old answer is deleted fully and your new answer is clearly visible, it will be fine.

  6. Aakanksha says

    Hi Liz,
    Thanks a lot for these vedios. I practiced for IELTS just from your website and got 8 Band. You are indeed the best teacher one can have and am really grateful for these lesson. Wish you good luck and get well soon.

    • That’s great to hear!! Very well done to you 🙂 Thanks for your wishes for my health – much appreciated 🙂

  7. Adithyanath says

    Hi Liz Miss ,
    My name is Adithyanath . I am a +2 completed student in India , Kerala . Now I am interested in going to Canada for my higher studies therefore I now need to pass IELTS exam . I am trying my best to improve my skills each day but I am just being able to score about 6.5 and 7.5 in between , but I have to score an overall as well as an individual band of 9 and it is my aim . Could you please advice me how to improve myself in getting a Band Score of 9…?
    Miss , if possible reply soon since I just have about 3 weeks for preparation ..
    Hoping a reply Adithyanath

    • To get band 9, your English must be close to a native level speaker. If your English is not at that level, you won’t get band 9. If your English is around band 7 in level, then you will struggle to get above that. There are no tips and tricks that can give someone with band 7 level English a result of band 9. IELTS is an English test – if your English isn’t strong enough, you won’t get a high score. Think rationally, logically and carefully about your goals – are they realistic considering your level of English? If you really want band 9 – improve your English to near native level. Good luck!

  8. Marzieh Zare says

    Hi Liz,
    Thank you so much for your efforts.
    I ‘m so glad to connect with you!
    By the way, can you suggest some offers to improve Grammar skills?

  9. Dennis Chukwudinma says

    I’m delighted to share my joy because the teachings of Liz made me moved from 6.0 ( L5.5, R5.0, W6.0 & S 7.5) first attempt in August 2021 to 6.5 ( L6, R6, W6, & S7.5) second attempt in March 2022. This may not be the best result but it least most schools in UK accept this.

    Liz God bless you

    • It’s great to see how much your listening and reading scores have improved. Good for you!! Well done 🙂

  10. Muhammad Junaid Arif says

    Hello Liz,
    I am Junaid from a small village in Pakistan. I hope you are doing great. I have recently taken IELTS paper-based exam and got an overall 7 band. My individual band score is L 7.5 S 6.5 R 7 W 6. And I want to thank you for the help you have given me in the form of the content on this website and your youtube channel. I had just followed your tips and managed to score my required band. Thanks a lot for every help and May God reward you for this good deed. Have a great day

  11. Hi Liz,

    Thank you for the valuable tips. These would help me a lot on IELTS test.

    You said that it is recommended to do skimming before tackle the question. Then do you think reading matching headings questions should be done before skimming passage, or just after?


    I am just wondering which is more effective.

    • Matching headings are always presented before the passage, whereas all other types of questions are presented after the passage. The reason for this is so that you read the headings first without skim reading. However, there are no rules about this. You can tackle the passage and the questions in any way you wish.

  12. Francis says

    Hi Liz,

    Thank you for the content, I’m in Canada and trying to find the Cambridge IELTS books to practice. I found some PDFs online and they are apparently from China. Just wondering can I use this edition? Is the North American version any different?


    • The IELTS Cambridge test books are published by IELTS and are the same worldwide. Sounds like you’ve got a pirated version of those books.

  13. Yousif says

    Hi Elizabeth
    Actually I want to say thank you for these explanation you helping me to understand the IELTs test easily, At the End of May I have Test I hope I get 6.5-7
    Best Regards

  14. Abraham Ikuku says

    Hello Liz,
    Your guide has been very useful to me.
    Thank you.

  15. Hello Liz,
    Thanks for all the wonderful videos, I have got 8.5 band in the reading section

  16. Hello liz,
    first, I would like to say thank you for your very useful advices. today I sat for IELTS academic exam, I need to get 7 band score result but I am not satisfty with my reading and maybe I can not get good result for that section. I am wondering is that ok to do another test in next week before getting my result?

    • It’s completely your choice. When you take more than one test, you decide which certificate to use for your future. So, it’s no problem to take it again. If you decide to try again, I wish you lots of luck!! 🙂

  17. KUFORIJI TAYO says

    Just got to know about your website recently so i want to make the best use of the opportunity to go through all your advice. I need you to please respond ASAP so that i have a strong confidence to take the exams.

