Answers to Rainforest Fires Listening

Below you will find the transcript and answers to this listening practice.

If you have not completed this lesson, please do so before looking at the transcript or answers. Click here: Rainforest Listening Lesson

Transcript to Rainforest Fires Listening Practice

Use the transcript to listen and read at the same time. This is a useful way to develop better listening skills and improve your pronunciation.


The Amazon rainforest—home to one in 10 species on Earth – is on fire. And as of last week, 9,000 wildfires were raging simultaneously across the vast rainforest of Brazil and spreading into Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru. The blazes are now burning in massive numbers, an 80 percent increase over this time last year. The fires can even be seen from space.

For the thousands of mammal, reptile, amphibian, and bird species that live in the Amazon, the wildfires’ impact will come in two phases: one immediate, one long-term.

Generally, in the midst of wildfire, animals have very few choices. They can try to hide by burrowing or going into water. They can be displaced. Or they can perish. In this situation, a lot of animals will die, from flames, heat from the flames, or smoke inhalation.

The entire ecosystem of the burning sections of rainforest will be altered. For example, the dense canopy of the Amazon rainforest largely blocks sunlight from reaching the ground. Fire opens up the canopy at a stroke, bringing in light and fundamentally changing the energy flow of the entire ecosystem. This can have cascading effects on the entire food chain.

Furthermore, environmentalists are also calling attention to the consequences that a burning Amazon—often called the lungs of the planet—would have on climate change.

Source: Read the full article at the National Geographic published Aug 23rd.


  2. SPACE
  3. AMPHIBIAN (This is not plural. If you wrote this as a plural, it would be marked wrong. You can see from the grammar in the question statement that this word needs to be singular: ” The fires affect thousands of mammal, reptile, ……..and bird species. ” – the words of each species is singular = mammal, reptile, bird” = singular. In this case, the following word in the list would also be singular. So, this isn’t just a case of listening skills, it is also about paying attention to grammar in the question statement given. Also note, if your spelling is wrong, the whole answer is marked as wrong.)
  5. FOOD CHAIN (note the word “food chain” is a compound noun written as two separate words. It cannot be written with a hyphen. The word count is only two – so you can’t use the word “entire” in your answer.)
  6. LUNGS (This is plural. If you wrote it without the “s”, it would be marked wrong.)

I hope you enjoyed this lesson 🙂 Remember, this topic can easily appear in writing task 2 or the speaking test. For more listening practice, click here: IELTS Liz’s Listening Section

All the best, Liz


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  1. Debbie says

    Hi Liz

    Thanks for all you do…
    Am really enjoying all your teachings on the four sections of the IELTS test.
    I scored 5 out of 6 because I did not pay close attention to hear when you mentioned food chain in the question.
    I’ll try better next time 😊

  2. I got 4/6
    I need to learn to pay more attention
    I wrote Phibian instead of amphibian
    And longs instead of Lungs. I couldn’t just relate with the information. More practice will help. Thanks so much

  3. Hello Liz,
    In this test I got 4/6. In number 4, I’v written “smoke” only. It could be correct or not?
    Anyway, I need some suggestion from you. I’m practicing listening for two weeks and I’ve been recording my score but I regate to inform you that my score is not improving at all, it’s around 24 although I need band 7.5. I’d be greatful if you could give me some tips to overcome this problem. I’m planning to seat for the test on last week of November.

    • For that question, you need both words. It is not just about smoke, it is smoke inhalation which means breathing in the smoke.
      How much analysis do you do with regards the questions you get wrong or right? Do you have a list of all the keywords and paraphrases used in each question you have done? Did you list a list of why you got each question wrong – for example, was it due to language or misunderstanding the context or technique. Only you can do this analysis. You’ve got to sit down and go through things more carefully. If the problem is that your English isn’t strong enough (such as paraphrasing), it could take time to improve. But if the problem is concentration or spotting keywords – all that comes with practice and analysis. Practice is not enough – you need to analyse.

  4. Thx a lot! Liz
    You are the best Ielts teacher I have ever met!

  5. Bhargav Shah says

    Thank You so much Liz.
    Your guidance is really fruitful.
    You try to make things seem easier.

