Should your answers be long or short in IELTS Speaking? Are the answers different lengths for different parts of the speaking test? How long should my answer be? This page offers advice on the best length of your answer for each part of the IELTS speaking test. Learn how many sentences to use for IELTS speaking part 1 or how to expand your talk for IELTS speaking part 2. Learn how long your answer should be for IELTS speaking part 3.
IELTS Speaking Part 1: Length of Answers
Some people think that they must give only short answers in speaking part 1. Other people think you should expand all answers for all questions. Take a look at the answers below and then click on the advice tab to reveal advice about what is acceptable length.
Example Question Lengths – which answers are the right length?
- Question 1: Do you like cooking?
- Answer 1: Yes, I do.
- Question 2: Do you often cook?
- Answer 2: No, not really. I suppose I only cook about once a week.
- Question 3: What is your favourite meal?
- Answer 3: Well, it’s really hard to say. I actually enjoy all meals. I mean, breakfast is always great because it’s my first meal and I love eating loads of tropical fruit. But dinner has more elements to it including dessert. I’ve got such a sweet tooth. So, I really couldn’t choose.
Click below to learn which answer is a suitable length and get useful advice:
ADVICE & TIPS- Don’t limit your answer to only a few words or just one sentence. You need to show the examiner that you are willing and keen to speak at length. This is not just my advice, it is actually part of the marking for Fluency, which is 25% of your marks.
- Speaking part 1 does have simple questions, so the answers won’t be long. But they should be a decent length.
- Answer 1 is too short. The examiner can’t provide a good score if your answers are so short. Here is an example of what Answer 1 should be:
- Question 1: Do you like cooking?
- Answer 1: Yes, I do. I can’t say I’m any good at it, but I do enjoy it when I try. I’m not sure anyone really enjoys the meals I prepare though.
- Answer 2 is also a bit short. See the example:
- Question 2: Do you often cook?
- Answer 2: No, not really. I suppose I only cook about once a week. To be honest, I wish I cooked more often but I just don’t have time. I’ll have to make time somehow because home cooking is so much healthier.
- The answer to question 3 was a good length.
- The examiner can’t give you a good score, if you don’t show your English enough.
- Be chatty. It’s an informal speaking test.
- Be more natural with your answer.
- Speaking part 1 is 4 to 5 minutes in length for 12 questions. This means there are a lot of questions in a limited time. So, your answers won’t be long, but they definitely shouldn’t be very short.
- If you have strong fluency then don’t limit your answers to only two sentences. To get a high score in fluency, you must show you are able to speak at length without much effort.
- Speaking until your are interrupted.
- See this page for Speaking Part 1 Topics
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Answer Length
What happens if you don’t speak for 2 mins? Will you get a low score for fluency? See the advice below.
Typical IELTS Speaking Cue Card:
Describe a family celebration that you remember. You should say
– what you were celebrating
– who was present
– what happened
– and why you like that celebration
Length of your Talk
Take a look at the talk below to see the average length.
I’m going to describe my sister’s wedding day, which took place a few years ago in the town where I grew up. For my sister it was the biggest and most important day of her life.
I think there were around 100 people at the marriage ceremony, which was held in a church. Even more people came to the party, or the wedding reception as we call it, after the ceremony. Of course, most members of my family were there, as well as the groom’s family and a collection of the bride and groom’s friends and colleagues. The person I remember most was John because we hadn’t seen each other in over two years so that was a really pleasant surprise.
It was a wonderful wedding and quite lavish if I remember rightly. The wedding dress was incredible with layers of silk and lace. The cake was magnificent with detailed icing and it had about four tiers to it. It tasted amazing too, which is always the way with beautiful cakes. It was such a fun day but I can’t say anything particular happened. I mean, it was good weather, great food and the people were full of joy.
I’ve been to a number of weddings and celebrations in the past. This wedding isn’t my favourite in terms of events, but it was the most memorable because it was my sister who was getting married. To be honest, I prefer normal family get-togethers which are much more relaxed and a bit smaller so you get the chance to talk to people for longer. Next year, my cousin is getting married so I can’t wait for that.
Click below to see advice and tips about length of answer for part 2.
Advice and Tips- There are no questions on the topic card. There are prompts on the card. Prompts are there to guide you – nothing more.
- To give a full talk, you must add much more information to your talk rather than only follow the prompts.
- This is your main chance in the test to show your fluency. Use this opportunity and give lots of description and information.
- If the prompt asks “who was present”, you can add why they were there, how close you were to those people, how they travelled to the wedding, if there were any people you wished hadn’t gone, describe a person you clearly remember … You choose what extra information to add.
- Part of your preparation at home will be getting cue cards and practicing speaking for 2 mins. Always use your recording device (your phone) to record yourself so that you can play it back and work on improvement.
- See this page for Speaking Part 2 Topics
IELTS Speaking Part 3: How long should my answer be?
Is the answer below the right length?
Q. Is it better to get advice from a friend or from a family member?
A. I think it depends on the kind of advice that you need. Parents and grandparents probably have more life experience than a friend, and so you might get a wiser or more sensible answer from them. But they might not think on your level or understand your life as well as a friend. Also, friends are less likely to become too worried if you go to them with a problem. For example, I probably wouldn’t want to burden my parents with a financial worry but I’m pretty sure my friends won’t mind if I go to them with a problem like that. It’s easier to talk to friends and they don’t get so stressed out about things.
Click below:
Advice- The answer above a good length. It’s natural – typical of spoken English.
- When you prepare and practice answers for your speaking test, don’t write them down. Speak your practice answers into your phone to record them. We don’t write and speak in the same way so always speak your answers at home.
- It’s always good in speaking part 3 to give examples.
- Give more examples of when you would seek advice from grandparents – what kinds of problems would prompt you to ask for their help?
- It is always better in speaking to give more than you need to give, than to give less.
How long should my answers be in IELTS speaking?
If you have a lower level of English with many hesitations, your answers will be shorter. If you are a fluent talker, your answer should be longer – in fact it would be a shame to have fluent English and only give short answers.
Here is a link to an IELTS speaking practice test video. There is also a link in that lesson to a model speaking test. You will be able to see clearly how long my answers are: Practice Speaking Test Video