    • Use the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website to open the relevant sections of the test 🙂

      • Liz , While reading test ,can I make corrections? Like I write Yes later on I realise It’s No , Can I make corrections? Before submitting answer sheet ?

        • Sure. You can change your answers any time you want during that one hour. You won’t have extra time to check your answers like in the listening test. You must get all your answers written correctly before the end of the one hour.

  18. Hi Liz,

    I wonder something about writing task 2. When I write an essay can I concoct some examples or events to support the main idea of the essay ?

    Thank you for your interest 🙂

    • The content of your examples does do anything to improve your score so there’s no reason to invent them. You don’t have to use examples. You can illustrate and explain your ideas in many ways other than examples.

  19. Aniket says

    Hi Liz,

    I’m here to say a big thanks to you for your incredible work you are doing. I appreciate your great efforts and commitment to share knowledge for free.

    All the very best !!!

    Be happy!!!😊

  20. David Ziko says

    Hello Liz! Thanks for your tips, they are all useful to me. I did my speaking test yesterday 14-8-19. My examiner signaled me to speak me, although he was always interrupting me to stop talking in section 1 and 3. Will that affect my score?

    • It is 100% normal for the examiner to interrupt your answer and move to a new question. This is a normal part of IELTS speaking tests. It is nothing to worry about.

  21. Pedro says

    Amazing! Got 7/7!

  22. Hi Liz. Thank you for all the lessons you have imparted for us. I learned a lot from you. I will be taking the IELTS exams on May and I am pretty sure I would make it because of your lessons. How I wish! Lol! I am praying for the success of my exams. Thank you.

    Daly- Philippines

    • Fingers crossed 🙂 Make sure you use all 300 pages which are free on my site. Go to the HOME PAGE to learn how to access all the information.

  23. Md.Doulat Khan says

    Thanks lot for your detail techniques.I really happy to get lot information from your passage.I hope your contribution will going on in full swing.

  24. Prashant pillai says

    Hi Liz,
    To be very ownest, this is one of the best website I have found so far. You have covered all the portions and is really easy to understand them.
    It is helping me a lot.

  25. Dear Liz,

    This was most helpful.

    Thank you.

  26. Jasmeet singh says

    Need a Speaking Partner. Please skype me “Jazmet”

  27. Karan Gupta says

    Hi liz. I really admire your work. The things you do for us are really helpfull. I want you to continue your sharing and posting and much as possible because we really find it helpfull and easier to get new ideas. Tha kyou ver
    y much

  28. Mohamed awadalla says

    Hi, Liz
    Really it’s the most fruitfull ielts blog. Since i have been subscribed till now i noticed alot of positive differences in many aspect of ielts test. great thanks.
    Please teacher, can you explain the right answer for the follwing TFNG question, because i’m confused about the answer.. I believe it’s false but the model answer sayed true..
    Go back to the shop with proof of purchase. If you return faulty shoes at once, you have a right to insist on a refund.
    If you return unwanted shoes sraightway, with a receipt, the shop will probably give you a refund.
    Thanks u for your time

    • It should be NG. We don’t know if “unwanted shoes” will be refunded or not. We only know that “faulty shoes” will be refunded. However, it does depend on the test of the recording – you’ve only given me a small amount of information.

  29. Hi Liza! You wrote that we should be realistic , that if we have a poor English we shouldn’t expert the band like7, but I mean you should encourage your subscribers! I have an exam after about 1 month , on July and I got marks 4-6 but I have recently started Cambridge and I want to get a high score for reading more than 4,5 or 6. I want to sth like 6,5 or even 7; but after reading your advice about “being realistic” I have lost my motivation 😢😢😢

    • I am talking about your level of English, not the band score in your tests. Some people have band 7 English, but do not hit this score in their test. This is due to techniques usually and can be easily fixed. They are failing to get the score that relates to their English. However, my comment was not about those people. My comment is about people with a low level of English who want to get a high score. That isn’t possible. If every sentence they write contains both grammar and vocab errors, they will not be able to get a high score. For them , they must improve their English before doing IELTS. So, please do not confuse my comments. My whole website is for people with good English who are aiming for band 7 plus and can get band 7 plus with the right help.

      For you personally, you need to check the reason you are getting answers wrong. Are you getting them wrong because you can’t understand the English. Or are you getting them wrong because your are lacking technique. Techniques are easily and quickly learned – your score can easily go up. But if you are getting answers wrong because you don’t understand the English, that is another matter altogether.

      So, do not misread or misunderstand my comments. My website was designed to encourage and also inform.

