Speaking Part 1 Topic: Plants

Below are a few questions for the IELTS speaking part 1 topic of plants. This is a current topic in the IELTS speaking test.

Plant Questions: IELTS Speaking Part 1

  1. Do you like plants?
  2. Do you know a lot about plants?
  3. Have you ever had a plant?
  4. Did you ever grow a plant as a child?
  5. Would you ever give a plant as a gift?
  6. Why do people like plants in their house?
  7. Do you have a garden?
  8. Do you know how to cultivate plants?


Click below to visit the vocabulary page for this topic:

Plant Vocabulary & Model Answers

Tip: you are not expected to know specialist knowledge about plants – keep your answers personal and friendly. Be descriptive and chatty.

Other Speaking Topics

See common topics: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Common Topics

Also review the recent questions page: Current Topics & Questions

All the best


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Subtitles or Dubbing: Film Question for IELTS Speaking

Recent I posted a list of questions for the topic of Film that appears frequently in IELTS speaking part 1, part 2 and part 3. You can see the full list of questions for film on this page: Film IELTS Questions

The question below is one of the common  questions and some students asked me to offer a model answer for it.


  • Is it better for a foreign film to be dubbed or subtitled?


Dubbing: to replace the original language of the film and use voice actors of the country viewing it

Subtitles: to have a translation of the foreign film written on the screen throughout the movie, but keep the original language of the movie.

Model Answer

I think subtitles are best for documentaries and slow paced movies, but fast paced action movies should be dubbed because it is too distracting to read the subtitles and watch the action at the same time.

Further Points:

Dubbed Films

  1. Films that are dubbed help you learn a foreign language.
  2. Changing the language also means altering the experience of the film.
  3. Some times the voice actors for dubbed movies do not match how the character looks.
  4. Dubbing can be annoying to see the actors’ lips moving at a different pace to the words spoken by the voice actor.
  5. Cartoons and animated films can easily be dubbed.
  6. subtitles sometimes take up too much of the screen so you can’t see everything.


  1. If you are reading the script of the movie, you miss the expressions of the actors and the dramatic scenes.
  2. Not all countries can afford to pay voice actors to dub all films. Subtitles are cheaper.
  3. It is good to hear the real voices of the actors in the movie.
  4. Children can lose interest in a film that has subtitles and can’t read fast enough.

Your Opinion

  1. Do you think foreign films should be dubbed or subtitled?


Feel free to post your answers below in the comments box below.

Sharing ideas is one way to help you all develop.

All the best



IELTS Cue Card Meaning

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cue Card Topics

Many students have written to me about whether or not they can ask the examiner to explain the cue card topic in IELTS speaking part 2. Other students ask if they can change the topic of the cue card.

Understanding IELTS Cue Cards

  1. Do you think you can change the cue card topic?
  2. Can you ask the examiner to explain the topic if you don’t understand?


The examiner will give you the cue card with the main topic and prompts underneath. Here is an example:

An outing that didn’t cost anything. You should say:

  • when it was
  • where you went
  • who was with you
  • what you did
  • how you felt about it

You will also be given a piece of paper and a pencil to make notes. You will have one minute to prepare. During that 1 min, the examiner will remain silent. At the end of 1 min, the examiner will ask you to start speaking. You should aim to speak for 2 mins.

Can you change the cue card?

No, you can’t. You are given the IELTS cue card and then you start preparing. There is no chance to change it.

Can you ask the examiner to explain it?

No, you can’t. The examiner is not allowed to help you at this time. The cue card is given to you for your preparation time and also for your talking time. At no point, can the IELTS examiner explain in part 2 speaking.

What if you don’t understand?

  1. Then you must try to speak about something you think is similar. You can explain your choice when you start speaking. Also follow the prompts so that the examiner doesn’t think you are trying to change the topic completely.
  2. Most cue cards are simple topics. They rarely contain language that is complicated. Common cue card topics: a meal you enjoyed, a book you read, an item of clothing you like, your favourite season, a place near water etc. Very easy to understand.
  3. You are not marked on your choice of subject. If you get “a place near water”, you could talk about a place near the sea, a place near a river or just a place near a swimming pool. It really doesn’t matter. The examiner is only interested in your spoken English.
  4. The topic above “an outing that didn’t cost anything” is similar to “an activity that was free”. This is about leisure time activities that do not cost money (no fee was paid) – going to the park, having a picnic, playing badminton in the garden, going to the beach etc.

