IELTS Speaking Part 1: Reported Topic of Snacks

Below are the IELTS speaking part 1 questions with some model answer for the topic of snacks currently being used in the speaking test. As with all topics in IELTS Speaking, they are recycled most years.

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Snacks Questions

The word snacks does not mean junk food. A snack is any food that is eaten between a meal. A snack might be something healthy, such as fruit, or it might be unhealth, like biscuits. So, this topic opens up various directions for you when you give your answer.

  • Do you like snacks?
  • How often do you eat snacks?
  • How do you choose what snacks to eat?
  • Did you ever eat snacks when you were a child?
  • If you had a child, would you allow your child to eat snacks?
  • What kinds of snacks are popular in your country?
  • Do you think snacks are healthy?
  • Do you think all snacks are junk food?
  • Do you think eating snacks is good for your health?
  • Have the types of snacks people eat changed over the last few decades in your country?

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Snacks Model Answers

There are two optional answers for each question. If you want to post your own answers, put them in the comments box below.

Q) Do you like snacks?

A) No, not really. I generally prefer to eat at meal times rather than graze between meals.

A) Yes, I do. Around mid morning I usually have some fruit and then about 3pm I have some biscuits or something like that.

Q) What kinds of snacks are popular in your country?

A) Well, I guess that most people eat junk food like crisps, chocolate and biscuits for their snacks.

A) I suppose official workers mainly eat junk food like biscuits but other people sometimes eat fruit or something healthier.

Q) Do you think eating snacks is good for your health?

A) I think that if you’re hungry, it’s perfectly fine to have some fruit but if people eat junk food between meals, then it’s really unhealthy.

A) I think all kind of snacking between main meals is bad for your health. If people avoided snacking, they would be much healthier and less over weight.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Tips

  • You can’t ask the examiner to change the topic.
  • Even if you don’t like snacks, the examiner will continue to ask you questions about the topic.
  • Try to give examples of snacks.
  • Snacks are any type of food that is eaten between meals – they might be healthy or unhealthy depending on what the person chooses to eat.
  • Snack is both a noun and a verb.
  • Part 1 answers can’t be very long but you should at least try to give one long complex sentence in your answer.

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Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions

IELTS Speaking Test Practice Video with Model Answers

IELTS Speaking Tips: How long should my answer be?

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Body Language Vocabulary

Here is a list of body language communication and a free video watch with extra vocabulary. There are many examples of how body language is a form of communication. Body language is used in every country and culture throughout the world.

Why is body language important to understand?

  •  Body language is used to assess people’s characters. It is one of the first ways we assess a stranger’s character.
  • Body language is used to communicate directly with someone when language is not possible.
  • Body language is commonly used and assessed at work and interviews.
  • Body language is an essential part of friendships and relationships.
  • Body language can lead to great misunderstanding between different cultures.

The video tutorial below gives some of the most common examples of body language. More examples are listed under the video.

Body Language Vocabulary: Video Tutorial

A great video to learn some vocabulary for body language communication. A fun video to show that learning vocabulary can be fun!!!

List of Body Language

Below is a list of body language that is common in the west with the common meaning.

Facial Expressions

  • Avoiding eye contact = shy, worried, lying
  • Crinkling nose = disgust
  • Deadpan face (without any expression) = emotionless or hiding feelings
  • Direct eye contact = confidence
  • Eyes staring into the distance = dreamy, not concentrating
  • Pressing lips together (tight lipped) = annoyed, angry
  • Raised eye brows = doubtful, disbelieving
  • Smiling = friendly

Physical Actions

  • Arms behind back, shoulders back = confidence
  • Arms crossed = defensive or insecure but sometimes it means being angry
  • Bowing (bending at the waist) = greeting someone new (in some countries)
  • Biting nails = nervous
  • Blushing (going red in the cheeks) or stammering (speaking with hesitations and repeated letters) = embarrassment
  • Eye rubbing = tired or disbelieving
  • Hands covering gaping mouth = scared
  • Putting arms up with palms facing forward = submission
  • Scratching one’s head = confused
  • Shaking the head = negative, no
  • Shrugging shoulders (moving shoulders up and down) = don’t know, doubt, confused
  • Stroking one’s chin = thinking deeply
  • Nodding head =  agreement, yes
  • Firm handshake = strong and decisive / limp handshake = weak

International Problems with Body Language

Nodding head = In some countries, it means “yes” but in other countries it means “no”. Likewise, a shaking head means “no” in some countries but “yes” in others.

