Alphabet Practice for Spelling

Alphabet practice for spelling is designed to review the pronunciation of letters for accurate spelling. It’s an easy lesson but worth reviewing to refresh your pronunciation and accuracy for IELTS listening section 1.

Alphabet Review

 A  B   C   D  E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L  M   N   O   P   Q  R   S   T   U  V   W   X   Y   Z  


Similar Letters Practice

Listen to the pronunciation of the following similar letters.

  1.  B / P
  2. D / T
  3. S / X
  4. J / G
  5. M / N
  6. K / Q
  7. U / Y
  8. V / W
  9. Z (UK pronunciation & US pronunciation)


Practice Listening for Letters

Write down the letter you hear. There will be 15 letters given. Each letter will be said only once.


  1. S
  2. T
  3. P
  4. R
  5. U
  6. G
  7. I
  8. A
  9. Q
  10. X
  11. J
  12. B
  13. C
  14. F
  15. N



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  1. Hi Liz! thanks for much for sharing these spelling listening practice for free!
    My first language is Spanish, and as such, vowels are the most difficult to get right, as in English they are pronounced very differently, but similar to other vowels in Spanish, so I mix them up! A/I, E/I, I/U, O/U.
    Funny thing is that I can spell them, but only if I am focusing 100% and take my time, which is quite difficult while doing the listening test! And also, when I am spelling my name and address I am so slow, sometimes I make mistakes too, it’s embarrasing because English speakers think its easy!
    If you ever publish an activity that has vowel spelling exercises I would be more than grateful and could be very useful for my fellow Spanish speakers.
    Have a lovely day!

    • One day, I hope to start an English Liz Youtube channel so that I can focus on pronunciation, vocab, grammar, idioms etc. I’ll post a notice on this site when I launch my channel – but it will take a while.

  2. Linhtrang says

    Hi Liz,
    When I found your website, I was really happy. I still can not believe that there is a web that helps candidates for free. Anyway, I love the way you smile and say it’s would be okay on each video. Thank you a lot.
    Love you,
    The girl from Vietnamese

    • You’re welcome. Enjoy my site 🙂

      • Amaechi Amaka says

        Thanks ma for the techings

        • Ibrahim says

          hi teacher Liz,
          when I found website browser and I told by classmates in the center while I started preparation IELTS test step by step across her lesson and I really very beneficial her tip and a lot of practice .
          Thank you so much to shared the lesson free teacher Liz .
          best regards,

  3. Manavi says

    Hi Liz,

    I just love the way you explain with examples and the effort you are putting to make us understand English language is commendable!
    I need your advice, I want to take as many as possible Mock Tests for all 4 skills, Would appreciate if you can guide from where I can get lots of mocks after which I should be ready to sit for exam.(the real tests kind of mocks)


  4. jeffery says

    i have been scared about my test, now i am confident i will be successful. i have found a goldmine, i will be here consistently for then head to the exam center. thank you liz.

    • I’m glad you found my site. Use the HOME page to access sections of the test you need or the RED MENU BAR. Good luck 🙂

  5. Hi Liz!!

    This is amazing, the information on your website is just what i needed to get ready for my first try at IELTS, i feel confident now that i know what to expect.

  6. Hi Liz,

    I see your website as pretty informative and able to understand about the listening section tips but when I was about to practice, I see a notification popping up. It says Alert: Content is protected !!

    May you please fix the issue.

    Thank you,

    • It is fine to learn and practice on my site, but all lessons and tips are to be used online only.

  7. Phunmee says

    Thanks for this alphabeth listening lesson..I really gained a lot.God bless

  8. Abbas Hitawala says

    If the instruction says ‘No more than 2 words AND/OR a number’, does it imply that the following are acceptable forms of answer ’25 South Avenue’ – In this answer, 25 would be a number and South Avenue are two words -thus making it valid? (2 words and a number)? I am in this dilemma and really need your expert advice.

  9. Damla says

    Dear Liz,

    Besides these similar letters, a/i and c/s are the letters that I most confused while doing practicing 🙁

  10. Thank you very muck <3

  11. Chand says

    I love your work. You are nice teacher…

  12. Nice presentation Maam

  13. Hlo mam
    Your videos are very helpful for me. Thank you for this video. Because I am confused between two letter (a) and (e). Can you send me one full test of listening. Because my test is on 11 November. So please can you help me.
    I would be grateful if you could reply me.