All the best



IELTS Speaking Topic: Films

The topic of films is common for IELTS speaking part 1, part 2 and part 3.

IELTS Questions for Films

Part 1

  • Do you often watch films?
  • What kind of films do you like?
  • Are foreign films popular in your country?
  • Do men and women usually like the same kinds of films?

Part 2

Talk about a film you enjoy

  • what type of film it is
  • when you first saw it
  • what it is about
  • why you like it

Part 3

  1. Do you think subtitles are better than dubbing for foreign films?
  2. Why do some people prefer watching a film in the cinema rather than at home?
  3. What makes a film successful?
  4. Do you think film stars are more important than special effects?
  5. What kinds of films are not suitable for children?

Film Vocabulary

It is important that you learn different genre of film.

How many genre do you know?

Click here: FILM TYPES  to get a listening practice lesson and learn the different film types.

All the best


Newspaper Questions for You

Hi guys.

The topic of newspapers is a common topic for IELTS speaking and IELTS writing.

I would like to check how much you know about the contents of a newspaper.

Newspaper Questions

  1. What is an obituary?
  2. What is the most popular section of the newspaper in your country?
  3. Why do some people only skim the headlines?
  4. Do you think newspapers will one day be completely replaced by online news?


Post your answers in the comments box below.

I will post sample answers with extra vocabulary tomorrow.

All the best


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Sample IELTS Speaking Test May 2018

Below is a full IELTS speaking test this month, May 2018. The questions were reported by a student.

IELTS Speaking Test May 2018

You can find both Questions & Recordings below for the IELTS speaking test May 2018.

Use the audio recording to listen to the questions and practise at home. Just pause the recording after each question and answer them out loud. Always record your answers so you can listen back and improve them.

Speaking Part 1


  • What is your job?
  • How long have you been doing your job?
  • What do you do at your work?
  • How was your first day at your work?


  • What entertainment activities are available for children in your country?
  • Do children get bored with same activities?
  • Is it difficult for parents to find new activities?
  • What do children gain from doing activities?


  • Do you like having plants in your house?
  • Did you look after any plants when you were younger?
  • Do you think plants are a good gift for you or not?

Note: If you do not work, the examiner will choose a different topic – usually study. If you do not work or study, the examiner will ask you about home or hometown. Always be direct and honest in your answers.

Speaking Part 2


Cue Card: A comic actor who is popular in your country

  • Who he is
  • What type of person he is
  • How you came to know about him
  • Why he is popular

Rounding Off Q) Are your family members and friends like this actor?

IELTS Speaking Part 3


  1. Why are some film personalities so famous?
  2. Why do you think some youngsters try to copy film stars?
  3. Is it a good or bad thing for them to copy stars?
  4. Are famous personalities rich in your country?
  5. How they spend their money?
  6. Do you think they spend their money wisely?
  7. What is the difference between films stars in the past and films stars nowadays?
  8. Do you think film stars have the right to privacy?

Note: In part 3, the examiner will decide how many questions to ask you. The examiner controls this aspect of the test, not you. The examiner has many questions and can adapt the questions depending on your previous answer.

Note: There are many topics for IELTS speaking May to Aug 2018. However, these questions can be repeated – always prepare recent and common topics.

IELTS Speaking Information & Tips

IELTS Speaking Information

  • The test is 11 to 14 mins in length (not more and not less)
  • The examiner controls the time and the length of the answers
  • You are marked based on 4 criteria, each worth 25%
    • fluency & coherence
    • vocabulary
    • grammar
    • pronunciation
  • It is an informal speaking test
  • Not all examiners a smiley – be prepared for that

IELTS Speaking Tips

  1. Be natural in the test – be chatty, friendly and open
  2. There are no right or wrong answers – just opportunities to talk
  3. Always add more to your answers – show the examiner you are willing to speak in English
  4. Prepare ideas and your own personal memories for recent and common topics
  5. Don’t worry if the examiner interrupts your answer – it’s normal
  6. In part 1, the examiner will tell you the topic “Lets talk about films”
  7. In part 2, you should add more information than appears on the card
  8. In part 2, the examiner will:
    1. give you pen and paper to prepare your ideas
    2. tell you when to start speaking
    3. tell you when to stop speaking
    4. the examiner controls the time, not you – just keep talking
  9. In part 3, explain what you mean with examples and detail – be ready for the examiner to challenge your answer – it is a discussion
  10. You can ask the examiner to repeat the question if you want – it’s fine
  11. See May to Aug 2018 Speaking Part 2 Topics

I hope this is useful for you all. See the main pages below for more tips, answers and free lessons.