Silence = In the West, this can be negative and be a problem between people. However, in other countries, such as China or Japan, it can be a sign of agreement or femininity.

Personal space = In countries, such as England, people should stand a respectful distance from each other but in other countries, such as Spain, people touch each other when talking. In Japan, the person space is often bigger between people than in England. Respectful space between people changes depending on countries.

Eye Contact = In the West, this is a sign of confidence and is important when listening actively to someone. On the other hand, there are countries where this might be a sign of aggression and confrontation.

Practice Using Body Language Vocabulary

Fill the gaps of these sentences with the suitable words:

1. I had no idea what she was talking about. Then suddenly she asked a question that I couldn’t understand so I just ………….. my shoulders and walked away.

2. My boss always tells tall stories. Yesterday he came to work with another unbelievable story but the only response I could give was to ……….. my eyebrows.

3. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s being late. Once I was in a really long meeting at work and by the time we finished I was late to meet my friend. During the meeting, I could feel myself getting impatient and my foot started ……………. on the floor.

4. I can’t stand watching films at the cinema because you can’t relax like you can in private, particularly when watching an action movie full of surprises and shocks. When there is a really sudden unexpected scene, my eyes ………. and my mouth ……… open which I find really embarrassing in public.

5. I remember once I was late for an appointment. When I arrived, which was over 1 hour late, I ………….  deep red and stammered an apology.

  1. shrugged (the answer isn’t “shrugged off” because that means to get rid of – usually a feeling – and does relate to shoulders)
  2. raise
  3. tapping (the answer isn’t stamping because stamping is when you are very angry not impatient)
  4. widen    gapes  (don’t forget the “s”)
  5. blushed

Using vocabulary in IELTS

Q) In what way is body language a form of communication?

A) Well, people use body language to send a message or to indicate something so it is definitely a way to communicate. For example, when people raise their eyebrows, it often means they are incredulous or disbelieving and when they tap their foot on the floor, you know they are impatient. So, using facial expressions and physical actions can communicate things to other people.

Q) Do you think it is possible to misunderstand someone’s body language?

A) Yes, definitely. When someone avoids your eye, it is possible to think that they are avoiding your question and don’t want to talk to you. But really, it might be that they are just shy. So, it’s quite easy to grasp the wrong meaning in people’s actions.

Q) Describe a time you were late for an appointment.

A) I remember, about one month ago, organising to meet someone in the town center at 9pm. Unfortunately, I was delayed because of traffic and didn’t arrive until about 9.30pm. My friend was really mad. She had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot impatiently on the ground. I was so embarrassed and blushed a lot. I stammered my apology but felt really uncomfortable because she was staring at me with angry eyes. Anyway, we sorted out our differences and have been really good friends ever since. (this is an example of part of a talk for speaking part 2 – add details and descriptions)

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Linking Words for IELTS Speaking: Word List & Tips

Here is a list of linking words for your IELTS speaking with tips and models. For speaking you need some simple linking words and natural phrases to help the examiner follow your ideas and stories. These linking words  and signposts are simple and informal on the whole. IELTS writing is different and requires the use of a wide range of linkers.

IELTS Speaking Linking Words – Why are they important?

Why are they important for IELTS Speaking if there is no marking criterion for Coherence and Cohesion, like there is in IELTS writing? Well, the marking criterion of Fluency is actually Fluency & Coherence and that means you are marked on being well understood. While the linking words themselves are not marked, you are marked on being easy to understand by making the direction of your ideas clear – and that requires linking words which signpost the direction of what you are saying. So, these linking words will help your score for Fluency and Coherence, which counts for 25% of your marks.