  30. Amreen Khan says

    Hi Liz,

    This is a great website for IELTS self preparation, kudos to you for the effort.
    My exam is scheduled on next Saturday and i am still struggling with the Reading section, particularly matching headings.
    Could you please provide me link/information where i can practice this scenario at least 10-15 practice questions.


    • It’s best if you get the IELTS Cambridge test books. They contain real tests published by IELTS.

      • I will pass by God is Grace because I’m already successful in Christ Jesus I can do the impossible by the authority and the power that Christ Gives me … God bless you Liz …

      • Chaitanya says

        Hi Liz,I am regular spectator of your Ielts videos. They are more lucrative .I indeed need some suggestions on listening and reading topics. Can I use (), if I have doubt on answers in both topics.For ex I listed tape saying pen but Answer is pens. Can I write answer as pen(s) since in sentence I see more _____. Also for reading topic they mentioned saying we should write no more than 3 words, I wrote answer as (the) football (match), actual answer is only football, is it correct or not,plz ponder on these.

        • No, you can’t do that. Brackets are used in books – not for IELTS candidates. You must decide one answer – only one answer. It is either wrong or right.

  31. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for all the great tips and strategies . I listen to your videos and have learnt a lot of strategies and tips 🙂 thank you for helping everyone out. Keep up the great work !!

  32. Hi Liz

    Thanks for your efforts.

    I observed you spelt the name Robert in common names of boys but in one of the listening practice tests answers spelt it as Roberts. Can it be used interchangeably or will I be penalised if I use one in place of the other?

  33. Hi liz,
    You are amazingly answering all the queries and a good teacher too. I am really impressed. Even in Punjab India , many people know you. I was really confused about my IELTS preparation but after watching your videos, I have really got a path. Thank you so much!

  34. Hi Liz,
    The website is simply great! I really learned the technique of TFNG from your video! Thanks a lot. I have certainly improved in that section! 🙂
    I had a query regarding writing the answers, what case should be used to write them? Are IELTS marking CASE Sensitive? How should we write? CAPITAL or small or First Letter Capital and Rest Small?

  35. Hi Liz,

    Thank you for your blog, it has proven to be amazingly helpful. I took an IELTS Academic test last July and received 9s in every component except for writing in which I scored a band 7. Would you recommend me to sit the General component instead to improve my score or should I resit the Academic test? I need a minimum of Band 8 for each component and need to achieve this in a single setting in order to meet the requirements of a visa application. Any recommendations would be much appreciated!

    Many thanks,

    • The GT writing test is only different in writing task 1 which counts for 33% of your marks. So, I doubt it will be able to alter your score from 7 to 8 (although not impossible). The writing task 2 has the same requirements, but the essay question can sometimes be easier – not always. It’s a toss up. My recommendation is to review your essay writing technique and find where you are going wrong. It obviously isn’t with language, so you need to look at technique and your understanding of the requirements.

  36. Hi Liz. I have given the IELTS once and I decide on taking the IELTS with British Council as I was not able to achieve the desired band in writing and reading. Matching the headings and True/False/NG are problems I face in reading.I am also not able to tackle the map questions in listening.
    Can you please provide suggestions on this as well as developing my writing.

  37. Amrit sidhu says

    hello Elizabeth, 11 november 2017 is my test date..i m little worried about it…This is my last chance to score good in test…my family will not give me a chance anymore…i have difficulty in reading module and in speaking my main problem is lack of ideas…what should i do??guide me plz…day after tomorrow is my exam😭

  38. Hi
    Are there more quetions for practicing reading section??
    And writing task 1 have different statements like graphs and two charts in one question do u have any model answers of those questions?

    • My main pages are accessed through the red bar at the top of the website. Didn’t you click on the links??? Also access main pages first.

  39. Prerna Sharma says


    • There are no tricks. Read this whole page again and start making a list of things you are doing and what you are not doing.

  40. do they lower the band score if the exam is tough? i did my exam on last 28th it was v difficult i mean listening and reading was very hard to score above 30.. so will they lower the score band?

  41. Hamim Sharif says

    Hi! Liz , How i understand that my english level is match with my expect score?

  42. tahreem says

    hey Liz,
    I always take 5 to 10 minutes more from the given time to complete my reading section because i take time to understand the passage and to find the answer. Mostly, the number of correct answers are between 25 to 30 but i need 30+ correct answers.
    what can I do to solve this issue ?