    • You can find a free full listening test on this page: But I also recommend you buy the IELTS Cambridge books 9 – 12 which contain real IELTS tests for you to practise before your test.

      • Omme_hashmi says

        Hi Liz….
        Love ur Lectures so much…..They r so beneficial…..Can u plzzz tel me where I can get the IELTS Cambridge books 9_12?????

        • Omme_hashmi says

          My test is on 11 November…..I just started prearing since 4 days because I booked the date for test one week before…..I’m so worried because I have very less time…..can u plzzz guide me….would it be enough if I go through all ur lectures just once as only 4 days r left for test ???? THANK U SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL LESSONS…….😊

          • Take a look at each main page of this website which is accessed through the red bar at the top of the website.

            • Omme_hashmi says

              Is it necessary to write the first letter Capital while transferring answers to the answer sheat???? For example the answer in completing the sentence was chemicals…..should we write Chemicals or chemicals???? Thanks in advance…..
              Sorry another question is if I didn’t have a look on IELTS Cambridge books would that affect my preparation & scoring high????

        • You can buy them online or ask a student if they have them or try to find them locally.

          • Dear Liz,

            Please what is the best way to answer a question that has two separate answers in it? With a comma, slash or with nothing (i.e just a space)?

            For example, Cambridge IELTS 9 test 2 (on you tube) has an answer like that (No 12) and they used a slash. Doesn’t a slash mean either or?

            • You don’t need anything at all. It isn’t wrong to use a slash or a comma, but it isn’t necessary. If the answer is two words, just write those two words clearly – that is all that is needed.

  14. Hi Liz,
    Firstly, thanks for your helpful tips. Coming to my question I attempted a mock test online for listening and an answer to one question was ‘color’ and I wrote it exactly but was marked wrong as the correct answer was ‘colour’. In the next mock when I wrote ‘colour’ to another question it was still marked wrong because the correct spelling was ‘color’. I’m confused please help me with the correct word.

  15. Hi Liz, thank you for your lessons and advice. I am looking for a website to practice spelling out, but i only find general spelling websites. I only want to practice spelling out, letter by letter, like in IELTS listening test about names. Do you know if there is any website to practice that? (I already checked your useful websites section, and no site in there is what I am looking for)
    Thank you in advance!

  16. Roxana says

    How can I download your audios for my classes?

    • At present I don’t have that option, you will need to play them online. Next year I will try to organise extra resources for IELTS teachers which can be downloaded.

  17. Kanchan Chowdhury says

    How to differentiate B and V?

  18. jibran says


  19. can u check page alphabet, it is impossible play sound

  20. Dear Liz,

    I learnt three years of English at Algeria University (Civilization) but I still have difficulties in listening beacause we did not practice that skill at all during 03 years.

    Could you advice.

    Many thanks

  21. swaroop says

    Hi Liz
    i am appearing for IELTS ,exam one month after, iam practising exam with cambridge english IELTS books and i notice that reading is very hard for me to get in, where as, i am able to get 26 marks out of 40 in listing test and its very hard to get 10 marks in reading and coming to writing and speaking. iam capable of doing it to some extends , so i am wondering how to improve my reading skills even though i watched all your videos and videos on reading in youtube which doesn’t make much influence on my reading skills., pls help me in getting nice band score in READING., thanks for your time., pls help me.,

  22. hi .. i want to ask some questions:
    1. can i write all the answers in capital letters in listening test? like if its Sweden then can i write SWEDEN..all the answers like this..
    2.can i do the whole paper with pencil (reading,writing,listening)
    3. reading test is much difficult for me.m good in listening as well as i can write ..but in reading i dont know whats wrong i dont understand either to read the whole passage or reading of questions first..specially in true false notgiven..
    m doing self study and taking test this month..

  23. Le Hoang says

    Dear Liz,

    Thank for your lesson of differentiating two similar letters: B and P. Actually, I used to find this difficult. However, after visiting your site, it is no longer my challenge.

  24. Husmukh says

    Hi Liz,
    Your voice is very charming and your advice / tips and this site is very useful.
    Thanks for helping us.

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