Types of Linking Words for IELTS Speaking

Adding more information

  • and
  • also
  • as well as
  • another reason is

Time Phrases

You should use signposts to help the listening understand when you are talking about the past or the present. This is crucial in IELTS Speaking where you will be asked questions that are related to the past, to the present and to the future.

  • now
  • at the moment
  • at present
  • right now
  • these days
  • nowadays
  • in the past
  • before
  • then
  • at that time
  • years ago
  • when I was younger
  • in the future
  • in a few decades
  • looking ahead

Expressing ideas

  • I think one important thing is
  • I guess one difference is
  • I suppose the main difference between X and Y is

Causes and Solutions

  • I guess it’s because
  • The main reason is
  • It was caused by
  • Because
  • I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is
  • I reckon the only answer is to
  • The best way to solve this is

Giving Examples

These connective devices are for giving examples in your answers. The most common and natural to use is “like”. Please note that “like” can’t be used as a linking device in IELTS writing.

  • for example
  • for instance
  • such as
  • like

Being Clear

You use these simple, natural expression to explain your point again more clearly or get your answer back on track.

  • What I mean is
  • What I want to say is
  • As I was saying

Contrasting and concessions

Use these connecting words to compare and contrast or give concessions. You will often be asked a comparison question in the IELTS Speaking test. These questions can come in speaking part 1, part 2 or part 3. So, make sure to use these linking words for your statements.

  • but
  • on the other hand
  • while
  • although
  • or
  • in comparison
  • on the other hand
  • by contrast

Free PDF Download: Linking words for IELTS Speaking

Examples of Linking Words in IELTS Speaking

Look at the following questions and answers from the speaking test and see what linking words are contained in the answers. You’ll see that the use of linking words is very common in most answers you will give.

Q. Do you eat much fruit?

A. Yes, I do. I love tropical fruit like mangoes and pineapples. I just can’t get enough of them. I’d eat them with every meal if I could.

Comments: We would not use “for example” in this type of sentence which relates to our everyday life and instead we use “like” which is very informal. We can use “like” as a linking word in the speaking test, but never in the writing test, which is formal.

Q. Do you think fast food is bad?

A. Yes, I do. If it is eaten too often, it can cause problems such as heart disease or diabetes. Also, it can lead to weight problems which are really common nowadays.

Comments: You could use “such as” or “for example” in this sentence because the content is more serious. Please note that we don’t use “furthermore” or “in addition” for speaking, instead we use “also” or “and”.

Q. Do children play similar games today that they played in the past?

A. No, I don’t think they do. Before, children used to play simple games like hide and seek or they used to play with simple handmade toys. But, these days, kids tend to prefer computer games and their toys are battery operated. 

Comments: This answer contained time phrases for the past and present “before” and “these days”. It also had an example “like”. “Like” is the main example linking word for speaking and can be repeated again and again. This answer also uses a contrasting linking word “but”. “But” is the main contrasting linking word in speaking and can be repeated many times.

Mistakes with Linking Words in Speaking

The example below will help you understand how not to answer a question with linking words when you answers questions in your IELTS Speaking test.

Q. Do you like going out with friends?

A. Yes, I do. Firstly, it gives me a chance to relax. Secondly, I can catch up on their news. Last but not least, it allows me the opportunity to visit new places.

Comments: The method of linking is too formal for IELTS Speaking, which is informal. It is inappropriate to speak in a formal style in such an informal test. It won’t help your score.

See below what the answer should be:

A. Yes, I do. It’s great being able to chill out and catch up with their news. Also we often go out to new places which I really enjoy.

Comments: This answer was more natural and would be marked higher in IELTS speaking. The linking words are used appropriately (and / also). You are being marked on your natural use of English in an informal speaking test.