  43. arslan aslam says

    this is very good site for me and it help me lot. Thank You

  44. Hi Liz,
    I have difficulty in Yes/No/Not Given because I don’t know how to distinguish between No and Not Given. Can you help me deal with this problem?

  45. Hello Mam,
    if a person has problem to understand the passage in one way he/she can overcome this weakness ..please give me solution

    • IELTS is a language test. If the passages are too difficult, it means your English language is not strong enough.

  46. Hi mam..
    could plz give me some tips to improve the writing ??

  47. Hi Liz,
    Is it ok to have erasures and corrections on your answer sheet?

    • Sure. It’s ok to delete something and write a new word. On put the new word above it. But make sure it is easy to read for the examiner.

  48. Lovedeep kaur says

    Hello mam, I have a problem with my reading. Because of lack of my interest , i am not able to find correct answers. I try my best but not . Will u plzz help me ?

    • Your aim is not to understand a boring passage, it is to locate answers. Change your aims. Look at this as a challenge to find answers.

    • U should completely focus on ur task and improve basic level of understanding so u r are to predict the demand of questions

    • Jasmeet kaur says

      Hiii lovedeep sister same problem with me i am not understand the passages😭😭😭😭

  49. Nasir says

    Hi liz,
    I am little worried about true or not given.please provide some more links or practice tests, because it is on the border line should I select true or not given . I’m a new learner for this test,please also tell by your experience, how long should I practice for this test.I mean time frame.I will be in touch with ,if you don’t mind. I am really impressed by Method of your teaching.
    Best wishes,

  50. Harshda says

    Thanks a lot for the detailed knowledge sharing, it really helped a lot 🙂

  51. Prasanna says

    Hello Liz,

    Your blog is very informative. Thanks for all the hard work you put. My question is regarding IELTS reading sections . I m taking IELTS GT this month and need your advice regarding each of the question types . I am unable to find them in this site, please help me with the links. Thanks a lot.

  52. Tram Nguyen says

    Hi Liz,
    I have been following your tips and did get improved in my Reading skills. Your tips explain all the mistakes I made before.

    Now I am doing some practice tests in IELTS Cambridge 8. In test 1 (academic reading), question 24: Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports.

    My answer is NG, since the text does not say anything about class F (uncontrolled airspace) is not near airports. It just says “controlled airspace is in the vicinity of an airport”. I thought I couldn’t assume the opposite, that “uncontrolled airspace is not in the vicinity of an airport”. That’s why I chose NG.
    But the answer is TRUE.
    Can you please help me explain?
    Thank you

  53. Harmanpreet Kaur says

    Hi Liz,
    Is it important to write all the answers in capital letters in IELTS Reading and Listening test?

    • You can write in capitals or lower case – it’s your choice. I recommend using all capital letters because it is easier to read.

  54. vinod says

    hii mam
    i need some GT reading materials in PDF. Could u plz send me by mail. I will pay you for that

    • Please purchase the IELTS Cambridge Test Books which are real tests published by IELTS.

  55. Karshigul says

    Dear, Liz
    Do you recommend to do second and third times the same practice tests if i had a lot of mistakes for the first time?
    Or should we try other new topic and new practise tests?

    • When you make a lot of mistakes. Do it again and see why you are making the mistakes. Review language, review techniques and review keywords. Then make a list of things you need to work on and things you have learned. Then move on to the next practice.

  56. Mohammad Imran Khan says


    It is really wonderful to see your lesson are very much interesting and more over they are very well structured. By applying those strategies I have improved quite a bit, I face difficulty in reading especially T/F, Y/N and NG type of question. So, it would be very kind of you, if you could advice me how to improve on that, and moreover, how can I improve my writing pattern as well? Last time I secured (L: 7.5, S: 7.5, R:6, and Wr:6) and it was academic by the way. Now, I booked my IELTS slot for GT on 3rd of June. So it’s plenty of time to practice. If you could please give me some valuable tips and suggestions, I shall never ever forget your kind act. This time I would like to score at least 8 bands in each module so, please help me in achieving the difficult task.


    Imran Khan

  57. chirag says

    hey liz,
    I need your advice about reading is that I can right answers only 25-30 I can not make right more than this so please give me advice how to make right answers around 30-35

    thanking you

    • It is possible that the problem is your level of English. This is a language test. If your level of English is not good enough, you won’t hit the higher scores. Try to find an English language course or teacher to help you.

