IELTS Essay Instructions Agree Disagree To what extent

Below are the answers to your concerns about IELTS essay instructions.

In writing task 2, it is essential that you understand the instructions given to you. It will affect your score for Task Response, which is 25% of your marks.

Are the following instructions different?

  1. Do you agree or disagree?
  2. Do you agree?
  3. To what extent do you agree?
  4. What is your opinion?

Are they the same or are they different?


Click below to reveal the answers.





  1. Aneeb Ejaz says

    Hey mam , i hope you are fine .
    I want to ask how to write your opinion in ” to what extent you agree or disagree” essay
    Rply me asap i have test on 2nd Dec . Thanks 🙂

  2. Hi Liz, thanks for doing what you do.
    Pls, I’ll like to ask, is there penalisation for writing too much words for word count. Like writing over 200 words for letter writing task 1 and over 300 words for task 2

    • There is no upper word limit. But writing more will not help your score. In fact, it allows for more mistakes and a less focused piece of writing – that will lower your score.

  3. Hello mam, thanks for ur help all the way.pls, I v a do u address and sign off a letter to a neighbour in ielts general task one?
    Thanks for ur prompt response.

  4. Richard Thomas says

    I’m an IELTS trainer in Vladivostok, Russia, and your brilliant site is a great help to me as well as to my students. Many thanks and very best wishes!

    • Thanks, Richard. I’m glad you and your students can benefit from my site. I’m hoping at some stage to have a teacher’s page of resource materials but I just haven’t had the time so far. Hopefully next year 🙂

  5. Tanju Cindemir says

    Hiii Liz,
    Not only your knowledge but also your pronounciaton is wonderfull. While speaking , stressing on the words is just like that you sing a song. So l like to attend your video lessons…
    Thank you so much

  6. Himanshu says

    Liz I am giving my exam this weekend….any final tips…please

  7. Got it. Thank you Liz.

  8. Dear Liz,
    In this kind of questions I have to write in the introduction and the conclusion my opinion if I agree or not with the statement. Also in the body I should write opinion of people who agree with the statement, and in the another paragraph I should write the view of people which disagreement with the statement. Right? I need to explain to me that, please.

  9. Anusha Jose says

    Thank you Ma’m .

  10. Thank u Liz I have already parachased your advance lesson…. Its amazing thank u so much ….. Tc

    • I’m really pleased 🙂

      • I tried to buy but it said your card is not allowed. What to do mam?

        • This is a problem with Paypal. Check how Paypal works in your country. Or ask a friend to buy the lessons for you.

        • Hi Rohit,

          At first, I faced the similar issue as you while trying to pay directly with credit card. After the third failure, I registered a Paypal account, added my credit card to it. And voila, I could purchase all 3 lessons without any hassles.

          @Liz: Thank you so much, you are a great teacher!

  11. Shweta pandya says

    Thanks Liz.😃

  12. Do you agree or disagree?
    For this question can we give partial agreement? I thought this was asking specifically for either agree or disagree.

    • As I explained above, they are all the same essay. All of the above instructions are the same – yes you can have a partial agreement on an agree/disagree essay.

  13. Yesssss! Got it!

  14. Hi Liz, thanks.

  15. Thank you so much for clearing this

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