Tips for Linking Devices in IELTS Speaking

  • Don’t use formal linking words for simple questions about yourself and your life.
  • Don’t worry about repeating linking words. This is different to IELTS writing and repetition in the speaking test is more usual and not marked down.
  • The most common linking words for speaking are: and, but, because, also, like (for giving examples). This means you will probably use them a lot and repeat them often – that’s fine for the speaking test.
  • “Like” is only used as a linking word to give examples in speaking NOT in writing.
  • You do not get a higher score because you used a range of linking devices.
  • Linking words in speaking are just to help the examiner understand better and that will boost your score.
  • Linking words are used naturally not formally in IELTS speaking.
  • Linking words are part of the criterion of “Fluency and Coherence” which is 25% of your marks.

Linking Devices for IELTS Writing

The following link will provide you with a list of Essential Linking Words for Writing Task 2. For IELTS writing, you MUST use a range of formal linking words in your essay to get a high score. This is applicable to both GT and academic students.

IELTS Speaking Questions & Topics

IELTS speaking common questions and topics to practice for your test.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics

IELTS Speaking Model Answers and Tips:


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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Quiz: How much do you know?

How much do you know about IELTS speaking part 2? Make sure you understand everything about speaking part 2 before you do your test.


Are the following tips and advice good or bad?

  1. If you don’t know anything about the topic, ask the examiner to give you another cue card.
  2. You must write answers to each question on the cue card during your 1 minute preparation.
  3. You shouldn’t look at your notes while you are giving your talk.
  4. You will get a low score if your talk is boring.
  5. You should only add information to your talk relating to the prompts on your card.
  6. The examiner will interrupt you if you go off topic.
  7. If you don’t speak for 2 minutes, you won’t get a high score.
  8. The examiner is not interested in your grammar in part 2, only in your fluency.
  9. Use plenty of idioms to get a higher score.
  10. You should expand your talk by adding descriptions, details and stories.

All the advice given above is bad except for one. Read the comments below to learn more.

  1. You can’t change your topic. Even if you don’t know much about it, you should still try to talk by adding your own ideas and information.
  2. There are no questions on the speaking part 2 cards. There are prompts on the cards which are only guidelines. You should decide how to write notes in a way that is useful for your talk. The notes are only to help you remember your ideas so you decide if you want to make notes on each prompt or not.
  3. This is really bad advice. Of course you can look at your notes. Your notes will help you remember your ideas. However, don’t look down at your notes all the time. Eye contact with the examiner while you are speaking is important. Just glance at your notes from time to time to help remember ideas.
  4. There is no score for having an interesting talk or a boring talk. However, an interesting talk usually contains a better range of language and for that reason adding interesting details can help.
  5. This is also poor advice. The prompts should be used as guidelines. If you decide not to follow them, it is up to you. Personally, I recommend following them because they provide a useful structure for your talk but you need to add more information to each prompt. It is your choice what extra information you add.
  6. The examiner will not interrupt your talk at all. Once you start talking, the examiner will remain silent until you have finished. Also there is no scoring for being on or off topic in IELTS speaking. You shouldn’t change the topic but you might want to add some interesting details which are not mentioned on your card.
  7. Part of fluency is your ability to speak at length but that doesn’t mean you must speak for 2 minutes. If you only speak for 1.5 minutes but during that time you speak without hesitation, you can still get a high score.
  8. There are four marking criteria in IELTS speaking (fluency, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation). These criteria are scored from your answers to ALL parts of the test. While part 2 is a good chance to show your fluency skills, your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation will still be assessed.
  9. Using idioms is not a sure way to get a high score. Idioms should be used appropriately and correctly and should definitely not be over used.
  10. This is absolutely correct advice. You need to expand your talk by adding more detail and descriptions. This website (IELTS Advantage) has a great strategy for developing your talk. I’m sure you will all find it useful.


Recommended for Speaking Part 2

Recommended IELTS Website

IELTS Advantage: A great website for IELTS tips and strategies.