      • Chirag says

        Thank you liz for ur kind answer but it is not like that i dont understand questions and or its grammer or english paraphrase but its like i can not give right answers more than 24-30 out of 40 rest of answers are always wrong so how should i lift this barrier and achieve more right answers

        • It sounds like you haven’t developed a technique for each type of question. Are you doing practice tests? Or are you practising each type of question separately? Each type of question requires you to spend time analysing the question and preparing paraphrases – are you doing this? Are you spending enough time with the questions. Never read the question and try to find the answer. You need to analyse the question and plan what type of answer you are looking for. You can’t find an answer if you don’t know what to look for.

          • chirag says

            thank you liz for your immediate reply as always….I will look forwards to your tips and wil try my best to improve my understanding about not only question but their types also….thank you again

  58. Bernardo says

    Liz, would you reccomend first read the text and then the questions or first the questions and then the text?

    • Some students prefer going straight to the questions and others prefer skim reading first. You must decide what words best for you.

  59. Bina saru thapa says

    Hello teacher
    Is it all right to write answer of reading in block letter?

  60. Risha says

    Hi Liz !

    Is it ok if I write the answers in capital letters only ? like we do for listening test ?
    Will be peanalized for not mixing simple letters and capital letters appropriately ?

    Thank You in advance !

  61. Hello, Liz,

    I’m taking the GT exam, and for the Reading test I want to ask you if it’s worth spending time preparing with the Academic Reading texts.

    Thank you!


    • You definitely need to practice quite a few GT reading tests first. Make sure you are familiar with the layout of passages and also the types of content. Using Academic reading practice is also possible because both GT and Academic reading use the same types of questions, which means the skills you need are the same.

      • Thanks a lot for the prompt reply! 🙂 Yes, I should finish first all the GT tests that I have at hand. It’s my third trial. Firstly, it was my writing band that was not sufficient, and then my Reading. At first, Reading was my strength, with 8. Then, even though the L, W and S bands went up significantly, the Reading band came as a surprise (6.5). I’ve completed a R test now and it’s unbelievable that my mistakes stay in the first part, the easiest one (7 / 7.5 range). Now I have two dragons to feed – Reading and Writing 🙂

  62. Hi Liz. Thank you for this wonderful website 🙂
    I’m unable to find your techniques for scanning and skimming long passages. I really need to learn that. Can you please share the link to that?
    Thank you.

  63. ma. esther nakazawa says

    Hi Liz,
    I just had my exam yesterdayDec 3 2016, Kyoto, Japan
    I wanna say thank you so much for this website of yours
    I had less than a month to study for the exam since I am working full-time
    However , after the exam i felt relieved because i know i did it right especially for the reading exam.
    without your help (this website) i won’t be confident as i took the exam .
    I wish you good luck in your career and more powers !!!!!!
    love you so much,
    May Esther

    • You’re very welcome, May Ester! I’m glad you could benefit from my site. Good luck with your results 🙂

  64. I have recieved lot of information from your given points but then also i have a fear in mind that i will get better score in reading
    Thankyou for giving us this knowledge

  65. Dhvanil says

    i have taken ielts date on 29 octomber

  66. Dear Liz!
    I have my IELTS exam on 22nd october, upto this day I have practised listening and reached 35-38 marks. I haven’t practised reading much but the pratice I did from Cambridge books I scored about 30-34, I am unable to skim well. So cam you guide and how much difference is in real exam situation as compared to cambridge book stuff.

    • The Cambridge books are real tests used by IELTS and published by IELTS. The topics will vary. You might get topics which you find more difficult or easier – it’s just luck on the day.

  67. Hi liz

    OMER here from India am not able to understand reading is there is tips for me .
    when am doing practies am not getting correct ans so pls need ur help humble request

  68. Anudatta says

    Hi Liz,

    I have one question. In the matching heading of Reading section, are the answers in sequence of paragraphs ideally?


    • It depends on the type of questions – some are in order, others aren’t. See the questions type post on the main reading page of this website for information.

      • JOLLAN says

        Hi Ms. Liz…. The BEST way to thank you for your work is to fulfill my goals / dreams… I just want to encourage you guys to try the tips of Ms. Liz especially in the Reading category.. I got a Band score of 9!!!! as in NINE….hehe… 2 days before my examination on July 16 2016, I spent 2 hours and watched the videos of Ms. Liz….
        My Academic IELTS scores:
        Reading – 9
        Listening – 8
        Writing 7.5
        Speaking – 7 (expecting for a higher Band though)
        Overall – Band 8
        Next step: NCLEX-RN
        Thanks Ms. Liz

  69. Shokhrukh Erkinov says

    Hello Liz! Is it all right with you? I took the test a few months ago in which overall score was 6.0. I have to confess that reading band score was 5.0. The reason, I think, was that I could read as fast as required but I could not understand the meaning in detail. So I got confused to choose the appropriate answers in many cases. Please, give some specific advice in my case so as to improve my ability in reading. Thank you for your potential answer in advance.