  6. thanks so much for the lessons. i really appreciate your efforts

  7. Thanks very much !

  8. Sreeharinath Rangaraju says

    Thanks a lot

  9. Sameh Elkoussy says

    great lesson, thanks

  10. Excellent practice

  11. Thanks for the lecture ma, not happy I got 3 out of 6

  12. Phebe Vese says

    I got 5 out of 6. That’s an improvement

  13. Thank you so much Liz. This is very helpful. I got 5 correct answers.

  14. Marie Isis Bernales says

    I got 4 correct answer,I need to practice more,Thank you so much!

  15. Hi, Liz thanks for this listening drill. It helps me to be ready for the possibility that this topic might be included in the exam. By the way, tomorrow’s my sched for Speaking, then on Satuday for LRW.

    I have been listening to your You Tube Channel for 6 months! It’s very helpful!

    Thank you!

    More blessings for you!


  16. Thank you liz !it is very useful for .thanks for your concern .

  17. Nice lesson. very useful.

  18. Thank you Liz, this is helpful

  19. Hi Liz,
    Thank you so much for your lessons. I have been through your YouTube lessons and they are quite helpful. But, I still stuck at matching, in listening practice. Do you have any further tips? I actually have gone through your You tube lessons for the same, that wad really helpful but, I still get confused among the options….

    • Use the RED MENU BAR to access the listening section of the website and see all lessons and tips.

  20. No to complex as the academic ielts. Got all the answered correct. Thanks Liz. I think my worries are more with reading.

  21. Got 5 out of 6
    Just that tricky amphibian was my mistake!

    Thanks so much, Liz 🙂

  22. I still need more practice, although I got my answers all correct. Thank you Liz. My IELTS test is in a few days ( Sept.7 ) 💗💗💓💓.
    I’ve been studying for my test since the last three months.

    • Make sure you also practice using authentic IELTS tests from the IELTS Cambridge test books.

      • Yes Liz, thanks for the suggestion. I’ve been using the British Council material. But I’ll try your suggestion because I want to take IELTS test from time to time ( for personal satisfaction, maybe once/6mos ) regardless of what band score I’d be getting. It’s fun doing it!
        Thank you again.

  23. Hi Liz thanks alot for your help. I am still finding it difficult to get answer to true/ false question and also matching heading. What do I do? Thanks in anticipation.

  24. Mustapha says

    Thank you so much, i really appreciate it.
    When do we hyphenate words?

    • This is about compound nouns. Some are written as one word, some as two words and some are hyphenated – you can google a list and start learning them 🙂

  25. Maame Esi says

    I got four cuz I added an “s” to the “amphibian”. Thanks for the alert. Would have to listen carefully for singular n plural

  26. Anyanwu Augustina says

    Hi LiZ thanks for the lesson but I was trying to write my answers but the comments box couldn’t open, so when actually do you stop receiving answers,so that I can get it right. thanks.

  27. Dear Liz,
    You are doing a wonderful job! I am really a great fan of you. Thanks for all.
    You are kindly requested to write some sample essays of current topics.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Mukesh Parmar

  28. Bolanle says

    Thanks Liz
    Please I have a quick question, my answer for number 5 is ENTIRE FOOD CHAIN. Is it also correct?
    Really appreciate calling our attention to AMPHIBIAN. I got that wrong but I know better now.

  29. Hey Liz,
    Thanks for your materials, for this listening practice, for Question 3, amphibian, which is not a common word for us to know, what’s your suggestion about this situation? another thing is you said from the question, we should tell it should be singular, I don’t know why and how? could you give us a little more details about question 3, thanks

    • Most answers are common words in IELTS listening, so it shouldn’t be a common problems. I’ve added details to the answer key about the answer “amphibian”.

  30. Nisreen says

    Liz your website is v.helpful….
    Thanx for the free subscription…
    And yes the paid subscription was equally useful…
    Thanx once more!!

  31. Tolulope says

    Thank you Liz,God bless you!

  32. Hi liz, do we need to write our reading answers in all caps or first letter Cap


  33. Mustapha says

    My answer for question 5 was
    Entire food-chain. Will i be marked wrong?

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