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Maths: IELTS Speaking Topic

Maths is a topic that can appear in IELTS Speaking Part 1. This topic can also be called Calculations or Numbers. This has been a reported topic since 2015, appearing regularly in the IELTS speaking test.

Below are some questions with useful vocabulary so that you can prepare this topic.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions: Maths

When you prepare at home, don’t write your answers down. Instead, speak your answer out loud and record them on your phone. This way you are practicing more naturally and you can listen back to check your pronunciation and other aspects of language.

  • Are you good at maths?
  • Did you like mathematics when you were at school?
  • What was your teacher like?
  • What kinds of things did you learn in maths?
  • Did you use a calculator when learned maths?
  • Do you find it difficult to do calculations?
  • How do you calculate difficult sums?
  • Do you think maths is an important subject for children to learn?
  • Why do you think children should learn maths?

Useful Language for Maths Topic

  • calculate numbers / data / figures
  • adding up / addition (2 + 4 = 6)
  • subtraction / taking away (6 – 2 = 4)
  • multiplication  / multiplying numbers (multiplying = 2 x 3 = 6)
  • the multiplication table
  • division / dividing (dividing = 6 / 3 = 2)
  • long division (12,000 / 1,500 = 8)
  • estimating powers and roots for positive numbers
  • learning about decimals and fractions (decimal = 0.333 & fraction =  1/3)
  • algebra = learning about using letters and symbols in formulas
  • geometry = calculating angles in triangles or relationships between points on graphs or maps
  • proportions and rates of change
  • maths teaches people how to solve problems
  • maths teaches people how to interpret and understand data
  • maths teaches people how to do simple and complex calculations needed for everyday life

Model Answers

  • Question: Did you like maths when you were at school?
  • Answer: Yes, I did. I enjoyed it at the beginning when we were doing just simple sums but I went off it as we progressed on to complex calculations, like complex algebra and things like that.
  • Question: Did you use a calculator at school for studying maths?
  • We weren’t allowed a calculator for doing sums or long division and things like that. But we were allowed to use one for geometry and other complex calculations.

Speaking part 1 answers are not long. They are quite short, but you should still aim for at least two complex sentences for your answer. Your answer is likely to be shorter for a simple question and longer for a more complex question. In part 3, all your answers will be longer because the questions are more complex.

You can also see that language is very relaxed and natural. This is perfect for IELTS Speaking which is an informal test of your natural spoken English.



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Which part of IELTS speaking is most important?

Are all the parts of the IELTS speaking test equally important?

The IELTS speaking test is graded by your performance in all parts of the test. The examiner will check your English language using the 4 marking criteria for each part of the test.

Speaking Part 1

If you are strong in speaking part 1 but not in the other parts, then you will not get a good score. You must do well in all parts to get a good score.

Most of the questions are quite easy in part 1 and are about yourself or your country. So, doing well in this part is expected for high level students. If you give very short answers, for example “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”, you are not providing the examiner with a good range of language to assess. So, that means your potential score is not high when you enter part 2 and it will affect your overall score.

Speaking Part 2

In speaking part 2, the examiner has a chance to sit and listen to your English without interrupting. So, giving a short speech of only 1 minute gives you less chance to demonstrate the level of your English and less chance to show fluency. It is still possible to get a good score with only 1 mins or 1.5 mins speech but only if the language you use is very good  and your fluency is very strong during that time.

By the end of speaking part 2, the examiner has a rough idea of your band score. Adding more information and details to each prompt is a way of offering the examiner a broader range of your language ability. Description offers the examiner more vocabulary and fluency. Talking with feeling can offer better intonation. Explaining in detail can offer better sentence structures and grammar. Giving examples of the past and ideas for the future can offer more grammar tenses. Try to find ways to showcase your English in part 2.

Speaking Part 3

In speaking part 3, it is a chance for the examiner to ask more in depth questions which will require more skill in English to answer. The questions are abstract and about the world rather than yourself. This requires a better level of English to answer well.