  70. Sandeep Brar says

    Hello Mam,
    Thank you so much. i scored overall and each 6.0 bands in IELTS(Academic).

  71. Hai,
    I get 6 bands in ielts but i want to achive high score … i follow all instructions which you give us but i does not improve . So what i have to do for high score..

  72. helllooo…
    i couldnt find the videos regarding reading tips.plz help me out

  73. sandeep says

    hi liz,
    thank you so much, now i am scoring 6 and 6.5 in reading module.

  74. Sukh says

    hello Liz
    I’m getting good bands in my practice session(in reading 7, listening 8 and 6 each in rest both) I’m confused because people say that you would get less bands then you are getting in the class.
    I can score the same as well in the exam. Please help me out.

    • The IELTS Cambridge test books from 1 to 11 are real exam papers so if you do well in them, you can do well in the real test. However, your score may vary due to nerves, topics etc.

  75. Ruchin Patel says

    Hi Liz,
    Thank you for the awesome videos and materials.
    My question is, how important is inclusion of an article in the answer? For an example, I lost a point on my practice test since according to the answer key, the answer should have been “The Sun” and I entered “Sun”. One more time I lost point on answering “dependent” instead of “a dependent”.
    Please suggest.
    Thanks again

    • It depends if you are answering sentence completion or other questions which require grammatically correct answers.

  76. sunny says

    i need a speaking partner if someone intrested send me request on skype id sunnygaat.

  77. Gursharanjit Singh says

    Hi Liz,

    I am doing Reding practice (General Training) daily and unfortunately, I still have not skilled myself to finish task within the stipulated time. Could you please recommend something how I should manage my time.

  78. Harmeet singh says

    Hi mam,
    ielts reading is very hard to me,and my exam is in coming month. but i do not have good understanding and i correct on 20-23 out of 40 questions.
    please help to enhance my reading skills…..
    wrm regards.

    • All tips are given on this page in the article above. Also follow all links provided on this page.

  79. Shima says

    I have a question, I’ve read that in summery questions that you need to fill in the blanks with words from the text, you should not change anything about the word. But in another book, the works needed to be changed grammaticaly to fit.
    so I wonder which one is correct?
    thank you in advance.

    • Liz says

      If the words are given in the box, then they shouldn’t be changed.

  80. Thanks For Sharing It.

  81. Hi Liz,
    I would like to thank you for your tips in IELTS. I am learning reading, speaking, writing and listening and I find your teaching is easy to follow. I can see a significant improvement to myself.

  82. hi LIZ
    I am SRIKANTH iam attending IELTS exam (acadamic) on April 23, 2016 from BRITISH COUNCIL . I am not able to score in reading .please tell from which news paper or books the passages would come please tell me .i am so scared about exam please ,please ,please ,please .when on wards to read the news paper and which is it

  83. Shokhrukh Erkinov says

    Not any but many cases

  84. Madhuri Sarat says



  85. Hi! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Huffman Texas!
    Just wanted to say keep up the fantastic work!

  86. Hello mam
    I face problem in reading my score is stuck around 18 and i tried alot to improve but scores are still same
    Plz help me

  87. Ansu Susan Ipe says

    Hey Mam…thanku so much for ur lessons ..I wish to get essay answers too along with questions. .kindly do the needful

  88. Helo Liz
    My name is Preeti and I m going to take the IELTS exam on 14 January 2016 and i have no knowledge regarding all module and i m big confuse how can i got 7 band please tell me how can i gain score in reading and listening and all…..

  89. wonderful blog for IELTS

  90. Hi Liz,
    I have been going through your site, videos from quite sometime and I must say they are excellent.
    I have some queries and I hope to get them resolved by you.
    Q1: Reading Section
    If I’m answering the questions in upper-case and the questions expects
    “Choose i-ix or choose a-e to answer the below questions”
    should I be writing the answers to these questions in upper-case or as they are expecting that is i-ix or a-e which are in lower case?
    Q2. Writing section
    Post completion my essay when I check my task 1 and task 2 content, there are cases where I have missed the words( I write using a pencil). So can I use character ‘^’ and add the word in between the way we usually do in normal writing.
    Will it look messy and impact my score?

