Answer to yesterday’s lesson

Yesterday I posted a lesson about how to write your answers for listening and reading. Make sure you complete the lesson before checking the answers: How to write Answer for Listening & Reading


  1. a (the $ sign is already given so you don’t need to repeat it.)
  2. a ( you can’t paraphrase the answer in listening or reading. You must write the exact word from the passage. The word “access” isn’t in the passage and would be marked wrong.
  3. d (you can write the time in any way as long as it is clear to read. You can also write it in words if the word count allows)
    1. For question 3, I want you to pay attention to the instructions. The instructions do not say “no more than three words and/or Β a number”. The word number is plural = numbers. It is essential that you notice if you can have one number or more than one number. However, for the answer to this question the times given are actually counted as one number anyway – so no problem.

I hope you found that lesson useful πŸ™‚



  1. It’s brilliant, I really enjoyed it. As well as, I found a good progress on my reading and I’m so pleased because I’ve got a big problem with reading, but now I feel more confidence to do it.
    You’re amazing tutor.
    Thanks again.

  2. SAHIL SONI says

    Thanks Liz.
    I found the lesson useful.
    Best regards.

  3. Afsaneh says

    Hello Liz.
    My name is Afsaneh, TEFL student. I am working on a project about Multiple choice questions in IELTS ( listening section). Unfortunately I can’t find any real questions of Ielts on the internet ( can I?).Now I have a question: Does Cambrige IELTS 1-11 ( cambridge publication) consist of actual questions of Ielts? or whether they are valid and reliable as real exams? it is said-for example- that ” IELTS 11 contains authentic exams” what do they mean by authentic??
    I eagerly await for your response

    • The IELTS Cambridge books have been published by IELTS. They are the ONLY REAL exam papers which exist to the public. They are past exam papers – exams which have already been used in the IELTS test and have been written by IELTS. You can find some one real test for free on the official ielts sites. See this page for links:

  4. Francois says

    Hi Liz, thanks for all your lessons. I just sat the exam today and now I’m a bit concerned about my chances to get a band score 6 in the writing which is what I need.
    I just realised that in task 2, I was asked to agree or disagree with a statement, but even when I actually expressed my opinion in both introduction and conclusion, I think I might have made a mistake throughout the body of the essay. In the first paragraph I referred to why I would agree with the statement and in the second, I wrote about why would I disagree…
    Do you think I stand any chance of getting a band score 6?

    • For an opinion essay it is important to present a clear position and keep that position throughout your essay. If you don’t do that, it will affect your score for Task Response which is 25% of your marks for task 2. So, you still have plenty of opportunity to score high in the other three marking criteria for task 2 and also in task 1. Just wait for your results!

  5. Nazia says

    Dear lizz you r such a great help πŸ’•πŸ’•so kind of uuπŸ’Ÿ

  6. MillieOnz says

    Another tricky IELTS technique! Omg! I got all the answers right, but I wonder how it’ll be when you read and listen under time pressure. I had to go back and forth to check for the best answer!

    Thanks so much, Liz!

    • I can easily give you confidence in that! Of course, you need to listen and write down answers at the same time in IELTS listening. But you are given an extra 10 mins to transfer your answers to the answer sheet and this is the time when you check how the answers should be written. You can review the answers and review the questions. I’m positive you will be fine with that as you are already checking and getting it right πŸ™‚ IELTS don’t want their test to be tricky and this is why you have the extra 10 mins πŸ™‚

  7. Bassey says

    Thank you ma’am!Your tips have been extremely helpful.Am anticipating more of them.Thanks in advance.

  8. Jainy says

    thanks mam… it was really a useful lesson

  9. Anitha says

    Thanks so much!!!waiting for the next lesson 😊

  10. Estee says

    Thanks very useful

  11. Linda says

    Thank you very much Liz, the lesson you gave its so useful,you know what we need. You are a great teacher!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

  12. Yahya says

    Thank you so much teacher Liz

  13. abass folashade says

    Thanks, very helpful

  14. Mojisola Nwankpa says


  15. Thank you soo much …it was useful.

  16. Thanks for the tips, Just did my speaking test few hours ago. The questions was quite awesome. Used rage of vocabs, linking words and was able to give a my opinions appropriatly, but during the test I paused a little finding the right words although in few instances, also I realised that I answered in a fast rate unconsciously.Liz I hope this shortcomings wont let my score down?. MY GOAL IS A 7 BAND

    • Your score is based on an overall performance and allows for simple errors or nerves. Good luck with your results ! πŸ™‚

  17. adelia says

    thank you so much

  18. Sammy says

    Tanxs alot

  19. Fikirte Zewdu says

    Thank you so much!

  20. Randhir says

    Thank you so much. This is very useful.

  21. Thanks mam

  22. Thank you very much it was really informative and useful,

  23. Mpolokeng says

    Thank you this is helpful indeed.Please give us more questions.

  24. Vashisht says

    Thanku πŸ™‚

    waiting for next task!

  25. Kanwarinder Singh Rana says

    refer to your answers, it is found in some books that answers of Listening/Reading can be synonyms as well,could you please clarify the doubt?

    • Not in IELTS. Make sure you always use the IELTS Cambridge test books from 1 to 11 – don’t use other test books.

      • Aditya says

        Pardon me for going slightly off the topic. I saw a post on quora, the guy said cambridge 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 should be done first and then 1,2,3,4. can you plz elucidate why is this so ? Also these books have only one gen module test. So i was thinking whether to practice academic tests (passages) so that I’m designed at higher level. But it shattered my confidence last night when I check my answers πŸ™‚

        • The books are in order of when they were published. Book 1 was published a long time ago. Although the test hasn’t changed, it is always best to start with the most recent exam papers – book 11. This means the order only relates to the age of the exam papers – you choose how to use them and you choose the order to use them in. If you can only afford to get two books, get the most recent if possible. Each book should have two GT reading and writing tests.

      • Chibuzor says

        Thank you for your useful advice and building our confidence daily. Please, why do you want us to only use ielts Cambridge not other?

        • Because the IELTS Cambridge books are real tests published by IELTS. They are real tests. All other test books and also my exercise lessons are written by other people. I write my own practice lessons for students – of course they are useful to learn from but you still need to use real IELTS tests. Authentic materials are one of the most important parts of preparing for IELTS. See the video on my main page:

          • Mojisola Nwankpa says

            Thanks so much,however I need help in the area of tasks and 2 especially how to start the illustration after introduction.

            • I don’t know what you mean by “illustration after introduction”. After your introduction, you have body paragraphs which contain organised main points. Each main point is explained in full.

  26. monir says

    Thanks.This was useful for me πŸ™‚

  27. thank you very much the lessons are helpful. Send us more

  28. seun says

    thank you ma. it was an eye opener

  29. Aditya says

    Thanks Liz ! I need a speaking practice partner. Plz ping me on my skype id – adityakulkarni2006. Ive got 3 weeks

  30. Thank u.

  31. Zaher says

    Thanks so much for kindly explanation and clarification about the answers.waiting for new precious tips from you.

  32. HENRY KADZUWA says

    Many thanks for the tips provided in the answers, I salute you, Liz.

  33. Fetie says

    I am looking forward to hearing from you for any other tests or questionaries .☺️☺️☺️

  34. Fetie says

    Yes they were helpful a lot.

  35. Shazia says

    Thank you so much Liz .This lesson is very useful.

  36. Sazan says

    Thank you a lot .

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