This is a chance for you to boost your score by providing the examiner with a better range of vocabulary, grammar, fluency and pronunciation. Giving examples and detailed explanations of your ideas naturally produces better language which will help your score.

Will the examiner decide my score in the test or later on?

Your score will be decided by the examiner who conducts the test and the score will be given at the end of the test. By the end of speaking part 3, the examiner will have decided your score.

Does the examiner have model answers?

No, there are no model answers used for assessing you in the IELTS speaking test. Each student will use different English and give different answers. Your score is only calculated on the English language you produce – the level and range of your English and the accuracy of your English.

If I don’t answer one question, will it affect my score?

If you perform well and produce good English in the other questions, you can still get a good score. Struggling with only one question while the others are fine, should not affect your score adversely.

Will I get a low score if I can’t think of many ideas?

The IELTS speaking test only assess your English language, not your ideas. This is very different to the IELTS writing test. IELTS writing assesses your ideas, your answers, how you develop the ideas and how you present them. IELTS speaking only tests your vocabulary, grammar, fluency and pronunciation. See below for the band score descriptors.

Recommended for IELTS Speaking


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Newspapers: IELTS Speaking Questions and Model Answer

Below is a list of questions for newspaper that you can get in IELTS Speaking. There is a sample of questions for each part of the test. Two model answers are given at the bottom of the page.

Newspapers: Part 1 Questions

  • How do you usually get your news?
  • How often do you read the newspaper?
  • What type of news do you prefer to read?
  • Do most people in your country follow the news?
  • How do most people in your country access the news?
  • Do you pay much attention to headlines?
  • Do you think it is important to follow the news?

Newspapers: Part 2 Cue Card

Describe an article in a newspaper you have recent read.

You should say:

  • when you read it
  • where you read it
  • what it was about
  • and explain what you found interesting about it.

Newspapers: Part 3 Questions

  • What’s the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
  • Why do you think some people only skim read a newspaper?
  • Do you think headlines are important?
  • Which is more important – domestic or international news?
  • How have newspapers changed over the last few decades in your country?
  • Do you think everything we read in newspapers is true?
  • Do you think the government has the right to censor the press?

Model Answers

  • How do you usually get the news?
  • Well, it depends on my day. If I have time I buy a newspaper and read through most of the pages and articles but if I’m short of time, I just go online and take a quick look at the main headlines.
  • What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
  • Well, that’s an interesting question. I suppose one of the main differences is in the publication. What I mean is a newspaper is generally published daily whereas a magazine is published either weekly, monthly or quarterly. So, a newspaper is published more often than a magazine. Another big difference is in the content. A newspaper usually contains a range of subject matter from sports news to weather while a magazine is aimed at a specific target group such as readers who are interested in farming or something like that.



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IELTS Speaking Part 1: Camping

Below are some questions and a vocabulary for the topic of camping for IELTS speaking part 1. This topic can come in any part of the test although it is most common in part 1. This is a subtopic from the the topic of holidays.

Questions for Camping Speaking Part 1

  • Do you like camping?
  • Did you ever go camping when you were a child?
  • Is camping popular in your country?
  • Where do most people like to go camping?
  • Why do you think people like to go camping?
  • Do you think camping is popular for both men and women?
  • Why do you think children like to go camping?

Model Answers

Two different ways to answer the same question. Both answers offer the examiner a range of vocabulary suitable for the topic.

  • Question: Do you like camping?
  • Answer: Yes, I do. There’s something really exciting about being out in the forest, sleeping in a tent and cooking food over the campfire. It’s lovely to feel so close to nature. Unfortunately, I don’t get much chance to do it.
  • Answer: No, I don’t. I hate the idea of sleeping in a cramped tent and eating awful camp food. I would much prefer to sleep in a hotel where I had my own bathroom with a power shower. I honestly don’t know why people enjoy it.


Camping Vocabulary

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