    Awaiting for your response as I would be giving my exam on this weekend.


    • Question 1: use capitals as that follows your choice. Question 2: Yes, it can use “^” to insert a word that you have missed. As long as it is neat and the examiner can easily read it, it’s fine.
      All the best

  91. Hi Liz,
    It was in deed such a helpful advice but unfortunately the copy right rule didn’t allow me to could get a hard copy of it and to learn more.


  92. Ravindra says

    Any special advice to get band score 8


  93. Hi Liz:
    Hope your are doing well.

    May I have some ideas about key words?


    • Key words are words that firstly help you find the location of the answer in the passage and second tell you what kind of answer you are looking for. Each type of questions as different types of key words. They are just useful words. I’ll try and make a video about key words some time in the future.
      All the best

  94. Dr. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza says

    Dear Liz
    Thanks for your satisfying answer.
    It seems to me unreal to find someone like you who is so caring and replying to the questions of whole world. Keep it up with the good work.
    I have a hard task in front of me
    I need to score 7.5 overall and 7 in each band. Don’t know whether it will be possible or not.
    Pray for me

  95. Dr. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza says

    Dear Liz
    Also wanted to know if in reading one has to read all the passage throughly?????
    What do you mean actually by skimming and scanning ?????
    Having not read the passage fully, is it still possible to reply to the questions accurately and in the required time?
    Help kindly

    • Skimming means reviewing the whole passage (not reading in detail) in order to know the topic and layout. You will also notice key words when you do that. Skimming should take no more than 2 mins. Then you go to the questions. Spend time preparing the first one and then locate the answer. Scanning means to look for not to understand. The actually aim of IELTS is to be able to locate information in a passage and then understand that information in detail (understand the sentences containing the answer) not to understand the whole passage. This is a points system – find answers and win points.

  96. Dr. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza says

    Dear Liz
    Thanks for your amazing site.
    Wanted to ask you a question regarding reading
    There is a passage on your website namely
    the information in the passage is
    The question is
    The answer given to this ques is NG.
    while I understand that this answer is correct but why not the answer could be false?????
    This confuses me a lot.
    I know there exists a thin line between these but just want to understand it. Kindly help

    • The question is “Bread is eaten in all countries in the world”. A false answer would mean that in the passage you can find the opposite meaning which is “Bread is NOT eaten in all countries in the world”. However, this passage gives no information about countries so it’s NG. Always make sure you have a very clear understand of the FALSE meaning of the statement before you look for an answer.
      All the best

  97. Zinyat says

    Dear Liz,

    I am going to take IELTS exam on 10th of October and I have problem with skimming. Generally I am reading all passage to understand, moreover It is hard for me to find key words ( I can find key words only such as names, addresses ). What kind of words can be key words? How i can distinct them ?


    • Skim reading is to read a passage to learn the topic and general layout, not to understand. It should take 2 mins or less. Key words are found in the questions first and they help you locate answers.
      All the best

  98. vishal says

    hello liz,
    i need help, i had given a test and my score was L6.5,R6.5,S6.5,W5.5 .
    i need to improve overall score specially in writing.
    please help me, i want to score atleast 7.5
    thank you

    • To go from 5.5 to 7.5 is not possible unless you improve your level of English. Band score 7 means that you can produce complex sentences with FEW errors. Band score 5 means that you make frequent errors. You really need to review your level of English and how accurate you are. For detailed lessons on writing task 2, you can see my online course lessons: but unless your English language is strong, you will still struggle to hit band 7.5.
      All the best

  99. Good morning teacher,
    I found that Your site is very useful. But most of the times I am not achieving enough score for reading. I have 8 times attempted the test, but always I get 6 for reading and writing. What can I do?
    What can I do? Also please give me some tips for multiple choices questions?
    How many months practice required before test?

    • All my tips are listed above in this lesson about how to improve your IELTS reading. Have you learned the techniques for all types of questions? Are you sure you know which questions have answers that come in order and which do not? You also need to make a list of ALL paraphrases you find in my practice lessons and all traps I have set for students – these are common to IELTS reading. For writing, I can only suggest you seek training. Here’s a link to some of my writing task 2 lessons: I can’t tell you how long it will take t develop. Each student is different.