All the best


Main IELTS Pages

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IELTS Speaking: Using Sir or Madam

Hi guys,

I have had many students asking me how to address the examiner during the speaking test. Let me check what you think and what you understand.


  • Do you think it is ok to call the examiner “Sir” or “Madam” in the speaking test?


Post your answer below.

I’ll post my answer on tomorrow.

All the best


Notice: Please remember that I am actually on holiday until May for health reasons – I might extent that holiday if I am not well enough at that point. But this month I will post a couple of lessons for you. Also remember that I do NOT offer a question/answer service on this website. There are over 10,000 comments waiting approval – I can’t answer all questions.

Model Answers for Speaking Part 3: Topic of Toys

The topic of Toys is currently being used in IELTS speaking part 2 (a childhood toys) and part 3 this month. Below you will find some model answers for this topic for speaking part 3 questions. These model answers will provide you with ideas and vocabulary to use in your answers. You should never memorise my model answers. All your answers must be created by yourself in the IELTS test.

On this page you can find:

  • A) Questions with Model Answers
  • B) Useful Vocabulary with Pronunciation Audio
  • C) Tips for Speaking Part 3

Questions & Model Answers: Toys

What should be considered when buying toys for children?

I reckon one important thing to think about is the age of the child. If a child is only a couple of years old, you shouldn’t give them toys which contain small parts that could be swallowed and cause the child to choke. Another thing to consider is whether the toy will continue to entertain the child for a certain period of time. What I mean is, if the toy will only interest a child for 5 minutes, it isn’t really worth buying. It’s better to choose something that they will enjoy for months or years.

How have toys changed compared to the past?

I guess the main change is in electronic toys or battery operated toys. In the past, people used to only give simple toys to their children that were often handmade. Nowadays, people prefer mass produced toys that are the recent trend. Those types of toys are often exciting electronic toys, such as computer games. Another difference is that toys decades ago were often so simple that children had to use their imagination and creativity to find enjoyment in using them. I think today’s toys stimulate less creativity in children on the whole.

Why do parents buy a lot of toys for their children?

I guess some parents are materialistic. They think that if they buy many toys for their kids, they are being a good parent. Another reason is that children have short attention spans which means that some parents buy toys to keep their child quiet and out of their way. But I think the main reason is probably the power of advertising and peer pressure which drive children to want more toys and pushes parents to buy them.

Is it good for children to play with toys?

Yes, I think so. Some toys that can be bought are educational and are very important for early learning. Educational toys provide a great way for children to develop skills, such as spatial awareness, motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Furthermore, toys can give children a safe way to explore the world and learn about colours, shapes and textures. However, I must admit that some toys for older children, such as computer games, can become addictive and, at that point, those types of toys are not beneficial.


Useful Vocabulary & Pronunciation

Learn useful words for the topic of toys and listen to the audio to learn the correct pronunciation.

  • creativity
  • imagination
  • motor skills
  • social skills
  • spatial awareness
  • choke on small parts
  • battery operated toys
  • recharging batteries
  • computer games
  • wooden toys
  • dolls
  • rules of the game
  • hand-made toys / mass produced toys
  • materialism
  • consumerism
  • to keep someone quiet
  • to keep someone entertained
  • to keep someone out of the way
  • board games, chess
  • educational toys
  • become addictive

Learn more about the topic of toys. See this website about educational toys for children: childdevelopmentinfo.com

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Tips

Length of answer

Keep talking until the examiner interrupts you. The examiner will decide if it is time to change the focus of the answer or to ask a new question completely. Speaking part 3 answers are longer than in part 1.


Explain your ideas and view point. Give examples. You are not marked on your examples or ideas, but you need to show the ability to tackle complex ideas using English.

Avoid talking about yourself

Part 1 and part 2 are about you. However, part 3 questions are mostly about world issues. You need to show the examiner you can talk about more than yourself. You need to show the ability to talk about people and the world in general.

Challenging ideas

The examiner might challenge your ideas. This is a way for the examiner to test your English and check that you are able to defend your view point.


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