  100. Hello liz.
    i am going to give ielts exam after two months.which book should i read for general reading.

    • All question types in the GT reading test are the same as the academic test. So, any reading book will help and all my lessons on this blog will help.
      All the best

  101. Rebwar says

    Hi Liz,
    How overall scores for the four parts of the IELTS test affect each other?
    Ex: If I get scores like this below:
    Speaking : 6.0
    Reading : 5.5
    Listening: 6.5
    Writing : 7.5
    Will the overall scores be 6.5?
    Another question:
    If I get
    Speaking: 6.5
    Listening: 6.0
    Reading: 6.0
    Writing: 6.5
    Will I get 6.5 for my overall scores?

  102. Hlo liz
    My score is L5, S5:5, W5 , R4.5 I need 5:5 in each module please help me how I get that score please please please please

    • This result probably reflects your level of English. You scored similarly in each skill. Therefore, you really need to work on developing your English and making it more accurate. Knowing the meaning of a word isn’t enough. You need to know how to use it, the collocations, the limitations etc. For reading in particular, you will need to work through all the aspects listed above in this lesson to find your weakness. Only you can do this.
      All the best

  103. sudhakar says

    Hi Liz, Hope your doing well. I got scores like L:7, R:5.5, W:7, S:7 i was hoping to get 7 in all modules but i could not do well in reading. I expected 8 in reading but i got negative results. Can I write Reading answers in all capital letters? like Listening answers.
    Your blog helped me lot for writing thanks for your posts.

    • Yes, you can use all capitals for reading and listening and even for writing if you want.

  104. Aya Amjad says

    Hello Liz,
    I really want to thank you for those helpful lessons
    And yes because of you I’ve got a band score 6 in Reading and 6.5 in speaking!


  105. Hello Liz. The moment I laid eye on your website, a starange idea struck me right; why don’t I take IELTS. Well, the fact is, I have been teaching English for more than 10 years in my own country “Sudan”. I think it is high time I knew where I am standing in terms of Proficiency. Reading module si really horrid. Should you provide me with some hints and samples I’ll be that grateful.

    • It’s always good to have a bash at the test and as a teacher you should do well. My only tip would be to learn as much as you can about the band scores for writing and speaking. The more you understand about how the examiner assesses your English, the better you will do. This is the failing of most students. Unfortunately, I don’t have a collection of extra tips. I just put up more tips on my blog over time. Start practicing and see how your score is in practice tests then think about where you need to improve.
      Good luck – I’m sure you’ll benefit from the experience.

  106. Viren J says

    Hello Liz,

    A friend of mine recommended your blog and I found it very useful. 1 weeks back I appeared my General IELTS and scored 8.5 in Listening, 6.5 in Reading, 7.5 in Writing and 8 in Speaking. My Reading exam was a lil complex in terms of length and complex content. I guess the content was not that difficult, but reading all the paras in the time slot was very difficult for me. I just panicked and went blank for a minute. I was frozen. Somehow I managed to re-read and tried to answer questions. My confidence has deterred a lil bit. I need 7 in all bands. I am gonna practice more in all the modules, but I require your help especially in reading. Could you please help me here? I will really appreciate it.

  107. Vinod Sharma says

    Hi liz,
    My name is Vinod Sharma, I just completed my IELTS with an overall band score of 7.5 (9,7,7,7). With the little time I had to prepare for my exams I came across some very useful tips (videos) of yours that helped me to a great extent. I am writing this to express my gratitude and thank you with all my heart. Those tips of yours are simply very effective.

    Regards and best wishes,

    • Hi Vinod,

      Well done in your listening – band 9 is amazing! I’m really pleased I could help 🙂

      Good luck with your future.

  108. Chirag says

    Really good help for IELTS
    Thanks Elizabeath


  109. rahmat says

    I have IELTS book for general and academic training but I have lost it’s CD can you send me it’s audios by email, will really appreciate it.
    thanks sweet Liz

    • Sorry, but I don’t have a copy of the audios to hand. Try posting in an IELTS facebook group – I’m sure one of the students will help.

  110. Lucrative says

    Hi liz ,
    Honestly you are the best since you teach us lots of things which are constructive and crucial .
    With the best wishes

  111. Ramakrishnan says

    Hello Liz,
    Your tips are amazing and very useful. Keep up the good work.

    Thank you

  112. talat says

    Hello Teacher,
    I’ve been posted speaking test on blog but
    i can’t see any thing.
    is there any mistake i made either or deleated all posting?
    Hope for reply.
    Thank you.

  113. Shahid says

    Thanks a lot madam for your valuable pieces of advice.

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